Rising G2 (Current G1) Creative Producing Graduate Students
Registration Guidelines for the Fall 2017
Dear Rising G2 Creative Producing Grads,
The online registration window for Fall Semester 2017 will open soon – at 12:01 a.m. on Monday, April 3rd through 5 p.m. Friday, April 14th – on E-Z Arts.
To register for your Fall Semester slate of classes, please follow these guidelines:
- go to www.uncsafilm.net and scroll down to and click on “School of Filmmaking Discipline Curriculum Models”;
- under “GRADUATE” models, click on “MFA - Creative Producing”; see the five courses listed under the “Year Two Fall” column:
FIM 5599-5: Intensive Arts (CRN 82182) -- required
FIM 73XX: Cinema Studies elective (more on this at Note directly below*)
FIM 7401-1: Acquisition & Creative Dealmaking (CRN 82326) -- required
FIM 7411-1: Finance I (CRN 82327) -- required
FIM 7581-2: Thesis Project I (CRN 82316) -- required
- *Note: you must take one 3-credit elective course in the Fall; this requirement can actually be fulfilled by any one of the following elective course options; for elective course descriptions, go to
www.uncsafilm.net and click on “Fall 2017 Graduate SoF Elective Courses”):
FIM 6088: Independent Study (variable credit) (CRN to be determined)
FIM 6398-1: Special Topics in Cinema Studies: Film Noir (CRN 82319)
FIM 6498-1: Special Topics in Producing: Entrepreneurship & VR (CRN 82334)
FIM 7333-1: Visual Nonfiction (a.k.a. “Documentary: Finding the Story in the Footage) CRN 82405
FIM 7101-1: Advanced Cinematic Storytelling I (CRN 82322)
(note that FIM 7101, because it is a required class of the Screenwriters, is therefore not
listed on the “electives” file, but it can serve as an elective for Creative Producers)
- to see when these courses are offered, go back to uncsafilm.net and scroll down to the link marked “Fall 2017 Schedule of Classes”; on the last page of this pdf file are listed all the graduate level courses offered in the School of Filmmaking; the 5-digit Course Registration Numbers (CRNs) are listed between the course numbers and course titles; courses marked “TBD” indicate that class meetings times are determined by you and your mentor.
Refresher on how to register for courses online:
- go on to E-Z Arts using your 96-number and PIN; click on “Student”; click on “Registration”; then click on the button to “Select Term” – it should default to Fall 2017; click “Submit”;
- on the next page that comes up, please click on “Add or Drop Classes”; then simply scroll down to “Add Classes Worksheet,” and plug in the 5-digit CRNs for each of your classes; click “Submit Changes.”
Please feel free to contact Renata Jackson () or Lauren Vilchik () if you have any questions.