Culminating Activity: The student will develop, design and implement an age-appropriate, learner focused unit for a specific content area.
Content Standard / Concepts / Benchmark(s)
Standard 1 – PLX 1.0
Analyze the evolution of educational purposes and philosophies for their influence on education in America. / Foundations
History & Roles / PLX 1.1 Assess how the history of education influences current trends in the educational system.
  • Identify major historical events in education and how they have impacted the educational system.
  • Examine how changes in education effect recent state and federal mandates.
  • Identify major educational structures or models and analyze their effect on the evolution of the American system.
  • Compare and contrast various educational structures or models for their effectiveness on student learning and achievement.

PLX 1.2 Examine changing world conditions that impact today's educational system.
  • Identify the following changing conditions in today's world and their impact on education.
  • Predict how changes in the following willimpact the way students learn in the future.
Standard 2 – PLX 2.0
Design curriculum, assessment and instruction to accommodate a variety of developmental needs and learning styles.
Standard 2 – PLX 2.0
Continued / Learning Styles / PLX 2.1 Analyze intellectual, social, and emotional development of individuals as it impacts learning
  • Outline various factors in heredity, family, culture, economy and environment that may influence a student’s potential development.
  • Analyze child development theories and their implications that support and maximize learning for all students.
  • Examine how students learn by characterizing diverse learning styles such as Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence, 4MAT Learning Styles, Kolb’s Learning Inventory, etc.

Lesson Development
Curriculum / PLX 2.2 Develop and adapt lesson plans that address standards and learning objectives to meet learning objectives.
  • Integrate key components when writing a lesson plan including purpose, objective, essential question(s), standards and culminating task to form daily instruction.
  • Deconstruct and/or unpack standards and benchmarks for implementation of instruction and assessment to develop effective lesson plans.
  • Develop an integrated lesson that accommodates various learning styles, cultural values and prior educational experiences
  • Incorporate accommodations for learning needs of students into lesson plans.
  • Evaluate current grade-appropriate materials, resources and equipment to facilitate and enhance classroom implementation.

Assessment / PLX 2.3 Use appropriate types of assessment to properly determine student mastery of learning objectives or desired outcome.
  • Discuss the importance of assessments as an instructional tool for the classroom including both formative and summative assessments.
  • Compare and contrast various types of assessments such as teacher-made tests, authentic assessments, standardized tests and performance-based assessments to determine appropriateness.
  • Use suitable assessment to measure student learning.
  • Document written information and facts to validate student progress and learning with a formalized assessment procedure (grading criteria).

Instruction / PLX 2.4 Evaluate developmentally appropriate teaching styles that support or maximize learning and maturity for all students.
  • Compare and contrast various educational teaching styles and their philosophies and impact on student learning.
  • Examine how different teaching styles demonstrate respect for the diversity and interest of students with regard to religion, culture, disabilities, and sexual orientation.
  • Evaluate selected teaching strategies that promote student learning appropriate for varying ages (childcare, preschool, elementary, secondary, post-secondary).

PLX 2.5 Develop and adapt lesson plans aligned with standards, learning objectives, and assessments to meet instructional goals.
  • Adapt appropriate instructional techniques and strategies to facilitate student learning.
  • Develop and use active learning strategies, relevant teaching materials and resources to improve classroom instruction.
  • Utilize strategies that promote critical thinking and problem solving appropriate for varying ages and learning styles.

Technology / PLX 2.6 Assess the impact of accessible technology on today's society and implications for the student learner.
  • Analyze the importance of technology in education to maximize in-class learning, out-of-class learning, creativity, collaboration, productivity, and higher order thinking skills.
  • Assess the use and impact of alternative technological delivery methods such as webcasts, podcasts, polycom, social networks, blogs, twitters, and texting, etc. to produce critical thinkers.
  • Conduct lesson plans using varied presentation software programs to engage student learning.

Standard 3 – PLX 3.0
Create a positive and safe environment that is conducive for student learning. / Classroom Management / PLX 3.1 Formulate strategies for positive classroom management.
  • Createclassroom agreements with rewards and consequences to promote positive learning environments.
  • Distinguish how and when to use key classroom management procedures (recording attendance, observations, evaluations, etc.).
  • Formulate strategies for preventing and managing disciplinary problems.
  • Analyze needs of children at various ages regarding space, equipment, materials organization and room arrangement related to classroom management.

PLX 3.2 Create a classroom environment safe from potential hazard or injury to facilitate student learning.
  • Adhere to guidelines and regulations to ensure compliance for health and safety of students.
  • Apply appropriate procedures for general health practices to prevent the spread of infections, illnesses and/or diseases.
  • Research appropriateresponsibilities and procedures for personal safety and preparedness plans in order to handle emergency and/or disasters.

Standard 4 – PLX 4.0
Apply communication skills to facilitate the learning process. / Communication
Written and Oral / PLX 4.1 Use effective communication to gain or transfer information, express ideas, solve problems or achieve learning objective.
  • Use and apply appropriate technology (word processor, spreadsheet, database,power point, electronic mail) to enhance communication.
  • Use written and oral communication techniques to gain and convey information, solve problems and to facilitate the learning process.
  • Use attentive listening skills appropriate to audience.

Interpersonal / PLX 4.2 Apply interpersonal skills to promote positive, productive and supportive relationships with students, families, staff and community.
  • Evaluate how a different tone of voice, body language and/or non-verbal communication style can enhance or deter the delivery of a message.
  • Recognize high stress situations in educational settings and propose strategies to manage the pressures of daily interpersonal interactions.
  • Use collaboration skills to work effectively with people from diverse backgrounds.

Standard 5 – PLX 5.0
Evaluate legal and ethical principles to maintain professionalism in the workplace. / Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues / PLX 5.1 Differentiate behaviors and practices that could result in malpractice, liability or negligence in a variety of educational settings.
  • Explain the purpose of safety manuals, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) including privacy and confidentiality rights in a school setting.
  • Assess indicators of abuse, neglect and the role of the mandated reporter and select a list of community health, counseling and emergency resource agencies available for school support.
  • Adhere to education-related legal and ethical principles related to education including copyright, privacy, security, and equitable access for use of instruction and non-instruction.
  • Summarizelegal mandates in the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) related to education.

PLX 5.2 Evaluate ethical values and the relationship to professionalism.
  • Examine workplace code of ethics and evaluate the ethical issues related to employment in the education profession.
  • Adopt educational policies regarding appropriate appearance and behavior to maintain professionalism in the workplace.
  • Identify cyber ethics for use of technology to prevent unacceptable behaviors (cyber bullying, abusive texting, sexting, etc.).


APPROVED 06/03/2011