1. Edmund Rice Sinon Secondary School started in 1988 and has expanded to include A-Level since 2005.
  1. The school is managed by the Congregation of Christian Brothers for the Catholic Archdiocese of Arusha.
  1. Ten combinations are under consideration but the ones to be offered by the school will depend upon the number of applications for each – in recent years all ten have been taken by the students.
  1. The school provides boarding for approximately 75 girls and 135 boys at each year level, Form Five and Form Six. The 2011-12 fee for tuition, food and general service (library, maintenance, examinations, etc) is 660 000 shilling per year and boarding is an additional 390 000 shilling per year. The continuation of a place in boarding is dependent upon health and safety, cooperation and good academic progress.
  1. Day students are most welcome and comprise about one-third of our students. The 2011-12 fee for tuition, food and general service (library, maintenance, examinations, etc) is 600 000 shilling per year.
  1. This form costs 1 000/-TS, payable upon collection of the form.
  1. This form must be completed and returned to the school prior to, or at, the interview. A recent passport size coloured photograph must be attached before the form will be accepted and before an interview will take place.
  1. INTERVIEWS: No student will be considered for enrolment without having attended the school for an interview with a senior member of the administration.
  1. Students should ensure that the following materials are brought for the interview – and will be collected at the interview:
  • The completed Application Form including the Recommendations from a Priest or Pastor or Imam of your religious faith and a senior staff member of your previous school – with appropriate stamping.
  • A copy of your Form Four (CSEE) Leaving Certificate
  • A copy of your Form Four (CSEE) Result Slip or a print out from the NECTA website – showing the index number
  • A copy of a Form Five Term Report – for Form Six applicants only
  • A copy of either your Birth Certificate or your Baptismal Card
  1. A non-repayable fee of 5 000/-TS is payable for the interview – to be paid upon return of the form or on the day of interview.
  1. All A-Level classes will commence on Tuesday March 29th with all boarders to be in residence by 5.00 pm on Monday March 28th.
  1. As Easter does not occur until late in April, classes for A-Level will commence in late March – March 29th.
  1. There will be almost four weeks of classes before Easter and A-Level students have two options for Easter:
  1. They may remain at school following a weekend style routine for the five days – April 22nd to 26th,


  1. They may wish to take a mini-break away from the school for the five days – April 22nd to 26th - but only on condition that they bring a signed note from their parent or guardian giving permission for the student to take the break, indicating where the student will be staying during the break and taking full responsibility for the student during the break.
  1. Students who arrive late for the commencement of classes will not be given permission to be absent during the Easter mini-break – they will be expected to catch up on the work they have missed because of the late start.
  1. Enrolment procedures are under the direct control of the Headmaster who reserves the right to alter these guidelines in any specific instance.


  1. Interviews will take place soon after the publication of Form Four results. The first round of interviews will take place at the school on weekdays from Monday, February 21st until Saturday March 11th 2011 with the list of students who are offered places being published on the School Noticeboard and the Enrolment Information section of the school’s website from10.00 am on Tuesday March 15th.
  1. Interviews will continue after March 11th until all places are taken.
  1. Students offered places on March 15thmust fulfil the requirements with regard to acceptance of a place by Tuesday, March 22nd.. Otherwise the place is forfeited and will then be offered to another student in a second round of offers on Thursday March 24th.
  1. Late acceptance of first round offers will have no priority over second round offers where the specified requirements are followed within the given times by those with second round offers.


  1. Interviews and Entrance Examination (in your chosen Combination) will take place at the school on Wednesday March 16th at 9.00 am.
  1. The list of students who are offered places will be published on the School Noticeboard and the Enrolment Information section of the school’s website from10.00 am on Friday March 18th.
  1. Students offered places must fulfil the requirements with regard to acceptance of a place by the stipulated date, March 25th. Otherwise the place is forfeited and may then be offered to another student in a second round of offers.
  1. Late acceptance of first round offers will have no priority over second round offers where the specified requirements are followed within the given times by those with second round offers.

Contacts: Headmaster (English): 0753 860 477

Deputy Headmaster A-Level (Eng/Kisw): 0767 102 637

Deputy Headmaster O-Level (Eng/Kisw): 0755 007 731
