ENG 342


To: (Course Instructor)

From: ------

Date: 1/25/2010

Re: Final Project Proposal

Project Purpose

The purpose of my final project is to redesign and author a new webpage for the waterski/wakeboard club. The current site is very poorly thrown together and doesn’t provide much information, and it does not provide any usable services. I am going to create a new site that will be a gathering point for prospective and current members alike to communicate, and gather information about the ski club.

Project Product

I am going to redesign as well as author a new webpage for the waterski/wakeboard club, of which I am a part of. The site as of right now is basically unusable. It will only work with a few select browsers. The website is basically a “look at us we are the waterski club this is what we do site.” I want to change that a little bit and put in some features that I have found very useful on other ski team sites. I want the ski club to come to the site to find rides, to set up times to meet and hang out, to check out the news for the week, or just to take a look at random pictures from the previous weekend. The site really had nothing to draw members, or prospective members into it, to make them come back time and time again. This website is going to be designed as a major resource for users on the ski team.

Project Audience

This website will be geared mostly towards current members of the waterski club. However it will keep in mind that for the club to survive there needs to be a recruitment process for new members. So there will be tools on the website for members and non members alike but will be mostly geared towards current members.


Project Resources

This is a list of hardware and software I am expecting to use for this project:

1.  Bbedit

2.  Final Cut Pro

3.  Cleaner 6

4.  Dreamweaver MX

5.  Photoshop

6.  Digital Camera

7.  Scanner

I have sent out an email to the waterski club with a few basic Ideas for the website, so that members can comment on them, make suggestions. I wanted to get a larger insight then just my ideas for the sight. So I have received a few emails about some things that members would like to see, what works and what doesn’t.

Similar Sites

Similar site #1: http://studentorgs.utexas.edu/waterski/, University of Texas Waterski Team, The UT waterski team website.

The UT’s Homepage is lacking something it doesn’t have much to say on the Homepage I think I am going to have a little more information than that. But the “Skier Of the Month” is a cool idea.

Similar site #2: http://expert.ics.purdue.edu/~h2oski/CoverFrame.html, Purdue Waterski Team, The Purdue waterski teams website.

I like how Purdue has a random picture up on the front page, I might adopt that Idea and change the picture every once and awhile. But I think I am going to have a little different color scheme, even though those colors are their school colors, they just look to plain on a website.

Similar site #3: http://www.umwaterski.com/, U of M Waterski Team, Exactly what it says.

My webpage will be set up quite similar to the U of M Waterski Teams in terms of form. I am going to have a left-hand navigation, as well as a heading at the top and my homepage is going to have current news and events on the front. Although I think that I am going only have a quick summary of the news article on the front page… and only keep it up for a certain amount of time. I don’t like how the page seems to go on forever.

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