Report “Projecto Compasso”

  1. Identificationof the promoting entity:
    Delegação Regional da Madeira da Associação para o Planeamento da Família
  2. Identification of the co-financer:
  3. Identification of the action:

Denomination: Association for Family Planning
Head Office Address:

Rua da Vargem, 30, R/C

9000-705 Funchal (Madeira)

Contact:291 766 089

Schedule:November 2010toNovember2011
Functioning:Weeklylasting90 minutesin eachneighborhood
Place of accomplishment:

Bairro da Nazaré

Bairro da Torre

Bairro dos Pescadores

The project titled "COMPASSO", aims to reach a vulnerable group often marginalized and socially excluded. We refer to young women from the housing projects of RAM (Região Autónoma da Madeira).
Regarding the field of promoting sexual and reproductive health, we are aware that much remains to be done, making it relevant to enable and facilitate greater accessibility to resources, both technical and knowledge, those who somehow find themselves in a situation vulnerable, marginalized and socially excluded.

Despite the route of each individual is always an individual choice, it becomes essential to promote a safe backup for these options are done in full awareness and responsibility of the rights and duties as a human being and citizen. Thus, more than formally convey that knowledge, intends to peer training, taking as a facilitator of strategy and rich interaction with audiences that, by its characteristics of vulnerability, are added in real social “islands” (Moura, 2008).Only thus, is possible establish a communication that promotes the motivation for change and adoption of responsible behavior and healthy lifestyles, focusing on the identification process between different stakeholders. In this sense, this project aims to contribute to strengthening the approach to health and sexual and reproductive rights of young women, coming from some quarters of RAM.In our perspective, are projects like this that show how these young women can be proactive in the development of community intervention activities encouraging participation in training peer.

It should be noted that through this project we intend to the core of information and peer education through simplicity, "after all who would open more than one / a friend, someone you know and trust, which is in similar circumstances and who has similar experience?”.

  1. Program / ​​Plan sessions group:

Presentation / Group Meet /
  • Application of the diagnostic plug (pre-test).
  • Expose through PowerPoint, the different themes that will be addressed throughout the training.
  • Provide training objectives.
Activity 1 - Biography Lightning.
Request a member of the group to present a colleague.
The items can be completed with additional information.
Role of Community Mediator / Activity 1 - What do we do?
  • Split the large group into three groups and exchange ideas about the role of the community mediator and the obstacles that foresee?
    - Present the reflection of the large group.
  • Give information about the role of a community mediator.
  • Understand the importance of their actions.

Group / Activity 1 – Are we a group?
In groups of four elements nominate a few features that a group have, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of working in groups.
  • Concept of Group
  • Stages of a Group

Pedagogic Methods /
  • Principal pedagogic methods to use with young
    of the neighborhood.
Activity 1 - Teach to Play ...
In groups of four elements create a dynamic group to be applied to local young people.
Communication / Activity 1 - How to communicate with others?
In group of two elements, refer to the different ways to communicate and reflect on the correct way to pass a message to the youth of the neighborhood.
  • The importance of communication;
  • Communication styles.

Assertivity /
  • Emphasize how assertive communication style more suitable.
  • Understand the benefits of being assertive.
Activity 1 – Am I assertive?
Solve practical cases that describe situations where the style was not the assertive style of communication.
Sexuality / Activity 1 - Sexuality is sex?
In groups of three elements, to write 14 words related to sexuality?
- Present to major group.
Activity 2 – Drawing
  • Make a drawing related to "sexuality"
    - Present to the group
    - Concept of "sexuality"

