Community Café questions for Kindergarten Here We Come
We’ve talked about the adjustments children and families must make to successfully transition to Kindergarten along with some strategies to ease that move. Now let’s put our collective wisdom together in meaningful conversation and plan doable action steps in our communities.
Explain café concept—there will be two questions for discussion and then we will harvest your thoughts and ideas in a group discussion. Everyone has a note card and a sticky note pad. We will use them in our harvest process and you will have your own action step written on your note card to take home. We’ll write our action step (may have more than one) on the sticky note and place on the charts on the wall. Let’s have some real connection!
To start our café pair up in twos. A successful collaboration begins with good listening skills. I am going to give you a question and we will take about two minutes for each person to answer it in conversation with your partner. Do not interrupt the speaker; just listen carefully with nods and murmurs of encouragement. When I call time, it is your partner’s turn.
Dyad Question: Think of a transition you or your family had to make. It can be anything, such as starting back to school, having to move, taking on the care of elderly parents, etc. What helped you cope?
Ok, how did that feel? Was it hard to just listen and not respond?
Now let’s get in groups of four or five and we’ll begin our café.
1st Question – We talked about the possible stresses that transition from pre-school, home or other settings to Kindergarten may cause in children and families. What have you observed or thought about in your personal experience that may cause a family and their Kindergartener to struggle to adjust?
You have about 12 minutes before we move to the next question. Feel free to jot notes on the paper in front of you, and on your sticky pad. Drawing/doodling helps set our minds free to really listen and find new ideas in our conversation.
Time’s up. Move to another table leaving one person behind to share ideas generated by your group as we tackle the next question. Try to be with as many different people as possible.
2nd Question – We talked about numerous strategies to make the transition as successful as possible. What strategies do you think are good ideas and doable in your community?
Time’s up. Move to another table leaving the same person to share ideas from the previous group.
3rd Question - What if you were going to write a story about tonight’s conversation? What one thing would you most want others to know?
Time’s Up – You may stay where you are or move back to your original seats. Feel free to look at any drawings or notes on the table paper. Take a few minutes now to reflect on your conversations. Jot down insights, discoveries or ideas on your sticky pad.
Harvest – What were some of the ideas you discussed or discoveries you made? Do you have any additional thoughts or ideas?
Ok – Please use your index card to write down an action you intend to take over the next few days or weeks that will help children and families make a successful transition to Kindergarten. Also, please bring your sticky notes and place on the chart paper.
Thanks for your participation. I heard great ideas.