GCMG Member Meeting

September 19, 2013

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President Peggy Jones welcomed everyone and acknowledged all the guests. The meeting was called to order. There were 53certified members, 13 students, and 6 guests in attendance.

Jeff McKee introduced the speaker, Kathleen Scott and her talk was on “Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Garden.”

There was a quick break and the business meeting followed.

The Minutes of the August 15, 2013, meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report: Bob Teweles said that there was over $13,000 in our operating account.

Jeff McKee gave the line-up of upcoming speakers:

October Liz Palfini, Texas Parks and Wildlife, “Weeding Through Heirlooms,

Historic and Just Plain Good Old Days Gardening Propaganda. How

to make informed consumer garden choices”

November Paul Johnson, Texas A&M Forest Service, “Proper Tree Pruning”

December Christmas Social

January Mark Fanick, “Fruit Trees”

March Marty Ruona, “Xeriscape”

New Business

William K. Roberts was recognized as being a newly certified Master Gardener; he received his certificate, name badge, and membership card.

Nominating Committee: Pat Schultze said that there are several positions open, and encouraged members to fill these positions; Ellen Laubhan volunteered as Vice President-Programs.

Committee Reports

Volunteer Committee Chair – Carol Calentine said that there are a lot of schools in Seguin, McQueeney, and LaVernia that need help with their gardening projects.

Carol had sign-up sheets for the Christmas Tree Decoration Committee, the Christmas Social, Ag Day for Kids, and Cibolo Creek FFA Agriculture Awareness Day on October 19 at the Toby Connor Ag Complex.

Guadalupe County Fair: Karen Wallock reported that the speakers have been scheduled, and they will talk from the stage area, without interruptions from other areas. A sign-up sheet was passed around for volunteers to work at the Fair for 4-hour shifts. Betty Hughes said that help is needed on Monday mornings at the AgriLife Extension Building from 9:00 a.m.-noon. She needs help with putting seeds in bags for give-ways, help with making copies for handouts, and help with children’s crafts. She needs volunteers to help her with the children’s craft activities on Saturday at noon and at 5:00 p.m.; Sunday at 1:00 p.m.

Educational Classes: Bob Teweles reported that GCMG will present two classes for the public on “Getting Ready for Spring Vegetable Gardening,” and “Planning Your Garden – Propagation of Seeds.” Deedy Wright and Clara Mae Marcotte volunteered to speak at these classes. There was a sign-up sheet passed around to help with these classes.

Class 25 Update – Bob Teweles thanked the students for attending the meeting. There are 18 students in the class that started two weeks ago. Bob encouraged GCMGs to attend the classes (except the propagation class). Bob said that the list of the classes will be in the GCMG newsletter.

Guadalupe County Community Garden – Bob Davis reported that over 4,000 pounds of produce has been donated to the Randolph Area Christian Assistance Program and the Immaculate Catholic Church in Marion. The electricity has been installed. Flower beds and railings around the pergola have been installed. Peggy Jones encouraged members to come out and help on Tuesday and Friday starting at 9:00 a.m.

Refreshments: Treva Hicks thanked all for bringing refreshments. Treva needs members to sign up for the October and November meetings.

The Christmas Social will be held on Sunday, December 15 at 5:00 p.m. at the Red Barn. No decorating will be needed since the Barn will already be decorated. Texas Lutheran University’s Youth Choir will be our entertainment.

Speakers Bureau: Treva Hicks said that Clara Mae Marcotte and Dave Elder gave presentations this month; Dave Elder donated back to GCMG his honorarium from Schulz Nursery. Clara Mae will be on KWED Saturday, September 21 at 9:15 a.m. to talk about the Guadalupe County Fair.

PowerPoint Classes: Treva Hicks said that the next class for PowerPoint will be held on September 26 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. These classes are held at the library in Seguin and they are free of charge.

Flower Beds at the Red Barn: Treva Hicks said that volunteers are needed every Friday morning to clean flower beds, etc. at the Red Barn.

Publicity: Elaine McIntyre needs members’ articles for the newsletter on or before September 26.

Junior Master Gardeners: LoRay Dick reported that she has been working with the St. James Catholic School gardens. She also asked if someone could build her a transportable raised bed to use at her talks. LoRay also gave a talk to Emanuel’s Lutheran Church Community Garden.

Texas Master Gardener Conference: Peggy Jones encouraged members to attend in McAllen October 17-19.

GCMG Budget: Budgets need to be submitted to Cindy Waechter as soon as possible.


Volunteer Recognition Program: Bob Teweles said that to participate in the September drawing, members had to report at least 5 volunteer hours to Dale Odvody by August 31. Five names were drawn, the first drawn was Hughlene Micheli, and she won a $20 gift certificate to Schulz Nursery. The other four that will also be eligible for the end of the year drawing were: Mary Styblo, Joyce Friesenhahn, ????.

Visitor, Cynthia Castle, won the raffle of $25, and Jennifer Wilson won the $10 gift certificate to Schulz Nursery. Joyce Friesenhahn brought an floral arrangement for give-away, and Joanne Rand won it.

Adjournment. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Pat Schultze
