Name ______

Atom Builder Assignment

Integrated Science 1B

Mrs. Welch, Teacher

General information:

Save this document to your home computer or cloud and then type your answers and research into it. Save regularly. You may send it electronically when you are done to . This project is worth 50 points.


Read the pbs webpage about atoms.Start with “How Small Can We Go?” Answer the following questions.

1.Who discovered the neutron?

2.What year was the neutron discovered?

3.What happened in 1963 that significantly changed the way scientists view atoms?

4.Name and describe the force within an atom that is responsible for holding the nucleus and the electrons together.

5.What type of charge does a neutron have?

Refer to the“Atom Builder Guide to Elementary Particles” for these questions.

  1. Each proton and neutron contains ______quarks.
  2. Protons contain ______up quarks and ______down quarks.
  3. Neutrons contain ______up quarks and ______down quarks.
  4. Name and describe the force within an atom that is responsible for holding the nucleus and the electron together.

Refer to the“Atom Builder Guide to Building a Stable Atom” for these questions.

  1. An atom will have an overall or net charge of 0 if the number of ______equals the number of ______.
  2. Explain what causes an atom to become an ion.
  3. What can happen if an atom becomes “too” ionized?
  4. Explain what causes atoms to become radioactive.
  5. What can happen if the nuclear imbalance is too great?
  6. How many electrons may exist in the first shell? ______
  7. How many electrons may exist in the second shell? ______

Return to the“Atom Builder Guide to Building a Stable Atom”and click on“More about the radioactive decay of carbon.”

  1. What does the 12 in carbon-12 represent? Identify the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons this atom would have.
  2. Identify the number protons, neutrons, and electrons in carbon-14.
  3. What happens when carbon-14 undergoes radioactive decay?
  4. Into whichelement does carbon-14 decay?
  5. Identify the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in atoms of this element.

After completing the atom builder activity, conduct further research about each of the following topics and write one paragraph for each:






6.three common uses of ions (list three of them and explain how ions work in the application)

7.three common uses of isotopes (list three of them and explain how isotopes work in the application, hint: there are many medical uses and radioactive dating uses – give three specific ones)

Worksheet adapted from Ashley Moore’s “Atom Builder – A Science Odyssey” worksheet.