Sexuality / Activity 1
Visualize video about several aspects related to sexuality.
  • Make debate about the main ideas conveyed by the video.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI´s) / Activity 1 - STI'S
In groups of three elements list the STI's that know and the modes of transmission?
- Present the answers to the larger group.
  • Provide information to the group about STI'S.
  • Clarifying some beliefs related to the transmission of STI'S.
Activity 2 - I know and you know?
  • Each group must identify, for an STI'S the following aspects:
    - What are the symptoms and manifestations of this STI?
    -What is the degree of seriousness?
    - What is the treatment possible? How can we prevent?
  • The spokesperson of each group should report to major group the responses.
Activity 3 - Proper Condom Use
Put in the correct sequence, a set of sentences about the correct use of condoms and demonstrate the use of even using a prosthetic penis.
- Make the correction with the major group.
Activity 4 - Evaluate the Risks
  • Present a framework to each group, which includes a set of behaviors or situations, which must rank as the risk of HIV infection.
  • Evaluate the responses and analyze the beliefs associated with them.
Theoretical presentation.
  • Give information, through the PowerPoint presentation, about some assumptions and key concepts of the topic.

Méthods / Activity 1 - It only happens to others ...
  • Introduce to the class, small group from which subjects had to construct a story.
Themes would be: Joana's pregnant!; A couple talks about their sexual relationship and the use of a particular contraceptive method. She thinks it's necessary, he does not; The condom broke up! And now?
  • Represent small theater for the entire group on each topic.

Theoretical presentation
  • Give information, through the presentation, about some assumptions and key ideas of the theme.
Activity 2 - I know ...
In groups of three elements enumerate the contraceptives they know and choose for presentation to the major group.
Activity 3 - Demonstration of various contraceptive methods
  • Contact with various contraceptive methods and their handling.
  • Know the advantages and disadvantages of contraceptive methods.

Planning an Activity / Activity 1-Planning
In groups of three elements plan to make five sessions with local young people about the topics discussed.
- Present to major group
Activity 2 - Obstacles
Identify the main obstacles they may encounter as mediators in the area of ​​Community Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Finding strategies to address obstacles
    -Provide the large group
    - Discussion in large group

Finalization / Activity 1 -2Columns
  • Distributes the leaves divided into two columns: What I remember doing versus what I learned?
  • Fill in the grid, two by two, and then sharing with the major group.
  • Expose and summarize, in PowerPoint, the various key ideas that have been aired in the program.
  • Apply post-test.

Note: The planning suffered some alterations according with the needs and questions presented by the trainees.
5. Selection procedures for the young
The selection was made ​​through:

  • Meeting with the entity responsible for selected neighborhoods IHM;
  • Contact with social workers from each neighborhood;
  • Convocation-shaped invitation to young people ages intended.

6. Trainees

Soon after the convocation, was held a meeting with the youth in order to explain the project and the objectives. Some young people contacted refused to participate, a total of eight young, which do not consider the list. Girls who refused to participate or were students and workers said they had no availability. At this time are in class from 10 to 12 trainees, because many young people are not assiduous, being often necessary to achieve the synthesis of the previous session and to clarify doubts.

Name / Age / Location / Ocupation
Maria Pacheco / 25 / Nazaré / Unemployed
Sofia Camacho / 18 / Nazaré / Student
Teresa Oliveira / 24 / Nazaré / Unemployed
Cátia Henriques / 23 / Nazaré / Unemployed
Catarina Rodrigues / 18 / Nazaré / Unemployed
Liliana Castro / 21 / Nazaré / Unemployed
Principelina Fernandes / 25 / Nazaré / Unemployed
Renata Silva / 24 / Nazaré / Unemployed
Silvana Almeida / 23 / Nazaré / Unemployed
Ana Ferreira / 22 / Nazaré / Unemployed
Célia Sousa / 23 / Nazaré / Unemployed
Carla Almeida / 24 / Nazaré / Unemployed
Daniela Freitas / 23 / Nazaré / Unemployed
Sandra Olim / 22 / Nazaré / Unemployed
Marta Alves / 21 / Nazaré / Unemployed
Angélica Marques / 23 / Machico / Student
Mónica Marques / 21 / Machico / Unemployed
Filipa Canada / 20 / Machico / Unemployed
Viviana Sousa / 21 / Machico / Student
Eduarda / 23 / Machico / Unemployed
Mónica Rosário / 25 / Machico / Unemployed
Cátia Sousa / 24 / Machico / Unemployed
Énia Alves / 19 / Machico / Student
Andreia Nunes / 20 / Machico / Student
Angela Silva / 18 / Machico / Student
Jessica Freitas / 22 / Machico / Unemployed
Cátia Olim / 24 / Machico / Unemployed
Ana Martins / 22 / Machico / Unemployed
Raquel Nunes / 23 / Machico / Unemployed
Joana Alves / 22 / Machico / Student

