2007 Deep Bench
Questions by St. Olaf College
Edited by Rob Carson, Andrew Hart, Eric Kwartler, and Quentin Roper
Quads Packet Tossups
1. This pathway is inhibited by a deficiency that causes a precursor molecule to be lacking, known as Tauri's Disease, which is a deficiency of the Phosphofructokinase enzyme. A reverse of this reaction is used by bacteria to synthesize carbon compounds from CO2 and water. Its third step sees cisAconitate attacked by Aconitase and hydrated to release water. Its ninth step sees an addition reaction between Fumarate and the Fumarase enzyme. During its first turn, it produces one GTP, three NADH, one FADH2, and two CO2. FTP, name this pathway, occurring directly before the electron transport chain in cellular respiration, also known as the Citric Acid Cycle.
ANSWER: Krebs cycle or Szent-Györgyi-Krebscycle ortricarboxylic acidcycle or TCA cycle (accept early Citric Acid Cycle)
2. One of these works by John Adams has a movement titled "Body through which the dream flows." Max Bruch's first in G-minor has an Allegro moderato Vorspiel, while Edouard Lalo's Symphonie Espagnole is sometimes regarded as a five-movement example of this type of composition. Mozart's third in G-major was dubbed the Strassburg, and his fifth in A-major is the Turkish.Niccolo Paganini wrote six, including his second in B-minor, La Campanella.Alban Berg's has an atypical fourth movement and is dedicated "to the memory of an angel," while Antonio Vivaldi's L'Estro Armonica and The Four Seasons are examples of this type of composition. FTP, name these typically three-movement pieces for a stringed instrument and orchestra.
ANSWER: violin concertos or concerti obviously
3. During a brief maintenance downtime in June 2006, a derivation of this phrase appeared on the front page of YouTube. Jeffrey Ray Roberts' dance track "Invasion of the Gabber Robots" features a memorable voiceover consisting of this phrase, and it is the focus of another dance track by the Laziest Men on Mars. It appears in a secret event in the 1996 Squaresoft game Radical Dreamers, and when entered as a cheat code in Warcraft 3, it enables god mode. First appearing in a game in which the player controls a starfighter known as a "ZIG," FTP, give this phrase originally spoken by CATS, a widely known example of Engrish originating from the video game Zero Wing.
ANSWER: all your base are belong to us
4. The protagonist of this work notes "ominously beautiful" sunsets. The third section of this work is named after a drug that prevents against the excessive fear of death, Dylar, which one character has been procuring by boning Willie Mink. Murray Jay Siskind is an Elvis Presley specialist in this work, and the protagonist is a professor of Adolph Hitler studies. The protagonist worries about a "nebulous mass" that he develops in his lungs, after the central location of Blacksmith is subject to a train derailment that unleashes a noxious cloud. FTP, name this work which describes an "Airborne Toxic Event," a novel by Don DeLillo.
ANSWER: White Noise
5. On Monday, Japan canceled a multimillion-yen grant to this nation in protest of the death of Kenji Nagai, a photographer who was killed by this country's troops. Canada recently granted honorary citizenship to a democracy advocate from this country, Aung Sang Suu Kyi. Over 3,000 people were arrested in this country in pro-democracy rallies this week. In September, the government of this country arrested thousands of monks and students. FTP, name this southeast Asian nation governed by a military junta known as SLORC, with current capital at Naypyidaw and a large former capital at Rangoon.
ANSWER: Union of Myanmar or Union of Burma
6. The leadup to this war saw Jose Saraiva demand payment from Atanasio Aguirre for damages in border conflicts. Francisco Barroso lost only one steamer in the climactic naval battle during this conflict, at Riachuelo. Initial successes for the aggressors at Mato Grosso and the Corrientes province were followed by defeat. At the hands of Bartolomé Mitre at Tuyutí, and many estimates indicate nearly half of aggressor president Francisco Solano Lopez's countrymen died during this war. FTP, name this war, which took its name from the combined forces of Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay, who fought against the invading Paraguayans.
ANSWER: War of the Triple Alliance (accept Paraguayan War before it's mentioned)
7. It is thought that part of an inscription found in the Negau helmets refers to this character. In the Lokasenna, Loki taunts him with cuckoldry, while during a visit the Aesir pay to the sea king Aegir, this character accompanies Thor to retrieve Aegir's brewing kettle. That story, told in the Hymiskvida, unusually labels this god the son of Hymir. He notably cared for a creature whose name means "marsh-dweller;" that creature would later be responsible for this god's receiving the Ulflithr. The rune associated with this god resembles an upward-pointing arrow, and according to Snorri Sturluson, he is fated to battle the guard dog of Hel at Ragnarok. FTP, name this Norse god of combat and glory who famously sacrificed a hand to allow the chaining-up of Fenrir.
