A desk study to review current knowledge on ergot alkaloids
and their potential for contamination to cereal grains
There are twelve ergot alkaloids (and epimers) which are produced when ergot infects cereal plants. Ergotamine, ergosineergocristine are the most common ergot alkaloids produced in the UK but their levels and frequency varieseach year.
Although processors reject grain when sclerotia are detected, it has been suggested that there could be physical transfer of alkaloids produced from ergot sclerotia onto grain or that these alkaloids are translocated within the cereal plants. Thus, even in the absence of physical sclerotia, alkaloids may still be detected in grain samples.
Currently, analysis is dependent on lengthy ‘confirmatory’ laboratory testing for alkaloids, which is expensive (UK cost of this testing could be c. £25m p.a.) and only 2-3 laboratories in the UK are able to undertake them. The usual time taken for this type of test is ten to fourteen days, so it cannot be used as an intake test for processors.
Although maximum levels for ergot sclerotia are in place within member states (and in Codex guidance) for cereals, there is currently no legislation setting maximum levels for ergot alkaloids in Europe. The European Commission (EC)has stated that it willbe reviewing themaximumacceptable limit for alkaloid levels in cereal grainsfrom July 2016, with a potential for new legislation to be agreed towards the end of 2017.
There is, therefore, an urgent need to improve our understanding of this alkaloid issue to ensure the UK can provide the most relevant evidence and supporting data to the European Food Standards Agency (EFSA) in preparation for this consultation and potential regulation.
Data generated from AHDB-funded research project RD-2012-3779 (Monitoring of mycotoxins and other contaminants in UK cereals used in malting, milling and animal feed) will also be supplied to EFSA together with data from industry.
To conduct a desk study to review current literature, including relevant information from outside of the UK,on the latest information on ergot alkaloids. This should include whether they can be detected in grain samples in the absence of visible sclerotia,and if so,how substantiated this evidence is, plusadditional information on the impact of ergot alkaloids on human and animal health.
The review should
- Summarise the strengths and limitations of information currently available(not limited to the UK).
- Identify knowledge gaps and propose how these could be addressed to inform the EC in the development of future legislation.
Scope of the call
The AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds Research Knowledge Exchangeprogramme consists of both applied and strategic research with the balance between the two varying according to topic.This Call aims to provide an evidence base of current knowledge on ergot alkaloids that can be used to inform future EC policy development.
Related information
- European Food Safety Authority Scientific Opinion on Ergot alkaloids in food and feed – EFSA Journal 2012;10(7):2798
- Food Standards Agency Food Survey Information Sheet: 02/11
- AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds Information Sheet 33
- HGCA Project Report 126
- Food Standards Agency Report: Monitoring the presence of ergot alkaloids in cereals (2014)
Budget and duration
AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds has set a budget of £15,000 for this activity. Payment will be made in full upon submission of the final report. As this is an urgent piece of work, the requirement will be to complete and deliver the desk review within 2-3 months. The proposed start date will be01 August 2016 with a view to completion by 31 October 2016.It is essential that the report is delivered on time to allow the information to be fed to the European Commission.
Application procedure
Full proposals should be submitted using the bespoke AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds Application for a Research Contractavailable on the Calls page on the AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds website. Proposals will be subject to a rigorous assessment procedure. Any contract awarded will be subject to AHDB’sTerms and Conditions for the Provision of Goods and/or Services.
Please email completed forms
Deadlines for the application procedure
Date / Event14 June 2016 / Call issued
08 July 2016 / Deadline for receipt of full proposals
15 July 2016 / Full proposals evaluated by AHDB
w/c 18 July 2016 / Applicants informed of the final decision
01 August 2016 / Earliest project start date
If you have a specific question related to this Call please email . As part of the open tender process AHDB cannot discuss specific project details with you before submitting your proposal.All responses to questions will be anonymised and published on the Calls page on the AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds website.
It is your responsibility to check this page regularly for new information.
A desk study to review current knowledge on ergot alkaloids and their potential for contamination to cereal grains