Request for Programming Assistance Meeting (PAM)


Programming Assistance Meetings (PAM) will be requested by the Principal when a student requires an intensive level of academic, behavioral, or functional support, and all resources have been exhausted within the school setting. PAM meetings will address requests for additional support from district office, possible request for resources, adult assistance/adult support, and higher level of services.

PAM meetings will be held in the afternoon of the second and fourth Monday of each month (Board Meeting Monday) via Conference call. Principal/Assistant Principal and Building Coordinator or Counselor are required to participate.School Psychologist may participate when necessary. Other building level staff may not participate in the meeting. District level team includes Executive Directors, Directors of Student Services & Special Education,

Instructional Coordinators of Student Services and Special Education, Program Facilitators and Non Public Liaison.


All school based and itinerant resources must be utilized within the school setting prior to requesting a PAM. Documentation must include:

  • MTSS Intervention Data to include Interim Behavioral Supports or Classroom Progress
  • Program Facilitator/Instructional Coordinator/Counselor Involvement
  • Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)for those students that exhibit a pattern of behavior
  • Prior Written Notice documenting the team’s review of behavior
  • Comprehensive Behavior Intervention Plan /Behavior Management Planwith behavioral data collected, analyzed and summarized
  • Academic interventions provided including implementation of all appropriate accommodations, modifications, supplementary aides and services as outlined in the IEP
  • IEP and supporting documentation indicates a lack of progress over an extended period of time despite increased services.
  • Observations completed and included for students requiring adult assistance or support


  • CompleteProgramming Assistance Form
  • Send PAM Form through Google Drive to Director for Special Education
  • PAM meeting scheduled via secretary
  • PAM Presentation made by Building Administrator
  • Approved minutes distributed to Building Administrator.

Rev. 9-17