Computer Science I CSE 1001

Instructor: Phil Bernhard, Ph.D.

Office: Harris Institute, room 209, (321) 674-7294



Prerequisite: Precalculus

Office Hours: WF 9am-10am, TR 1pm-2pm.

Course Contents:

Introduces software development as it applies to small programs. Students learn to program in a higher-level language, and to read, understand, write and evolve (small) programs. Also covers problem solving, algorithm development, and relevant mathematical techniques.


"Introduction to Programming in Java, An Interdisciplinary Approach," Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, ISBN 978-0-321-49805-2.

Quizzes & Exams:

One in-class quiz will be given each week, usually on Monday. Depending on class schedule, a quiz may be given on Wednesday or Friday instead, or even during the lab on Tuesday or Thursday. Specific material covered for each quiz will be outlined during the preceding class and specified on the class website. In the event that this does not occur, you should assume that the quiz is on the previous week’s material. Note that all quizzes will be closed book and closed notes. PDAs, cell-phones, and any other electronic devices are to remain OFF during quizzes. Students are advised to save all quizzes once handed back. Additionally, a comprehensive final exam will be given at the end of the semester.


There will be several labs throughout the semester (approximately 10-15). These will be developed during both lab time and on your own time. Labs will be handed in to, and graded by a Graduate Student Assistant (GSA). Most labs will be graded pass/fail.


There will be several programming assignments throughout the semester (5-10). These will be developed during both lab time and on your own time. Programs will be handed in to, and graded by a GSA.


With few exceptions, missed quizzes and labscannot be made up. Exceptions include required ROTC, athletic or similar university events. Also included would be significant illness or family emergencies. Note that in all such cases documentation will be required.Students should notify the instructor in advance if they expect to miss an exam.


Final grade will be determined as follows (approximately): labs - 15%, programs - 15%, quizzes - 40% (lowest quiz score will be dropped), final - 30%. There will be no extra-credit assignments. With over 20 labs, and 5 programming assignments, and approximately 10 quizzes, students have ample opportunity to prove their abilities and improve their grade. Please note that your grade will be determined only by your performance on the above items; details regarding your GPA, enrollment, employment, or other matters unrelated to the course will not be factored into your grade.

Please see the class website for the department and course plagiarism policies.

Please also see the university website for important dates.