Greetings, my children I bring to each and everyone the love of The Father.
I think it would be good that we tell of the early phase of the life of Jesus as a child. This too, is a story that has never been written.
As it is in your life, so too has it been in His. All the different phases, different disappointments, the joys and (we will not say the sorrows) the compassion. All the different things that have happened to you and to Him.
So, we take an early phase of the life of Jesus. As a child going to school, going into the little back streets in Bethlehem, into a little temple to visit a wise old man. This then was the child of, as you know it in your world, nine or ten years old. I give this age so that you will realise how young this child was when He gave His first healing.
Firstly, the child would go to the wise old man and He would be there for many hours listening, asking questions just like an ordinary child filled with curiosity. Trying to find out the why’s and the wherefores of the world at that time. This old man was very patient and he taught much to the child Jesus in the ways of life upon earth at that time.
He said to this child,“Go forth and know that inspiration from the Higher Self will always guide you.” Remember, my children that Jesus was born with a life of complete perfection and even in the schools He was already educated. He was a “wonder child”. He could find the answers. He did not have to learn or work them out – the answers were there in His mind.
You might say, “He was so cleaver that He did not need this education”. But, as I said before, He had to go through life in the same manner as an ordinary child. For, do not forget it was a pattern that He was following, the pattern of life upon this earth plane.
And so He wondered forth into the streets. He did not play with other children because His mind was always so active. But He associated with the children and He spoke to them for they always came around Him. Remember, that He vibrated love. They would ask Him many questions and He would give them the answers for even at this tender age He was a teacher.
And so it was that, when wandering quietly on His own through the little streets amongst the poorer class of people to whom He was always attracted, a little girl ran in front of Him. She knew that this was a very great child - they all knew and they looked up to Him.
As she ran in front of Him laughing and playing, she fell and her knee was hurt. The skin was broken and there was a lot of blood. She cried and He came to her and said, “Why do you cry?” and she said, “oh, my friend, my knee is so sore”. He said, “But, it is not sore any more”, and He passed His hand over the knee and it was healed.
With tears running down her face she looked up at Him and said, “But you are so wonderful, how can you do this for me?” And He said, “This I will do for all”. He then took her by the hand and they walked happily along.
They went into a park where there was a beautiful garden full of lovely flowers. They admired the flowers and Jesus said to the little one, “You can talk to the flowers, they will know and understand.” The little one laughed and said, “No, you cannot talk to the flowers. They will not know”. “But I say that they can”,said Jesus. He went to a beautiful rose and said, “In all your beauty, in all the beautiful fragrance you send out so that all should admire you and praise you, bow your head to me”. And the rose did so and then it raised its head again.
This girl, who was only a little girl, put both her hands in His and said,”Do this again”. But He said, “No, we cannot do this to the same flower. We will go to another one.” So they found a flower of a different kind and again Jesus praised it for its beauty and its fragrance that it gave out into the world so that all who saw it would admire it. Because He was showing His appreciation of the beauty of this flower, He said to it, “Bow your head to me”, and the flower did and raised its head again.
The little girl was so happy and said, “I will do this”, and He said,”Yes, you can do this too”. He watched as she went to a flower and in the way Jesus had done, she said, “Please Mr. Flower, bow your head to me”. But the flower did not respond and turning to Jesus she said, “You see, you cannot talk to flowers. They do not understand.” But He said, “My child, I showed you that they do”, and she replied, “Then why is it that this flower did not do this for me?”
In explanation Jesus said, “First you must speak with expression of love. You must mean what you say. You must inwardly in all sincerity, in all truth admire the beauty of the flower and praise it and then the flower will do this for you”.
She now wanted to know why this was so and He said, “Because the flower is also a living thing and it will feel when it is plucked or when it is broken and that it too shall die if it is in any way damaged.
“So, all this has life and can live and there is a vibration. This vibration has an understanding. It has a mind though it does not think the way you do. It is not so much developed, but it has a mind to know when the expression of gratitude and appreciation is shown to it. It is a vibrational contact with the plant or the trees or any growth”.All this Jesus explained, to this child, and she said to Him, “You are so clever. How do you know all this?” She knew that He was a very clever person but she did not realise how clever.
So they went from one plant to another. They went to the trees and He said to the child, “My little one, would you like me to let the leaves of this tree come down?” She said, “I would love it, if you can do that”. “Well, we will try”.
He looked up at this beautiful tree that spread its branches so wide, which gave so much shade and He said to the tree, “You are so beautiful. You bring so much protection from the heat of the day. You bring the colours, the peace and harmony to the world when they lie down under your boughs to rest.” “You see”, He said to the child, “There are always the prayers of appreciation”. And He said to the tree, “Shower us with your leaves”. And, as like a wind that blew, the tree shook and the leaves fell.
