Triangle Area Consultants*
Firm Name / The Aycock GroupContact Name / ChrisAycock
Website /
Email /
Phone number / 919-834-2313
Address / 3223 Merriman Ave
Raleigh, NC 27607
Areas of expertise / Strategic planning, Retreat facilitation, Board Development, Community collaboration, Economic Development, planning. We work for nonprofit and local governments.
Firm Name / Armstrong McGuire
Contact Name / BertArmstrong
Website /
Email /
Phone number / 919-390-1925
Address / PO Box 6485
Raleigh, NC27628
Areas of expertise / Armstrong McGuire helps non-profit organizations create winning fundraising strategies, train boards and volunteers,recruit innovative executive leaders,build strong organizational plans and more.
Firm Name / Catalyst Consulting, LLC
Contact Name / AlbertHuntoon
Website /
Email /
Phone number / 919-598-6935
Address / 108 Galax Lane
Durham, North Carolina27703
Areas of expertise / Social enterprise and social entrepreneurship development, performance improvement
Firm Name / Community Development Solutions
Contact Name / debbywarren
Email /
Phone number / 919-210-5731
Address / 5132 Theys Road
Raleigh, NC 27606
Areas of expertise / I do a wide range of consults in the areas of organizational & leadership development, resource development, strategic planning and coalition building.
Firm Name / Don Wells Consulting, Inc
Contact Name / DonWells
Website /
Email /
Phone number / 919-732-1989
Address / 308 Mitchell Street
Hillsborough, NC27278
Areas of expertise / Doing Board Retreats, organizational management, developing leadership, coaching Executive Directors, Coaching Board Chairs, facilitating meetings, all types of planning.
Firm Name / Doolin Consulting
Contact Name / JanetDoolin,J.D.
Website /
Email /
Phone number / 919-533-0105
Address / 698 Fearrington Post
Pittsboro, NC27312
Areas of expertise / Planned Giving and Endowment Development Services
Firm Name / Executive Service Corps of the Triangle
Contact Name / TrudySmith
Website /
Email /
Phone number / 919-641-9173
Address / P.O. Box 51152
Durham, NC27717
Areas of expertise / ESC's mission is to provide professional, affordable consulting services to Triangle nonprofits, in order to help them achieve their missions. We specialize in capacity building consulting, customized to an agency's needs. ABOUT US AND OUR SERVICES: Executive Service Corps of the Greater Triangle (ESC) was founded in 1987 as a nonprofit, in order to provide high-level, yet affordable, consulting services to Triangle nonprofits. Our mission is to provide professional, affordable consulting services to Triangle nonprofits, in order to help them achieve their missions. We exist to help other nonprofits increase their capacities and organizational effectiveness. Ultimately, our nonprofit clients become more efficient because they receive critical consulting services that they could not otherwise afford. ESC consulting services include Guided Organizational Assessments, Board Self Assessments, Board Retreat Facilitation, Board Development, Strategic Planning, Coaching for Executive Directors, Financial Diagnostic Reviews and Custom Designed Programs to meet the specific needs of each nonprofit client.
Firm Name / The INS Group
Contact Name / RuthPeebles
Website /
Email /
Phone number / 919-266-3072
Address / P O Box 20575
Raleigh, North Carolina27619
Areas of expertise / The INS Group provides organizational development and capacity building services to nonprofits, government agencies, educational institutions and faith-based institutions. We specialize in strategic planning, strategic fund development planning, board development, board training on fundraising, organizational assessments, grant writing and grant research and executive coaching.
Firm Name / RYB Professional Writing Services
Contact Name / Julie Coraccio
Website /
Email /
Phone number / 919-559-3925
Address / 1201 Silas Ridge Court
Raleigh, NC27609
Areas of expertise / Grant Writing
Firm Name / Maggie Clay Love Consulting
Contact Name / MaggieClay Love
Email /
Phone number / 919-845-2770
Address / 7705 Harps Mill Rd.
Raleigh, NC27615
Areas of expertise / Board, staff and volunteer development strategies, planning, and training workshops. * All areas of fundraising strategies, planning, training, and implementation, including cultivation, relations, stewardship, proposal/materials development, and comprehensive organizational assessments.Grantwriting and proposal development. General marketing to support fundraising.
