8:15 10:45

Acolyte Olivia Miller

Greeters Bud Gruber Fred & Betty Gutshall

Lay Readers Denise Dougherty Henry Greenawald

Nursery Elinor Wagner/Helen Ferguston Janice & Olivia Mountain/Rhonda


Ushers Thaddeus Sampson (C), Cindy Gnech, David Harris (C), Pearl Mahan,

Bill Stiffler, Bill Morris Ken Miller, Olivia Miller, Peg Reda

Sound Volunteers: John Butari, Bruce Neely, Bill Miller, Jeff Karchner

Lay Support:

Cards: Vi Bretz, Carol Bartoski Flowers: Shirley McCahan Telephone: Pat Greenawald

This Week’s Schedule

Monday - Womyn’s Chorus – 6:30p; Pastoral Relations – 7p

Tuesday - Zumba – 6:30p; Womyn’s Chorus Bd. Mtg. – 7p

Wednesday – Inclusive Interest Group – 7p; K. Bolton Mtg. – 7p

Thursday - Band – 6p; AA– 7p; Choir – 7p; Hbg. Assn. C&M Mtg. – 7p

Friday - T.O.P.S. – 10a

Saturday - PCC Vitality – 10a

Birthdays (May 11-May 17): Brett Montgomery, Sean Montgomery, Corey Schwalm, Jake Brougher, Isabella Stefanelli, Alice Brown, Bill Stiffler, Karisa Zola. Birthday information is available in the Messenger each month and can also be found on our website at

Attention all Parents of Young Children! Six different Activity Bags for infants-toddlers, ages 2-4 ages 5-8 are located in the narthex and are available to help keep children occupied. Bags can be taken into the sanctuary for use and then returned to the table after worship. Also Bible activity sheets are available from the ushers.

During worship we invite you to leave your children in our Church Nursery. Infants will remain in the crib nursery with caring volunteers. Supervised play for the older children will take place in the preschool room next door. Both are located in the hall beside the Sanctuary.

Hearing Assist devices and Large Print Hymnals & Bulletins are available in the narthex. See an Usher for assistance.

Summer Worship Projection volunteers are needed to place worship liturgy into Powerpoint & also run projection during Sunday services when Dave is on vacation. For more information contact Dave at or 651-1199.

Welcome! Happy Mother’s Day!

The Alter flowers today are presented to the Glory of God in loving memory of Walter Havran by Norma & family.

Today the Remembrance Book is open to the pages acknowledging the Gifts given to the Glory of God in memory of Mary E. Wolf.

We are promoting church family connections by sending cards for special occasions, illness or injury, and sympathy. Please sign your name or write a note on the cards on the table at the back of the Sanctuary. This week’s cards: Faye & Jeff Mertus who are celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary and Bill Stiffler is celebrating his 80th Birthday.

Congratulations to Goldie Boyer who became a grandmother for the 6th time. Emmett Clark McDonald was born on April 22 to Becky Boyer and her husband.

All are invited to attend the 54th annual Rose Breakfast on June 4th at 9:00. This year's program will be Dr. Donald Koones who will speak on: "Posterity - Letters famous people have written to their children." Sign up on form in today’s bulletin.

CPUCC’s Softball Team plays this week on Tues. 5/13 at Hbg. State Hospital Upper Field. Come out and support our team! There is a schedule posted on the Community Bulletin board in the office hallway. If you want to play, contact Chris Sanders at . GO CPUCC!!!

Be part of the circle! You may have seen some people wearing a red and black Unity pin. Each of the symbols on the Unity pin has a special meaning. The circle itself represents unity and unbrokenness; the cross is the universal symbol of Christianity; the black comma is the symbol of the UCC; our initials CPUCC are intertwined with the word UNITY to emphasize our focus; and “ALL are welcome” is what our church truly believes to be true. If you would like a Unity pin, please see Ellen, Mary, Ralph, Vi, Bill S., Linda, Shirley, or Bill M.

The Rev. Dr. Marja Coons-Torn is retiring from Penn Central Conference at the annual meeting this June. A collection is being taken to be used toward a farewell gift. If you’d like to contribute to this fund make your check payable to CPUCC with “Marja” in the memo or on the envelope and place it in the offering plate or church office no later than May 18.

The External Deacons will be collecting the items needed for the CWS School Kits until May 18. Cash or check donations are accepted. Please mark the donations for CWS School Kits. Thank you.

Longwood Gardens Trip- Saturday May 17. Sign up information is on the wall outside of Fellowship Hall. We will car pool from the church that morning. Please see Mike Shaffer for information.