My friends, this is to show to you the many things you can do in your life. It may be that you cannot go into a garden and talk to the trees and flowers, but remember that, after you have planted little trees or plants and you find that they are not growing so well, you can talk to them. I have seen this done in your world of today, by those who understand The Fathers vibration in everything. You can even pray for the plants. This was done and proved in a part of your world, not so long ago, by a man who also loved flowers and prayed to The Father for love and guidance.
He had a priceless flower given to him. It was cherished and then, it drooped, and no matter what he tried to do, it would not revive. So he said, “As The Father created all things, so He created them living, and if this be so then there must be life as life is vibration. If it is vibration, it is Spirit, so I pray to The Father to grant me the power of speaking to this plant so that it shall receive and hear and demonstrate for me, in perfection.”
He put His hands over the plant and prayed. He did this when the sun was shining on it and he said, “My little plant, the sun that brings the rays of warmth and light shines upon you to bring to you the restoration of life. Know then that you are created by the ever-Divine Spirit of God. Why should you droop? You have no need; you have no cross to bear.”
He left it at that, He thought no more and He did not worry about that. The next day He came to the little plant and the leaves that had drooped had come up just a little bit. He spoke to it and said; “Now listen, you have the Spirit developing within you and you shall survive”. He thanked The Father for the guidance that had been given to Him and to this little plant and He went away and thought no more about it. The next day He went again to see the plant and once again it showed signs of reviving.
This went on until it became a beautiful flower with beautiful foliage and he called this His “Christ” plant because He said that Christ has restored his plant to life and energy. So let it be proved unto you that the Spirit, which is within and around can still be put to good use. It is there simply for the asking in all faith, in all positiveness to know that “that for which ye ask, so shall ye receive”. It rests with you that when you ask, you ask in all faith and sincerity and know that it shall be so.
As a small child, Jesus knew this only too well. He knew the life, He knew the vibrations. He knew the vibrational contact between Him and His people. Until this day, it has never been altered. It is still the same. But it is only that when you ask so shall you see that that which you have asked for shall be demonstrated unto you. Do not, for one moment, let the mind go back into a negative part, Keep it positive.
Why is it said that a little child shall lead them? Only because a child’s mind is so pure and when once it realises, from infancy, that God is someone great, someone whom it can ask for something, it has its pure faith in knowing that it will be given. Let your mind be more like that of a child than of a grown up, with all its doubts and uncertainties, with all its criticisms and jealousies, all its negative emotions.
As time goes on and you persist in this, it will come easily to you, this pure faith. You are then living in the Christ Spirit. This is the only way you can accomplish that which your heart desires and I know that the desire within the heart is for peace, for happiness and for health.
Are there any questions?
Question: When you dedicate a flower to someone in Spirit, they receive that flower that is very much better, more beautiful than a material flower!
Padre: That is so. You will picture a flower and you will send it to a dear one or a friend in Spirit, and you will see this flower. (Remember, it is sent by thought which is life, which is vibration) So you will see this flower and it is transmitted spiritually, so that flower is magnified to a much bigger and a more perfect one. Never forget that thought is a living thing. No matter how small or how big. It is alive, it has life.
Thought is vibration. So if you send out a thought of evil to bring about destruction, this is like black magic. It is only by thought and by mind to destroy. Absent healing is also given by thought, to heal, to make perfect. It is the same as the flower. You mould it in thought, maybe a lily, maybe a rose, but you must be able to see it perfect in your mind, and as you send it out, so will they receive it, for when it comes to spirit it is solid.
Question: What do the rose, the carnation, and the yellow water lily mean?
Padre: The water lily is peace, for remember that a water lily is mostly near a pond where the water is peaceful and calm. So it symbolises peace. The rose is for love and the carnation for remembrance. The red roses are for Spiritual love and the white signifies purification, purified love. Every colour of every flower has its own symbol, its own meaning. Roses are usually used at funerals because not only are they beautiful but they signify love. There is no more perfect flower than a rose.
Remember that, in Spirit, we have the same flowers as you have, but a thousand times better. When you come into the Spirit world, which you can do in sleep state, you see these flowers, but it is unfortunate that you do not bring it back. But when you come to Spirit to stay, then you will be able to realise all this, all the beauty of Spirit.
So remember then, the beauty that lies in each and every one of you, is the beauty of Spirit – The Father within – the very Heaven within – it could not be more beautiful.Go your way in peace and love, my children, and do unto others, as you would have others do unto you.I bless you in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
©Alfred Reynolds, Durban, South Africa
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