Firm Name / Martin Law Firm
Contact Name / MartyMartin
Website /
Email /
Phone number / 919-272-2106
Address / PO Box 19636
Raleigh, North Carolina27619-9636
Areas of expertise / Legal, tax, governance, management, and related issues for nonprofits. I am Duke Nonprofit Management certificate program instructor and a BoardSource Certified Governance Trainer. I previously served on the IRS Advisory Committee on Tax-Exempt and Governance Entities (ACT) and its Exempt Organization committee. I have a JD and an MPA with a concentration in managing nonprofit organizations and have completed advanced training in nonprofits organizations. See my website:
Firm Name / moss+ross LLC
Contact Name / MaryMoss
Website /
Email /
Phone number / 919-801-6502
Address / 1536 Carr St
Raleigh, NC27608
Areas of expertise / moss+ross specializes in the following services: 1) All aspects of increasing fundraising capacity including development program assessments, annual fund planning, capital campaign feasibility studies and campaign management. 2) Helping organizations chart their future success through assistance with strategic planning. 3) Creating and developing the best staff and board possible through executive search, staff coaching and board, staff and volunteer training and interim staffing.
Firm Name / Perkinson Law Firm
Contact Name / AshleyPerkinson
Website /
Email /
Phone number / 919-210-8209
Address / 2518 Kenmore Drive
Raleigh, NC 27608
Areas of expertise / Perkinson Law Firm advisesandconsults nonprofits on a broad array of issues such as formation, resource developmentandgrant writing, tax-exemption, charitable solicitation, IRS compliance, bylawsandpolicies, board governance, employmentandstaffing, contract developmentandreview, project consulting, lobbyingandadvocacy.
Firm Name / Starsoneck Consulting
Contact Name / LeslieStarsoneck
Email /
Phone number / 919-624-3487
Address / 9547 Brookchase Drive
Raleigh, NC27617
Areas of expertise / Program development and evaluation; organizational assessment; board training.
Firm Name / Schaffer&Combs
Contact Name / Deborah Chay
Website /
Email /
Phone number
Areas of expertise / Schaffer&Combs is a management consulting firm focussed on solving problems and creating growth for mission-driven clients in for-profit and non-profit sectors. Our expertise includes organizational and program strategy, business development, fund raising, impact investing, leadership development, scaling and impact assessment.
Firm Name / The School of Government
Contact Name / MargaretHenderson
Website /
Email /
Phone number / 919-966-3455
Address / The School of Government, CB 3330
UNC-Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC27599-3330
Areas of expertise / Primarily we work with elected/appointed officials and with cross-organizational collaborations (nonprofit/government/private sector/philanthropy/faith organizations)
Firm Name / Skillful Means Training
Contact Name / Teri Beckman
Website /
Email /
Phone number / 919-641-7467
Address / 1105 Iredell Street
Durham, NC27705
Areas of expertise / I coach and consult with nonprofit executives and their teams to create sustainable high performance within their organizations. As the CEO/Executive Director learns to create true sustainability, they become a stronger more effective leader. The organization's net income grows and they increase their capacity to identify (and eventually create) opportunity, to have more impact and create ongoing positive change. Go to: access 'Essential Elements of Sustainable High Performance' an easy to read complimentary guide to a sustainable and thriving organization.
Firm Name / Strategic Development Inc.
Contact Name / GeorgeSmart
Website /
Email /
Phone number / 919-740-8407
Address / 5409 Pelham Road
Durham, NC27713
Areas of expertise / Over 400 organizations have trusted George Smart over the last 30 years for high-impact, relevant, practical leadership development simulations and executive coaching. Drawing from an MBA from Duke's Fuqua School of Business plus training from the Center for Creative Leadership and the Einstein School of Medicine, George Smart works with organizations and their leaders on how to be more nimble, less insane, and more profitable.
Firm Name / Summers Consulting Services
Contact Name / BrendaSummers
Website /
Email /
Phone number / 919-847-3184
Address / 6561 Hearthstone Dr.
Raleigh, NC27615
Areas of expertise / Strategic planning and thinking, organizational development, board and staff development, team building, organizational assessment, executive leader transition, and service as interim director.
Firm Name / Steve Toler, LLC
Contact Name / SteveToler
Email /
Phone number / 919-280-1294
Address / 8709 Mill House Lane
Bahama, NC27503
Areas of expertise / I help clients in Durham and RTP identify and develop strategic relationships with key customers, media, key business and community leaders and government and elected officials to help my clients achieve their organizational missions.
Firm Name / Trilithon Partners
Contact Name / JohnKlein
Website /
Email /
Phone number / 919-349-4494
Address / 211 Greensview Drive
Cary, North Carolina27518
Areas of expertise / Survey research; strategic development and execution; consumer/constituent insight; communications and marketing planning and execution
Last updated 9/25/2017
* The consulting firms listed above have shared their contact information with Triangle Community Foundation. This list does not represent all consultants within our region. The information is provided as a resource for nonprofit organizations and does not reflect an endorsement for services by Triangle Community Foundation.
Last updated 9/25/2017