Teaching Plan
Activities to be completed prior to attending tutorial
- Obtain a copy of the NW Hospitals Pre-registration Trainee Pharmacist Accuracy Checking Programme
- Read local accuracy checking policy
- Discuss common errors with dispensary/risk manager and what has been put in place to minimise the risk of these errors
Time / Activity / Detail / Resources
5 minutes
(5mins) / Introduction to accuracy checking tutorial /
- Introduce self
- Go through aims and objectives for tutorial
- Explain outline of tutorial
- Circulate attendance form
10 minutes
(15mins) / Introduction to NW Hospitals Pre-registration Trainee Pharmacist Accuracy Checking Programme /
- Show students the manual
- Explain scope and aims of the programme, training and accreditation
Powerpoint presentation
15 minutes
(30mins) / Activity 1
Group work
Reflection on errors /
- Students to discuss common errors occurring at base hospital and what has been put in place to minimise the risk of these errors
- Students to summarise on flipcharts
- Ask students what they think the importance of accuracy checking & consequences of errors
15 minutes
(45mins) / Feedback on errors /
- Groups to feedback on what they have written on the flipcharts
15 minutes
(60mins) / Activity 2
Individual work
Develop an accuracy checking checklist /
- Students to work on their own to create a checklist for themselves to use whilst accuracy checking
Flipchart and pens
5 minutes
(65mins) / Feedback on checklist /
- Students to feedback necessary steps in accuracy checking process
- Tutor to write on flipchart
15 minutes
(80mins) / Accuracy checking process presentation /
- Distribute handouts
- Tutor to run through presentation
- Students to amend self check list if necessary
10 minutes
(90mins) / Break
60 minutes
(150mins) / Activity 3
Individual work
Practical session
(Nb. DO NOT MARK or WRITE on Rx/dispensed items) /
- Tutor to explain the different types of prescriptions used for the practical session
- Students to work individually through all prescriptions using their checklist
- Students to record any errors they find on supplied logs
- Students to reflect on and amend checklist if necessary
Logs for students to complete
List of prescriptions and errors for tutor
20 minutes
(170mins) / Feedback on practical session /
- Students encouraged to volunteer errors found
- Tutor to discuss answers with students
5 minutes
(175mins) / Activity 4
Complete a record of evidence /
- Students to complete a record of evidence for the tutorial
5 minutes
(180mins) / Student evaluation of tutorial /
- Tutor to ask students to complete an evaluation form before they leave