The following are the names of students I have supervised and graduated at masters degree level including the topics of their projects since 2008 to 2012
Abdulatif Hassan Abdulrahman 2010
Factors influencing public primary school head teachers’ competence in financial management in Kilifi district Kenya
Stella K.Mang’uu 2010
Effects of headteachers’ leadership styles on secondary school students’ performance in Kenya certificate of secondary examination in Kitui district, Kenya 2010
KirikuaT. HonjenMaingi 2010
Effects of miraa farming on pupils’ participation in primary school education in Kiengu division,Igembe south district, Kenya
Ndung’u George Murai2008
Factors affecting participation rates of students in public secondary schools in Gatundu District, Kenya
Kabiru Jane Wanja 2009
Factors contributing to drug abuse among secondary school students in Kirinyaga central division, Kirinyaga district
Mbugua Stephen ngugi 2009
The influence of school related factors on chemistry performance in secondary schools in bahati division nakuru district
Omufwoko Esther Amimo 2009
Factors influencing access to information and communication technologies for students’ learning at Technical colleges in Nairobi province
Siriba Beatrice Mokeira 2009
Assessment of in-service Training Programmeson implementation of integrated English curriculum in secondary schools in Nairobi province, Kenya
Ndigiti Mary Nyanchama 2009
Impact of school Guidance and Counseling on student discipline in public secondary schools in Ngong division Kajiado district, Kenya
MuindiMonicah 2009
Factors affecting sustainability of free primary education in central division Machakos district
Omulama Aston Angote 2011
The influence of administration on national examinations performance in secondary schools in Hamisi district, Kenya
Munene Susan Wnangigi 2010
Head teachers’ conflict management styles on building teachers’ teamwork in public secondary schools in Gichugu division, Kirinyaga district
MbeleStella Pendo 2010
Influence of school feeding program on primary school curriculum implementation by pupils’ in TaitaTaveta district, Kenya
KatiteCatherine Kazungu 2010
Head teachers’ role on access of girl-child to primary school education in Magarini division Malindi district
Kirumi Eunice Nyambura 2010
Influence of jiggers outbreak on pupils’ participation in primary school education in Kiganjo division, Gatundu district Kenya
MunganiaCharity Gakii 2010
Democratic management leadership style on development of students’ discipline in public secondary schools in Imenti North district, Kenya
Ogallo Sophia Atieno 2010
Gender disparity in deployment of head teachers in mixed secondary schools in Nyakach district, Kenya
Kabuchi Susan Njeri 2010
Influence of head teachers’ leadership styles on pupils’ performance in Kenya certificate of primary education in Westlands division Nairobi
KiarieJames Gitau 2010
Influence of school environment on attendance of boy-child in public primary schools in Mirangine district, Kenya
Ndiga Timothy Kaaria 2010
Challenges facing implementation of Kiswahili curriculum in public secondary schools in Igembe district
Masengo Jane Wanjiru 2010
Influence of motivational practices on teachers’ job performance in public primary schools teachers in Starehe division, Nairobi North district
Mogire Jane Kerubo 2010
Role of head teachers in instructional supervision on Kenya certificate of primary education performance in Dagoreti district
Marangu Rosemary Kathambi2010
Head teachers’ leadership styles on the level of financial management in public secondary schools in Imenti North district, Kenya
Owili Millicent Adhiambo 2010
Role of Kenya Education Staff Institute on head teachers’ management of public secondary schools in Rarieda district, Kenya
Ongara Evans Mokaya 2011
Influence of parents’ poverty levels on pupils’ participation rate in primary school education in Getembe division, Kisii central district
Ngugi Paul N. 2011
Influence of operational planning strategies on Kenya certificate of secondary education examination performance in Kiambu district
Muchoki Nancy Wangari 2011
Role of education resources on student’ academic performance in public primary schools in Kasarani division, Nairobi
Mbatia Jane Wairimu 2011
Teachers’ perception of head teachers’ level of supervisory practices in public primary schools in Nakuru North district, Kenya
MuindeEverlynMwikali 2011
Head teachers’ strategies in enhancing internal efficiency in the provision of education in public primary schools in Embakasi district, Kenya
GachokiPerisMabuti 2011
Influence of conflicts o f interest among head teachers in instructional supervision in public secondary schools in Meru South district
ThukuWachira 2011
Influence of head teachers’ conflict management styles on teachers’ job satisfaction in public primary schools in Gilgil district
OyabiJosphineMoraa 2011
Influence of school feeding program on pupils’ participation in education in Nairobi West district
Wanyama Jacob F. 2011
Level of compliance with health and sanitation standards for the emergence response in secondary schools in Sabatia district Kenya
Muse Evelyn Kathini 2011