The Women's Spirituality Group will be meeting for the final time (until fall) on May 21 at 7p in the church parlor. Pat Greenawald will be our leader. Start your summer with peace and calmness!


There are three Sunday School classes for adults. Classes are open to everyone.

The Chapel Class will study the Present Word’s—a DVD lesson today: Christians, Science & Politics. On May 18— When Christians Get it Right. Everyone Welcome!

A class meets in the Parlor. They are discussing "Great Figures of the New Testament" with Professor Amy-Jill Levine of the Vanderbilt University Divinity School.

Join us upstairs in Room 4 on Sundays at 9:30am for a book study and discussion on the latest book by Rob Bell, What We Talk About When We Talk About God. When you talk about God, what do you mean? Have you ever tried to put it into words? In his book, Bell talks about “how to return vitality and vibrancy to how we understand God and reveals how we can reconnect with the God who is with us, for us, and ahead of us, pulling us forward into a better future and helping us live life to the fullest.” Everyone is welcome!

Book Study - This summer we will study the book “Be Joyful (Philippians) Even When Things Go Wrong, You Can Have Joy” by Warren Wiersbe. Join Michael Shafer and Lydia Graeff beginning June 4 at 7:30pm in the church Parsonage. You can pick up this book for less than $10 on Amazon. If you have any questions about the study, please contact Michael at 602-5542 or or Lydia at 576-8482 or .

Children & Youth fAITH DEVELOPMENT

The Children Youth Sunday School classes are held Sundays at 9:30am. Classes are for toddler through High School. If you’re not sure which class your child fits into – stop by the Nursery in the hall beside the Sanctuary and someone will direct you!

Hartman Center offers a variety of Camping Adventures and is open to all people who want to experience what it means to enjoy Christian community in the midst of God’s Creation. Once again Faith Development will pay half the cost of your first Camp. Registration forms are on the bulletin board in the main hallway, or online at Bring your registration form and 1/2 the fee payable to CPUCC to the church office and we’ll do the rest!

Summer is not that far off and we’re making plans. Please note that from May 25 to August 31 we will have ONE Worship Service at 10:00am. Sunday School classes will be from 9-9:45am, followed by Fellowship time. We will have a Prayer Service at 8:15am for those who cannot make the 10am service. We are seeking your input on songs/hymns to sing this summer. Stop in the office, pick up a form and write down some selections you’d like to sing or hear this summer.

Do you like Carnival food, games & fun? We’re looking for someone to help us organize this year’s Kid’s Summer Carnival scheduled for Saturday, August 2! Contact Linda Bender at 657-1540.

House Church will be next Sunday, May 18 in the church parlor. We’ll have a light supper at 5pm followed by Worship at 6pm. If you’re willing to contribute a food item to the supper contact Pastor Bonita at 545-3782 or .

Theology from the Black Perspective by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Pastor Emeritus of Trinity UCC, Chicago. Dr. Wright, is teaching a Master Class on the many different theologies practiced in Black churches from the days of enslavement through the 21st century. The course will examine the reality that there is no monolithic Black church or Black theology. The class will meet 8a-12p from May 19-23 at Lancaster Seminary. The cost is $250. Register at

Attention Graduating Seniors! - In the combined June/July Messenger we want to acknowledge your graduation from High School, College, Trade School, etc. Please send your Name, School, Degree received, Future plans (college, job prospects, etc). Feel free to include any accomplishments or rewards you’ve received. Send your submissions to or type them up and leave them in the church office.

Calling all knitters and crocheters! Pastor Bonita's supply of prayer shawls/lap blankets is dwindling and could use some new additions. If you feel so inclined, some new ones to replenish her supply would be appreciated.

The Ice Cream & Music Festival (ICMF) is just over a month away on June 14! Lisa Collins & Peg Reda are the Chairpersons this year. We have a lot of things lined up already, but we are in need of sponsors. Would you consider a sponsorship gift or do you work for or frequent a business that you’d feel comfortable contacting? Kathy can provide you with a letter if you need one. Donations should be made payable to CPUCC w/ICMF in the memo. We will also need about 10 fruit pies for our Pie a-la mode stand, if you’re willing to provide a pie please contact Peg Reda at 545-1667. We’re also looking for someone to clear tables and take the trash out, call Kathy if you are willing to do that. If you can help with publicity of the event by handing out some flyers or posting to community bulletin boards, you may pick them up on the table by the Chapel or call the office.

Next Sunday we will celebrate Mission Sunday. Members of the Mission Trip team will present the service, talk about this year’s trip to the Mogan-Scott Project June 15-21. It’s not too late to go along. To support their efforts join us for the Mission Trip Fundraiser (coupon below) or if you prefer there is an envelope in today’s bulletin for contributions. Thank you.