Before & After School Program
Contact Information:
Barb Turley
We are located in the library.
During School: (760) 631-5209 ext.1049
After School: ext. 1366
Program Hours:
Before School: 6:55 am - 7:55 am After School: M, T, W, F: 3:10 - 5:30 pm
Thursday: 2:10 - 5:30 pm
Program Philosophy:
SMS Before and After School Program (B&ASP) is designed to provide a safe and comfortable environment with an emphasis on students completing their daily homework, studying, and having computer time of blended learning programs. This will allow time at home to be spent doing family activities. Healthy snacks and physical activities will also be incorporated into the afternoon program. The planned staffing for the program will include a Program Supervisor, along with one to two program assistant's to assist with homework. Your child is responsible for completing their homework assignments.
School Calendar:
The SMS B&ASP will follow the same schedule as the Bonsall School District, including early release days and in-service days. We are closed during the scheduled school holidays.
Students must not be dropped off before 6:55am. Teacher supervision does not start until 7:55 am therefore students coming to school before that time must be enrolled in the morning program.
Only the person(s) listed on the release paperwork will be allowed to call and pick up the students from the program. Parents must pick-up children no later than 5:30 pm or you will be charged $1.00 per minute for every minute you are late. If we are unsuccessful in contacting any authorized person(s) to pick-up your child the Sheriff/Child Protective service will be called to pick-up your child.
To enroll your child, parents must fill out an enrollment packet; one packet per family. This registration form must be returned to the SMS office along with the monthly fee. Payments are due by the 1st of the month. Your child may be withdrawn from the program if late payments become chronic. Please make checks or money orders out to BUSD. Online payment is also available. If you choose to pay online follow these directions: (1) go to www., (2) choose "Sullivan Middle School" (3) click on "Departments" (4) select "SMS After School Program" (5) and click on "Online Payment Portal".
Our fee schedule is a flat rate for unlimited us.
· $50.00 a month – AM only (6:55am – 7:55am)
· $50.00 a month – BHS Siblings PM (3:10pm – 3:45pm)
· This option is for middle school students waiting for high school siblings. For 35 minutes, your student will receive homework support, tutoring, snack, and supervision. Students may not remain on campus during this time without supervision from After School Program staff.
· $150.00 a month – PM only (3:10pm – 5:30pm)
· $150.00 a month – AM/PM Unlimited Usage