Guide to preparing content and delivering The Observatory presentation for the monthly Webex for Medication SafetyOfficers


In March 2014 a Patient Safety Alert for improving medication error incident reporting and learning was issued. As part of this alert the National Medication Safety Network was set up as a new forum for discussing potential and recognised safety issues, and key safety contacts, “Medication Safety Officers (MSOs)”, were appointed in healthcare organisations as members of this network. The MSO network is multi-disciplinary network of healthcare professionals including pharmacists, nurses, and doctors, across boundaries of care i.e. primary and secondary care.

To support this new role NHS Improvement hosts a monthly Webex for Medication Safety Officers on the last Wednesday of each month from 1-2pm. UKMi has a standing 10 minute presentation slot on this Webex called “The Observatory”. This is a summary of recent safe medication practice research, reports, and publications and aims to help MSOs stay up-to-date with the latest information on medicines in relation to patient safety.

Each month a member of the UKMi Patient Safety working group will prepare a presentation and deliver the content at the monthly Webex. See appendix 1 for the rota of presenters for each month of 2016.


  • To outline the steps to be taken to prepare the content for The Observatory presentation.
  • To ensure all The Observatory presentations are prepared and delivered to meet the needs of NHS England and the MSOs.
  • To maintain the quality and consistency of The Observatory presentation each month.

Risk management notes

Potential outcomes of non-compliance include:

  • Inappropriate information presented at the Webex.
  • Relevant and useful information omitted from the presentation.
  • MSOs are not adequately informed of latest information on medicines in relation to patient safety.


  1. Accessing and viewing previous The Observatory content

The easiest way to find the previous ObservatoryPowerPoint presentationsis via the SPS website at the following link You will now see a list of previous presentations and can scroll down to select the presentation you are looking for.

The presentations are also available on the MHRA MSO Forum at the following link

Please note you will need to be registered with the MHRA CAS for access to the presentations via this website.

It is advised to listen to at least one previous Webex recording to familiarise yourself to the structure of the Webex and also to ensure your Trust IT systems are compatible with the BT Webex platform. You can listen to a live Webex prior to your own by contacting Varinder Rai () who will arrange access and registration details.

  1. Making Contact with NHS Improvement – Patient Safety

Make contact with Yogini Jani () who works with NHS Improvement to support the MSO role. Request from Yogini the contact details for the person facilitating the Webex for the month you will be presenting. The facilitator will be collating the slides from the various presenters and will also be hosting the Webex on the day.

You should make contact with the facilitator early in the month, introduce yourself and request the following:

  • Adate for when they needa copy of your presentation slides. Please note, they are likely to ask for this the week before your presentation is due.
  • The Webex login details. They may not be able to provide you with these till the week of the presentation
  • Confirmation of the time allocated to your presentation. Your time slot should be an allocated slot of 10 minutes.

If you have any problems with making contact with the facilitator, email Varinder Rai or Ben Rehman at LMIS.

  1. Collating content for The Observatory presentation

3.1.Scanning statutory sources and publications

The process of scanning for information should also be started in advance of the presentation (ideally about 5-6 weeks prior) This is particularly important in relation to scanning the resources below for possible content. Much of the content on these websites that have a safety theme will also have been picked up through NICE MAD and MAW bulletins. Refer to appendix 1 for the date of the previous Webex to your one and scan for information about one week prior to the date of the last Webex (i.e. if you are presenting on Wednesday 26th November and the previous Webex was on the Wednesday 29th October, then scan for information from Monday 20th October). The following resources should be scanned:

Resources / Link / Comments
NICE Medicines Awareness Daily/weekly news / / Scan your daily and weekly emails leading up to the week before your presentation date for significant safety reviews.
NHS Improvement / / Look for recent Patient Safety Alerts. Only include alerts related to medicines.
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) / / Look for relevant information in:
  • Drug Safety Update
  • Safety warning/alerts/recalls
  • “Dear Healthcare Professional” letters

European Medicines Agency (EMA) / / Look for relevant information in:
  • EMA reviews
  • Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) reports
  • Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) recommendations

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) / / Only include information that will also be applicable to UK practice.
Institute for Safe Medication Practice (ISMP) / / Scan Quarter Watch and newsletters. Only include information that will also be applicable to UK practice.
The Health Foundation / / Scan the News section only
Specialist Pharmacy Service (SPS) /
/ Refer to recent UKMi quality assured safety assessments.
Look for relevant information in the Medication Use and Safety Division
Include relevant drug discontinuation /shortage of supply memos (these are also mailed to named leads in regional MICs)

3.2.Identifying primary literature of interest

In addition to a run through of information from the sources above, the webex also includes a component in which 1-2 papers from the primary literature are discussed. To identify primary literature of interest in the preceding month, do the following:

  1. Conduct a literature review of the primary literature via Embase and Medline databases using the following search terms:



3. EMBASE; 1 AND 2 [Limit to: Publication Year <current year>]



3. MEDLINE; 1 AND 2 [Limit to: Publication Year <current year>]

Sort the content into date order and consider literature from the start of the previous month i.e. if you are presenting in November, then look at publications from October onwards.

