Book in a Folder Project
The Project: You will decorate a folder to represent your book and fill it with pictures of objects that represent the elements of fiction.
The Details:
· You will use a yellow file folder for this project. The teacher will provide you with one (if you lose it, you will need to get another one on your own).
· Decorate the outside front cover with a drawing or picture to represent the book. Be sure to include the title of the book, the author of the book & your full name and block. It must be colorful!
· On the inside (and back if needed) of the folder, you must draw or use pictures from magazines or the internet (glued in) to represent the elements of fiction. You must have an object for all of the following: 1) description of the main characters (at least 3 if possible), 2) setting, 3) plot, 4) conflict & 5) theme. It must be colorful! You may earn 10 extra credit points for including two of the following animals (minor characters) from the book: abalone, devil fish (octopus), sea elephant, sea otter, wild dogs, cormorant birds, sea urchin, black sea bass, red fox, etc.
· For each object in the folder, you must attach a note card that includes the name of the object at the top and a paragraph about how the object represents the element of fiction for this book. Be sure to write in paragraph format with complete sentences and good grammar and punctuation.
· You must place the “Book in a Folder Project” rubric (on other side of this paper) on the inside of the folder with your name clearly written on it.
Tips for Success:
ü As you read the book, keep a list of ideas for objects that you might want to use for this project.
ü If you use pictures that are printed, you will need to make sure they are glued down appropriately and allowed to dry before closing your folder.
ü Be creative with your front cover and the objects you choose for the book!
ü Be sure your note cards are neat and use appropriate vocabulary and grammar in a paragraph format. Spelling and punctuation are important too!
Book in a Folder Project-DUE 12/19/16Teacher Name: Sutherland
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / 4=20points / 3=15points / 2=10points / 1=5points
Required Elements / The folder includes all required elements of fiction. / All but 1 of the required elements of fiction are included on the folder. / All but 2 of the required elements of fiction are included on the folder. / Three or more of the required elements of fiction were missing.
Content - Accuracy / At least 7 accurate facts are displayed on the folder with a complete paragraph on each note card. / 5-6 accurate facts are displayed on the folder with a complete paragraph on each note card. / 3-4 accurate facts are displayed on the folder with a complete paragraph on each note card. / Less than 3 accurate facts are displayed on the folder with a complete paragraph on each note card.
Cover Design / Cover is very creative and contains title, author, student and class info / Cover is creative and contains title, author, student and class info / Cover is somewhat creative and contains title, author, student and class info / Cover is plain, messy and/or not creative and/or does not contain title, author, student and class info.
Mechanics / Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the folder. / There is 1 error in capitalization or punctuation. / There are 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation. / There are more than 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation.
Grammar / There are no grammatical mistakes on the folder. / There is 1 grammatical mistake on the folder. / There are 2 grammatical mistakes on the folder. / There are more than 2 grammatical mistakes on the folder.
Extra Credit
Final Grade: ______