Dr. Lee T. Hickey

Contact details

Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation

Room S503, Level 5, Hartley Teakle Building [#83]

The University of Queensland, Brisbane

QLD 4072Australia

Work: +61 7 3365 4805

Mobile: +61 408210286

Fax: +61 7 3346 0539


Website: http://www.qaafi.uq.edu.au/hickey

Twitter: @DrHikov


2012: PhDin Quantitative and Molecular Plant Breeding, The University of Queensland

2012: Graduate Certificate in Research Commercialisation, The University of Queensland

2007: B.Agr Sc (Hons Class I), The University of Queensland

Research positions

-Research Fellow: Winter Cereal Pre-Breeder, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, The University of Queensland (Nov 2012 – current)

-PhD candidate, School of Agriculture and Food Science, The University of Queensland (Jan 2007 – Jan 2012)

-Biometrics Teaching Assistant, School of Land, Crop and Food Science, University of Queensland (Mar 2008 – Jun 2009)

-Maize Research Intern, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. (Dallas Center, IA, USA) (Jun – Dec 2008)

-Research Assistant, School of Land, Crop and Food Science, University of Queensland (Feb –Jun 2008)

-Research Technician, CSIRO, Plant Industry (Oct 2005 – Jun 2010)

Awards & Scholarships

Fresh Science National Finalist, 2013
Paul Johnston Memorial Award, 2013
Finalist for The University of Queensland UniQuest Trailblazer Competition, 2011
School of Agriculture and Food Science Postgraduate Travel Award, 2011
The University of Queensland Graduate School Travel Award, 2010
Travel Scholarship from the Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 2010
Australian Postgraduate Award, 2008
Grains Research Top-Up Scholarship awarded by GRDC, 2008
Valedictorian for the Faculty of Biological and Chemical Sciences and the Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland, 2007
Bell Memorial Medal, 2007
Ben Brown Memorial Medal for Agricultural Science, 2007
Edwin Munro Scholarship in Agricultural Science, 2007
Student award to attend the 11th International Symposium on Pre-harvest Sprouting in Cereals in Mendoza, Argentina, 2007
Undergraduate Honors Scholarship awarded by GRDC, 2007
Dean’s Commendation for High Achievement (Semesters 1 & 2 2006, Semester 1 & 2 2007)
Year 12 Agricultural Science Medal for Ferny Grove State High School, 2002

Current research projects

-Validation of rapid gene transfer methodology in barley (UQ)

-Delivery of wheat root traits that contribute to water limited yield stability (GRDC)

-Barley Pre-Breeding for multiple disease resistance (GRDC)

-Mining novel disease resistance genes in wheat landraces from the VIR (N I Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry) collection (UQ)

-Accelerating the utilisation and deployment of durable adult plant resistance to leaf rust in barley (GRDC)

-Resistance to pathogens (CSIRO)

-Introgression of rust resistance and grain dormancy into backgrounds of four Longreach elite wheat lines (Longreach)

Selected publications

-Hickey LT, Lawson W, Platz GJ, Fowler RA, Arief V, Dieters M, Germán S, Fletcher S, Park RF, Singh D, Pereyra S, Franckowiak J(2012) Mapping quantitative trait loci for partial resistance to powdery mildew in an Australian barley population. Crop Science 52:1021–1032

-Hickey LT, Lawson W, Arief VN, Fox G, Franckowiak J, Dieters MJ(2012) Grain dormancy QTL identified in a doubled haploid barley population derived from two non-dormant parents. Euphytica 188:113–122

-Hickey LT, Lawson W, Platz GJ, Dieters M, Franckowiak J (2012) Origin of leaf rust adult plant resistance gene Rph20 in barley. Genome 55:396–399

-Hickey LT, Lawson W, Platz GJ, Dieters M, Arief VN, Germán S, Fletcher S, Park RF, Singh D, Pereyra S, Franckowiak J (2011) Mapping Rph20: a gene conferring adult plant resistance to Puccinia hordei in barley. Theoretical and AppliedGenetics 123:55–68

-Hickey LT, Wilkinson PM, Knight CR, Godwin ID, Kravchuk OY, Aitken EAB, Bansal UK, Bariana HS, DeLacy IH, Dieters MJ (2011) Rapid phenotyping for adult plant resistance to stripe rust in wheat. Plant Breeding 131:54-61

-Hickey LT, Dieters MJ, DeLacy IH, Christopher MJ, Kravchuk OY, Banks PM (2010) Screening for grain dormancy in segregating generations of dormant × non-dormant crosses in white-grained wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Euphytica 172:183-195

-Hickey LT, Dieters MJ, DeLacy IH, Kravchuk OY, Mares DJ, Banks PM (2009) Grain dormancy in fixed lines of white-grained wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown under controlled environmental conditions. Euphytica 168:303-310