  1. You should also receive emails of medication safety content already identified by Tom Burnham at NICE. If you don’t receive these emails please contact Tom at to be added onto the list.
  1. Prioritising content,and preparing the presentation slides and supporting documentation

The presentation will be delivered using PowerPoint via the Webex.

You can download the standard PowerPoint template from the SPS website at alternatively contact Varinder Rai. A similar format should be used to the presentations delivered in the previous months. In relation to prioritising content, the PowerPoint presentation should include:

i.The first few slides should include regulatory/statutory activity which will include NHS Improvement Patient Safety alerts, MHRA drug recalls, information from MHRA Drug Safety updates etc.If possible try to interpret the practicalities of the statutory activity. This does have to be onerous and a sentence or two of implementation advice is sufficient.

ii.This should be followed by European wide reviews/recommendations with a focus on any headline topics.

iii.An overview of other relevant medication safety news since the last Webex.

iv.Citations only for the 10 most relevant/important primary papers identified via the medical database literature search (see above). Remember to include open access links to the abstracts or full text and check that they work.

v.The final slides should be a mini-critical appraisal of 1-2 primary papers, ideally one of interest to primary care and one to secondary. Remember though you only have at best 2-3 minutes per paper, so it is a very mini-appraisal!

Consider the following when prioritising content to deliver and preparing the slides:

  • Remember you only have 10 minutes to present and should always consider the headline regulatory/ statutory information as a priority. Ideally you should aim to prepare about 1 slide per minute.
  • The audience are multi-disciplinary healthcare professionals, although the majority are likely to be pharmacists, across both primary and secondary care. The majority of MSOs are pharmacists at around 8b level so pitch the content accordingly (i.e. it should be a reasonably clued up audience).
  • There should be no overlap with the content you are preparing to content that was delivered in the previous month. Take care with the two literature papers you are reviewingas early online eprints are available and the paper may have already been presented at a previous Webex.See above for step-by-step guide on how to find previous Webex presentations.
  • Medical device alerts/publications should not be included unless there is a specific medication element to them. Medical Device and Safety Officers have a separate network through which device related content is raised.

If you are still unsure of which content to include discuss with other members of UKMI Patient Safety working group for further advice.

  1. Delivering the MSO presentation

It is a good idea to check your connectivity to the Webex well in advance of the presentation (ideally when you get the email). There can sometimes be Firewall or other such issues. If possible, use Google Chrome as your browser for the Webex as this seems to work slightly better.

On the day of the Webex, aim to log on at least 20 minutes before the presentation starts as it may take some time to connect. There will also be some discussion between the Chair of the meeting and presenters before the MSOs “arrive”.

You should be in a quiet space to deliver the presentation to prevent any unnecessary background noise since this will be amplified for the recipients. A telephone with a mute function is a good idea since you can switch this on when you’re not actually presenting. Just remember to take it off mute when it’s your turn to present!

  1. Upload to the SPS website

After you have presented upload your slides to the SPS website under meetings. You will need to log-in to the SPS website and you will require “author” rights. If you don’t have these rights, contact Ben who can approve you as an author.

Follow these steps to upload the presentation:

  • Log-in to the website with your personal log-in
  • Hover over “Specialist Pharmacy Service” on the top left corner of the page and click on Dashboard
  • Click Meetings on the list on the left hand side and select Add New
  • Enter the tile name as “UKMi Observatory”
  • Select the Network “UKMi Medication Safety Officer Evidence Observatory”
  • Enter the date of the presentation
  • In the Minute section add the text “A UKMi Observatory presentation on recent safe medication practice research, reports and publications for <month and year>. The UKMi Observatory is a standing 10 minute presentation slot on the NHS England monthly WebEx for Medication Safety Officers (MSOs) and aims to help MSOs stay up-to-date with the latest information on medicines in relation to patient safety”
  • Go to File and select Add File. This takes you to another page where you can Upload Files from your local drive
  • Click Update on the top right of the page and the presentation should now be live on the SPS website
  • Go back to the live SPS website and check under the following link that your Observatory presentation has been added and displays in the same format as the previous presentations below it

If you have any questions or comments, please email
Appendix 1 - Rota for monthly MSO Webex Observatory presentations

Date / Regional MI centre, presenter
27thJanuary 2016 / Guy’s Hospital, David Erskine
24thFebruary 2016 / East Anglia, Sarah Cavanagh
30thMarch 2016 / Liverpool, Christine Randall
27thApril 2016 / Bristol, Tiffany Barrett
25thMay 2016 / Guys Hospital, Bridget Rankin Tiffany
29thJune 2016 / Bristol, Tiffany Barrett idget or David
27thJuly 2016 / Northwick Park, Varinder
31stAugust 2016 / Leicester, Vanessa Chapman
28thSeptember 2016 / Newcastle, Charity Murefu Paula Russell
26thOctober 2016 / Wales, Alana Adams
30thNovember 2016 / Northwick Park, Ben
28thDecember 2016 / TBC

Prepared by Varinder Rai. September 2016. Version 4.