Agreed to participate in the project 30 young people, and this number corresponds to 15 youths of the neighborhood of Nazaré and 15 of the neighborhood of Machico (includes two neighborhoods) attending a weekly session lasting 90 minutes.
The youth group has similar age, same sex, residence and occupation, making this group a homogeneous group. The fact that is a homogeneous groupis a positive point because it facilitates interaction and discussion of experiences.

7. Pretest
At first, we carried out a pretest consisting of 13 closed response questions with the aim of assessing the knowledge of the trainees about contraceptives and sexually transmitted infections.
The evaluation carried out found that there is lack of information about the forms of transmission of HIV and knowledge of some contraceptive methods, including the diaphragm and spermicides. Also there are myths about the ways of transmission of sexually transmitted infections.
Relatively to the evaluations of the trainees have made sessions and objectives, may stand out as strengths, the topics approached, as well as sharing of experiences and interaction established between the group. Regarding the weak points, the trainees mentioned, some external noise that disturbed some sessions, and the assessment of this item, was conditioned by the context of realization of some sessions.

8. Supporting documentation supplied to the trainees
In the first session was delivered to the trainees a bag with the materials of the APF, notepad and pens. Throughout the sessions were provided materials, including pamphlets, contraceptives. Are carried out outside activities and some incentives are provided to the trainees.

9. Comment

These sessions take place in a very positive way; the group became very interested and engaged, and achieved the objectives set at the moment. In a first phase, we had difficulties in selecting the young and getting the confidence on their part. In addition, we had a late response of the entity responsible for neighborhoods and their permission to intervene.
Initially the group has shown up and with much curiosity, and is considered as by many young people an essential role and which they needed but never had access.
It is noteworthy that over the course of the sessions was felt an approximation of the group cohesion that allowed a good working relationship established among all young people and between them and the trainer.
We think it was mainly important to have some reinforcements during the sessions and shared experience that allows trainees greater self-esteem and determination to the sessions that are preparing to convey to other young people that live in the same neighborhood.

10. 2nd Group

It should be noted that the sessions with the young people who will continue mediating community and we intend to assess the results achieved through post-test. At the moment, are being contacted younger of these neighborhoods (2nd Group), with ages less than the mediators trained (1st Group). The target number is thirty young women.

11. Expenses with the project

We are successfully managing the budget according to the expenses shown in the table. However missing six months, which we want to operate the same way.

Operational costs / 2.482,85€
Communications / 500,00€
Energy / 180,00€
Water / 180,00€
Travels / 400,00€
Materials for sessions / 450,00€
Incentive for trainees / 772,85€
Total investment / 15.000,00€

12. Schedule

Nov. / Dec. / Jan. / Feb. / Mar. / Apr. / May / Jun. / Jul. / Aug. / Sep. / Oct. / Nov.
Project Organization / x
Meeting with those responsible for the neighborhoods / x
Meeting with social assistants from each neighborhood / x
Selection of trainees / x
1st Meeting – presentation of the project to the trainees / x
1st Group Sessions (Mediators) / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
2nd Group sessions / x / x / x / x / x
Finalization / x
Analysis of the results pre-post test / x
Report of intervention / x

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