2019 Academia SinicaGrand Challenge Program
Division / Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MPS)Life Sciences (LS)
Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)
Project Type / Individual Research Project (IDRP)
Collaborative Research Project (CRP)
Integrated Research Project (ITRP)
Title / Chinese
Project PI or
Project Director / Position
Project Period / One Year Two Years Three Years
Project Budget
Unit: thousands in NTD / 1st Year Budget / 2nd Year Budget / 3rd Year Budget
Project Participants / Co-PI/Subproject PI / Position / Affiliation
Contact Person
For the grand challenge proposed, define each of the following questions in a short statement with 100 words or less.
What is the grand challenge problem?
What is new in your approach?
2019 Academia SinicaGrand Challenge Program
(Limited to two pages; acceptedin Chinese or English)
Project Title (Chinese):
Project Title (English):
Project PI or Project Director:
The pre-proposal should address the following aspects:
- Identify a grand challenge problem, focusing on its importance. Describe the state-of-the-art and identify the bottleneck.
- Propose an innovative approach that may lead to a breakthrough. Justify why your approach will work.
1. Short CV
Last Name, First Name
Contact information: affiliationandtitle, Tel, Email, etc.
Research Interests
Awards and Honors
Selected Publication List / 10 or less
2. Survey of Research Projects
Principal Investigator: ______
Research Role (Select all that apply.):
□A. Project PI□B. Project Director□C. Subproject PI
Please list any current, pending and forthcomingprojects/proposalsfunded by Academia Sinica and external agencies since 2015.
No.1 / (1)Project/Proposal Title:
□A. Current □B. Pending □C. Forthcoming
● Research Role:
□A. Project PI □B. Project Director □C. Subproject PI
(2) Funding Agency and Project Type:
(3) Project Period: ______(YYYY/MM) to ______(YYYY/MM)
(4) Funding Amount in thousands of NTD:
Year / Total Project Amount / Individual Project Amount
(5) Please specify in appendix if there is any correlation between in this project/proposal and the Grand Challenge Program you apply for.
□No Correlation. □Yes.(Please specify.)
2 / (1)Project/Proposal Title:
□A. Current □B. Pending □C. Forthcoming
● Research Role:
□A. Project PI □B. Project Director □C. Subproject PI
(2) Funding Agency and Project Type:
(3) Project Period: ______(YYYY/MM) to ______(YYYY/MM)
(4) Funding Amount in thousands of NTD:
Year / Total Project Amount / Individual Project Amount
(5) Please specify in appendixif there is any correlation between in this project/proposal and the Grand Challenge Program you apply for.
□No Correlation. □Yes.(Please specify.)