ANSWER: Tyr (or Tiw, Tiwaz, or Ziu)
8. Professional wrestlers Ron Simmons and Lex Luger were once employed by members of this organization. This entity was founded in 1982 by David Dixon, though neither he nor Chet Simmons or Harry Usher, its commissioners, could keep it in operation. In 1986, it filed a lawsuit against its most prominent competitor; witnesses named in that suit included Howard Cosell and Al Davis. This organization was awarded only $1, tripled to $3 under antitrust laws, despite the jury's agreement that the NFL was an illegal monopoly. FTP, name this organization, which featured stars Herschel Walker, Doug Flutie, and Steve Young playing for colorfully named franchises, including the San Antonio Gunslingers, Houston Gamblers, and Memphis Showboats.
ANSWER: United States Football League
9. Legendarily, the angel Fe-ku-len gave birth to the founder of the Aisin Gioro, the clan itself that founded this dynasty. It received, and was unimpressed by, the Macartney Embassy, but sixty years later it would be forced to sign the humiliating Treaties of Tianjin. Its anthem, Gong Jin'ou, would unfortunately be penned only six days before the Wuchang Uprising destabilized the country, leading to the Xinhai Revolution. Feng Guozhang and Yuan Shikai led the armies of this dynasty against the revolutionaries, but this dynasty fell when forces under Sun Yat-Sen established a provisional government. FTP, name this Chinese dynasty, originally founded by Nurhachi, that ended in 1911 with the abdication of Emperor Pu-yi.
ANSWER: Qing Dynasty (accept Manchu Dynasty, prompt on Later Jin Dynasty)
10. One character tells another a long joke about a tailor that made another laugh when they were at Lake Como years before. The weather is described as "light black from pole to pole" and one character looks forward to seeing a three-legged dog toy. Another character in this work tells a long story about being the lord of a large estate, prompting his father to admit to neglecting him. Hamm is blind and crippled on a makeshift wheelchair in this work, while Nell and Nagg lost their legs in a tandem bicycle accident and are confined to trash cans. FTP, name this play in which only Clov can move, an absurdist work that takes place in a lighthouse by Samuel Beckett.
ANSWER: Endgame or Fin de Partie
11. A neatly set table on which sit a bottle of wine and a crepe with an open eye in the middle is the focus of one of this man's works, while a white hand rests upon a red bird on another table in the lower left of another one. A third work features three heads on a back windowsill observing a man examining a phonograph. In addition to ThePortrait, The Difficult Crossing, and The Menaced Assassin, this man produced a series of paintings of women with veiled faces, thought to be inspired by his mother's suicide. His Mysteries of the Horizon, Golconda, and The Son of Man all feature men wearing bowler hats. FTP, name this Belgian surrealist, also the artist of The Treachery of Images and Time Transfixed.
ANSWER: René FrançoisGhislain Magritte
12. Vedejs and Marth used NMR spectroscopy to follow the intermediates of this reaction and concluded that cycloaddition to directly form oxaphosphatanes was a possible mechanism for it. Phenyllithium and a hydrochloric acid can be used to avoid the traditional "erythro" intermediate in this reaction, which typically yields a product in the "Z" conformation; instead, a threo betaine intermediate is formed, leading to a product in the "E" conformation, in a process known as the Schlosser Modification to this reaction. Phosphonium ylide is often called this type of reagent, and in this reaction it is added to a ketone or aldehyde. FTP, name this reaction that yields an alkene and a triphenylphosphide oxide.
ANSWER: Wittig reaction
13.One character in this work is horrified to learn that the hide of her dead dog Barrabus has been turned into a wedding-present rug. A character named Transito Soto frees another from jail in this work, and a French count named Jean de Satigny marries into this work's central family, but his wife leaves him when she learns of his affairs. A character who loses three fingers becomes a socialist activist and singer in this work, and a coup-leading military tortures and executes Jaime. Other characters in this work include Blanca and Alba as well as the central family's patriarch, Esteban. FTP, name this work that features the green-haired prophetess Clara and centers on the Trueba family, a work of Isabel Allende.
ANSWER: La casa de los espiritus or The House of the Spirits
14. Colhué Huapi is one of these bodies in Argentina that was created by eolic forces. Ones found along the coast of the Black Sea are known as Limans, while in Britain, broad ones are known as meres. Meromictic ones do not have intermixing between layers, while endoheic or terminal ones are not depleted through diffusion. Ones that form in cirques are known as tarns. Ones that are formed from meanders of a river that are cut off from the main body are called Oxbow ones, while ones that form in calderas such the deepest one in the United States are known as Crater ones. FTP, name these bodies exemplified by Ladoga and Superior.
ANSWER: lakes
15. Along with his successor as Secretary of State, he authored the Hulsemann Letter to justify Americans observing revolutionary activity in Hungary. This man's son Fletcher announced William Henry Harrison's death to John Tyler, and died at Second Bull Run as a Union colonel in the Civil War. This man claimed that the government was "made for the people, made by the people, and answerable to the people," in a debate over tariffs with Robert Hayne. He defended an institution claiming that though it was small, "yet there are those who love it," referencing the precedent set in Fletcher v. Peck, in Dartmouth College v. Woodward, and he signed a treaty delineating the Canadian boundary with Lord Ashburton. FTP, name this senator from Massachusetts.