Challenges facing board of governors on the management of public secondary schools in Kitui central division, Kitui district
Mburu Margaret Wamuyu 2011
Influence of school level on students’ participation in public secondary schools in Mirangine district, Kenya
Mutua Jeremiah Mua 2011
Influence of induction of new teachers by the head teacher on performance of duty in public secondary schools in Nzambani district, Kenya
Cheplilan Mary Alukunyang 2011
Influence of socio-cultural factors on student’ participation in secondary school education in Pokot Central district, Kenya
Kinyanjui Anthony Gichia 2011
Principals’ of information and technology in monitoring secondary school operation in Gatundu North district, Kenya
Kariuki John Kamau 2011
Influence of teachers’ job satisfaction on Kenya certificate of secondary examination students; results in public secondary schools in Kahuro district, Kenya
Kikuvi Eunice Munyilu 2011
Secondary school preparedness in disaster management in the provision of education in Nairobi County, Kenya
Wanjohi Catherine Wamucii 2011
Influence of government funding on internal efficiency in public secondary schools in Nyandarua west district, Kenya
Malik Tarry Kuli 2011
Factors affecting student participation in secondary school education in Marti division
Akello Jacqueline E. A. 2011
The influence of fishing on the participation of the boy child in primary school education, nyatike district Kenya
NyasakaOwino Lucas 2011
Determinants of academic achievements in Kenya certificate of secondary education in Homa-Bay district, Kenya
AnyangaOyula Martin 2011
Influence of head teachers’ personal characteristics on pupils’ results in Kenya certificate of primary education in Naivasha district, Kenya
Ong’auNyamwaka 2012
Influence of guidance and counseling on student performance in Kenya certificate of secondary education in Kisii Central district
SerekaAbdubaRoba 2011
School based factors influencing students’ academic performance in Kenya certificate of secondary education in public schools in Marsabit district
MwangiJosphat 2011
Influence of social-economic factors on girls’ participation in primary school education in Narok North district, Kenya
Mucheru Timothy 2011
Effects of education costs on drop-out rates. A study of Maara district, Kenya
Sankok Joyce Mugure 2011
Influence of institutional factors on girl-child education in public secondary schools in Kajiado North district, Kenya
Nyong’o John Owino 2011
Institutional challenges in implementation of free tuition secondary school education in Rachuonyo district, Kenya
MwaliliJennisterMwende 2011
Influence of principals’ communication strategies on students’ performance in Kenya certificate of secondary education Kitui district
GekondeJosphine 2011
Influence of students’ discipline on the schools’ performance in Kenya certificate of secondary education in Ruiru district Kenya
Omayo Francis Keng’ara 2011
Factors influencing head teachers’ performance in instructional supervision in public secondary schools in Kisii Municipality
Otieno James Nerry 2011
Preparedness of non-formal education providers in enhancing learners’ access to primary school education in Nairobi, Kenya
Mbaka Tom Odili 2012
Influence of head teachers on Kenya certificate of primary education performance in Gucha South district, Kenya
Were Andrew 2012
Factors influencing the enrolment of students in public day secondary schools in Butula district
Oriema Basil Malome 2012
Evaluation of cost-effectiveness in the provision of free tuition in public day secondary education in Eldoret West district Kenya
MurithiMuthoni 2012
Influence of head teachers’ instructional supervisory strategies on curriculum implementation in public primary schools in Imenti South district, Kenya
Kamwitha Anastasia Muthanje 2012
An assessment of school based factors influencing pupils’ wastage in public primary schools in Mwala division, Mwala district, Kenya
Kiroto Francis Kariuki 2012
An evaluation of household and school factors on internal efficiency in the provision of education in public primary schools inNyandarua West district, Kenya
GichukiDancan Mburu 2012
Influence of parents’ socio-economic factors on internal efficiency in the provision of secondary school education in Mukaa district, Kenya
GitongaJosphineWaruguru 2012
Training needs of head teachers’ on management of pupils’ discipline in public primary schools in Kieni East district, Kenya
Apondi Hilda Lucy Asiachi 2012
Impact of orphanedhood on school administration in public primary schools in Uranga division, Siaya County, Kenya
Wanjala Edwin 2012
An assessment of Non-Indigenous teachers’ efficiency in public secondary schools in Wajir North district, Kenya
Karuke Emmanuel M. 2012
Influence of social cultural and economic factors on pupils’ discipline in Kilifi district
Oundo Nicholas G 2012
Effectiveness of school strategies in the campaign on drug and substance abuse among secondary school students in samburu County, Kenya
Guyo Martha Paul 2012
Factors influencing head teachers’ in the performance of instructional supervision in secondary schools in Moyale district, Kenya