Bloomsday Post-Race Vendor Application
Sunday, May 6, 2018
The Lilac Bloomsday Association (“LBA”) rents booth space (10’x10’) in the post-race area for use by vendors and exhibitors interested in selling food, beverages, or merchandise to Bloomsday finishers or for informational displays. The LBA will take applications immediately and will make actual booth assignments in late spring, about a week before Bloomsday. Booth space costs $300 for a 10’ by 10’ or smaller space, or $500 for larger spaces (up to 25’), payable with this application. Booth space is reserved on a first come, first served basis. Vendors must be approved by the Lilac Bloomsday Association Board of Directors. No booth space will be assigned until a contract with the LBA is signed by you.
Name of Company ______
Contact Name______
City, State, Zip______
Phone: Day______Evening______
Email Address:______
Will you be selling food, beverages or merchandise at your booth? ___YES ___NO
If selling, what is your UBI#:______
Food or merchandise to be sold (or information to be displayed): ______
Please read and sign below: I understand that rental of booth space in the post-race area on Bloomsday (May 6, 2018) is solely at the discretion of the LBA, and may be revoked at any time for any reason. I agree to follow the rules and regulations of the LBA, the City of Spokane, Spokane County and the State of Washington. I understand that those rules require a State UBI license for sales, require insurance, and require proper disposal of garbage and waste water, among other things. I understand that vehicle access to the post-race area is limited. I agree to provide a certificate of insurance as required by the LBA. I understand that I will need to sign a contract with the LBA before booth space will be assigned.
Signature Date
Booth size ______X ($300 or $500) = ______
Do you need electricity? (circle Yes or No) YES NO
Make check payable to “Lilac Bloomsday Association” and mail with application to:
Lilac Bloomsday Association
1414 N Belt St.
Spokane, WA 99201