ANSWER: Daniel Webster
16. Dodsley's "Collection of Poems" contained a work by this man called "The Lawyer's Farewell to his Muse." The first section of Mary Beard's Women as a Force in History details how this man's work applies to the position of women in his country. His most notable work is broken down into four sections: The Rights of Persons, The Rights of Things, Of Private Wrongs, and Of Public Wrongs, and his namesake formulation states that "It is better that ten guilty persons escape than one innocent suffer." He defended what would later be known as the "Bloody Code" and posited "That the king can do no wrong, is a necessary and fundamental principle of the English constitution." FTP, name this political theorist of The Commentaries on the Laws of England.
ANSWER: Sir William Blackstone
17. One character has a hedonistic affair with a man named Avahanni who made love "sweet and natural" to her. Abner Small attempts to win a bet by entering a house in this work in which "Shenandoah" is often whistled by Seth Beckwith. In this work, members of the central family are described as having a mask-like appearance to their face. Lavinia and Orin are siblings in this work, Christine killed Ezra when he came back from the Civil War, and its three sections are "Homecoming," "The Hunted," and "The Haunted." FTP, name this play featuring the Mannon family, an interpretation of the Oresteia by Eugene O'Neill.
ANSWER: Mourning Becomes Electra
18. The highest point in this nation is shared with its western neighbor, and its namesake strict nature reserve is a World Heritage Site. In addition to Mount Nimba, this country's three principle rivers are all south-flowing, including the Komoe, the Bandama, which contains the gigantic Lac de Kossou, and the Sassandra, which contains Lake Buyo. The Gulf of Guinea is to its south, while this country shares a western border with Liberia and Guinea, a northern border with Mali and Burkina Faso, and a southern border with Ghana. FTP, name this West African nation whose major cities include the port city of Abidjan and capital Yamoussoukro.
ANSWER: Cote d'Ivoire or Ivory Coast
19. He responded to J.B.S. Haldane's essay Daedalus with the essay Icarus, which warned against the rash application of science. He contrasted "knowledge by acquaintance" and "knowledge by description," and he gave a series of lectures detailing "The Philosophy of Logical Atomism." He discussed the "present King of France" being bald in outlining his Theory of Definite Descriptions, which piggybacked on the work of Gottlob Frege, and he invented type theory after he found out that Frege's naïve set theory violated his namesake paradox, which deals with sets that can illogically contain sets that are not members of themselves. FTP, name this philosopher and mathematician who collaborated with Whitehead on the Principia Mathematica.
ANSWER: Bertrand Arthur William Russell, or 3rd Earl Russell
20. This character attended Huis Norenius school as a child, and he is robbed of his money by a soldier on a train. His efforts to secure travel permits are constantly delayed, so he travels without them, but his mother dies at Stellenbosch and he scatters he ashes at Visagies farm. His sole possession is a pouch of pumpkin seeds, and Captain Oosthuizen arrests him after this man escapes from Jakkelsdrif. At the novel's end, he is taken to a "retraining camp" in Cape Town, and this character's dropsical mother's name is Anna K. FTP, name this hare-lipped gardener whose "Life & Times" are the subject of a J.M. Coetzee work.
ANSWER: Michael K (accept Life & Times of Michael K)
TB. This effect was famously tested at NIST by Wayne Itano et al. in an experiment in which laser-cooled Beryllium ions were exposed to radio waves which would have been enough to excite them, but for a series of ultraviolet pulses that delayed the transition. It was formulated by Midra and Sudarshan in order to test the collapse of the wave function. FTP, name this effect, whereupon a transition in a particle is delayed by continuously observing that particle, a phenomenon named for a Greek proposer of many paradoxes.
ANSWER: Quantum Zeno Effect (accept Quantum Zeno Paradox or the Watched Pot Effect, don't accept or prompt on "Zeno Effect" or "Zeno Paradox")
2007 Deep Bench
Questions by St. Olaf College
Edited by Rob Carson, Andrew Hart, Eric Kwartler, and Quentin Roper
Quads Packet Bonuses
1. Answer the following about the literature of Elizabethan England FTPE:
[10] In this play, the titular Venetian nobleman pretends to be on his deathbed in order to dupe the fortune-seeking Voltore, Corbaccio, and Corvino. He's aided in this by his servant Mosca.
ANSWER: Volpone (or The Fox, I guess)
[10] This play, subtitled Hieronimo is Mad Againe, features the deceased Andrea and the personification of Revenge serving as the chorus. It focuses on the interactions between Bel-Imperia, Balthazar, Horatio, and Lorenzo.
ANSWER: The Spanish Tragedy
[10] This dude wrote some of the most obnoxiously ornate prose in the English language. The name of his writing style is derived from the names of two most famous works, Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit and Euphues and his England.
ANSWER: John Lyly
2. FTPE, name these famous players in the American Civil Rights movement.
[10]He was a mentor to Malcolm X and leader of the Nation of Islam from 1934 to 1975:
ANSWER: Elijah Muhammad
[10]This man was a prominent member of both the Black Power Movement and was a famous member of the Black Panther Party. Today, he is also widely remembered for his collection of prison essays Soul on Ice, written before he joined the Black Panther Party.