Vocabulary NIGHT by Elie Wiesel
As if his entire life he had never has a surname. pg. 3
He was poor and lived in utter penury. pg. 3
He had mastered the art of rendering himself insignificant, pg. 3
His waiflike shyness made people smile. pg. 3
spoke of divine suffering of the Shekhinah in Exile, pg.3
it awaits its redemption linked to that of man. pg. 3
by day I studied the Talmud pg.3
I would run to the synagogue pg. 3
guide me in the studies of the Kabbalah pg. 4
Maimonides tells us that one must be thirty pg. 4
venturing into the world of mysticism pg 4
a world fraught with peril. pg. 4
a world fraught with peril. pg. 4
My father was a cultured man, rather unsentimental. pg. 4
a master to teach me the Zohar pg. 5
He smiled indulgently. pg 5
He told me what had happened to him and his companions. pg. 6
The train with the deportees had crossed the Hungarian border. pg. 6
They were forced to dig huge trenches. pg. 6
Some even insinuated that he only wanted their pity, pg. 7
I was saved miraculously. pg. 7
My grandfather came to spend Rosh Hashanah with us pg. 8
So as to attend the services of the celebrated Rebbe of Borsche. pg. 8
Yes, we even doubted his resolve to exterminate us. pg. 8
Annihilate an entire people? pg. 8
Wipe out an entire nation dispersed throughout so many nations. pg. 8
I had asked my father to sell everything, to liquidate everything pg. 9
The Fascist party had seized power. pg 9
The next day brought real disquieting news: pg.9
Finally people began to worry in earnest. Pg. 9
Optimism soon revived: pg. 9
The officers were billeted in private homes, pg.9
The weather was sublime. pg. 10
First edict: Jews were prohibited form leaving the residences pg. 10
Jew were henceforth forbidden to own gold, jewelry pg 10
Some prominent members of the community pg. 11
We no longer had the right to frequent restaurants or cafés pg. 11
The ghetto was ruled by neither German nor Jew, it was ruled by delusion. pg. 12
Some two weeks before Shavuot. Pg. 12
My father was sharing some anecdotes pg. 12
The courtyard turned into something like an antechamber to and operating room. pg. 13
The ghetto was to be liquidated entirely. pg. 13
Just in case the order had been rescinded pg. 15
pitiful relics that seemed never to have a home. Pg. 15
weariness had settled into our veins, our limbs, our brains like molten lead. pg. 16
used their rifle butts, their clubs to indiscriminately pg. 16
Some of the Jewish police surreptitiously went to fill a few jugs. pg. 16
His very presence in the procession was enough to make the scene seem surreal. pg. 17
There had been incidents of hysteria and harsh blows. pg. 18
in your infinite compassion have mercy on us…” pg. 20
Its inhabitants evidently had been caught by surprise. Pg.20
Despite her fatigue my mother began to prepare a meal. Pg. 20
People’s morale was not so bad pg. 20
The Germans were running out of time to expel us, pg. 20
The stars were sparks of the immense conflagration that was consuming us. pg 21
Were this conflagration to be extinguished pg. 21
They worry less we join the partisans pg. 21
This whole business of deportation is nothing but a farce. Pg. 21