October3, 2010 – Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

My friends, today has been designated “Respect Life Sunday,” and our readings are about the power of faith. God offers us what we need to welcome all life.Let us pray today for the vision and the faith to do respect all of creation.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you call us to faith: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you call us to hope: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you call us to love: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Hab 1:2-3; 2:2-4 The vision presses on and will not disappoint.

2 Tim 1:6-8, 13-14 We were given a spirit of power, love and self-control.

Luke 17:5-10 Faith the size of a mustard seed

Prayers of the Faithful

PresiderWhether we are fervent in our faith or filled with doubt, God knows the desires of our hearts and hears our prayers. Let us pray on this Respect Life Sunday for a world that welcomes all life.

MinisterFor the church: for thoughtful dialogue among Christians who disagree about life issues and for increased cooperation to serve the neediest of our society … we pray,

For people of influence who shape and mold the values of young people: for politicians and pastors, teachers and television personalities, coaches and celebrities. For all who serve as role models for young people … we pray,

We pray for those whose lives are threatened: for those in prison and those who are scheduled to be executed by the state; for those in the path of war; for those who live with abuse … we pray,

We pray for all victims of abortion:for the children who did not live and grow;for the women who grieve the loss of their children;for every person of our society who is valued less because of the legal sanction of taking a human life … we pray,

We pray for those who are sick: for those who are elderly or infirm; for those who suffer with mental and emotional illnesses; for those who feel less valued because they cannot keep up with others … we pray,

During this month of October, let us remember all of those communities, works and projects dedicated to Mary the Mother of God … we pray,

We remember those who have died … (names). For victims of abortion and civil violence and war … we pray,

PresiderFaithful God, hear the prayers of your people this day. Join our prayers with those of people everywhere who pray for the well-being of the poor, the protection of the innocent and the comfort of the suffering. We pray always in Jesus’ name. Amen.

October10, 2010 – Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Have you said “thank you” today? Today’s Gospel is about recognizing a gift and giving thanks. A grateful heart makes the blessings more bountiful and the burdens more bearable. Let us pray today for the gift of gratitude.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, with you we may receive all as gift: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, with you we may live without fear: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, with you we may live a full, holy, joy-filled life: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

2 Kgs 5:14-17 Naaman, a Syrian, is healed of leprosy.

2 Tim 2:8-13 If we persevere, we shall reign with Christ.

Luke 17:11-19 Jesus heals 10; the foreigner gives thanks.

Prayersof the Faithful

PresiderMy friends, we too often fail to be grateful. Today as we pray, remembering our blessings, let us respond, Thanks be to God.

MinisterWhen our prayers for peace have been answered: when wars have ended; when there is reconciliation among neighbors, within communities, within families … for times of peace, we pray … Thanks be to God.

When our hopes for the church have been realized: when we are inspired; when so many serve so selflessly; when we are supported by love and prayer … for the Christian community, we pray … Thanks be to God.

When our families are doing well: when we can be together; when all are healthy and happy and enjoying each other … for those we love, we pray … Thanks be to God.

Where the earth is cared for and respected; where there is pure air, clean rivers and beautiful landscapes … for conscientious effort on behalf of all who share this earth together, we pray … Thanks be to God.

When the poor are served well, the hungry fed, the orphan embraced and those without a voice are heard … for the times when justice prevails, we pray … Thanks be to God.

When the sick are comforted; the grieving consoled; the lonely findcompanionship … for those times when we are given what we need, we pray … Thanks be to God.

We remember those who have died … (names). For the times when people pass on to the next life surrounded by their loved ones and ready to meet Jesus, we pray … Thanks be to God.

Presider God of abundance, hear our prayers of thanksgiving and grant us just one thing more:a grateful heart. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

October17, 2010 — Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time


My friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus exhorts us to pray without growing weary. And today is World Mission Sunday, when we are invited to unite ourselves in prayer with communities all over the world. Think of it! In villages and great cities of every country on every continent, in every language known to humankind, people are worshiping God today. Let us join our voices to that great harmony of praise.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you came for everyone, everywhere: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you came that all may be one: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you came to teach us how to pray together: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Exod 17:8-13 As long as Moses prayed, the Israelites were victorious.

2 Tim 3:14-4:2 Be persistent, whether convenient or inconvenient.

Luke 18:1-8 Pray always without becoming weary.

Prayers of the Faithful

PresiderGod created us to live in harmony with one another, to care for each other and to pray for each other. Let us join our voices in prayer with those communities all over the world.

MinisterOn this World Mission Sunday, let us pray for the church: for believers everywhere who continue the work that Jesus came to do … we pray,

We pray for those who work as missionaries and who endure the hardships and loneliness of the missionary life; and for those who contribute their money to the missions and share their blessings with others … we pray,

We pray for those who are charged with special responsibility within the church: for pastors and catechists; for ministers of worship and ministers to the poor; for ministers of healing and ministers of reconciliation; for theologians, writers, artists and all who show God to others … we pray,

We pray for those who serve the church by their prayers: for cloistered contemplatives; for those who offer their suffering as prayer; for priests and religious and all who are faithful in prayer … we pray,

We remember those who have died … (names). For those who have died as witnesses for the faith and for all who are mourning the loss of a loved one … we pray,

PresiderGood and Gracious God, Creator of the world and all who dwell in it, hear our prayers this day, and the prayers of all who call on you. Bring our concerns and all of us to the fulfillment your love intends. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

October24, 2010 — Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Brothers and sisters, in the Gospels it seems that Jesus is understanding, even tolerant, of every sin except one: hypocrisy. Today we will hear the story of a self-righteous Pharisee who imagines that his religious practice makes him better than others. Self-righteousness is easy to spot in someone else, but hard to recognize in ourselves. Let us be brave and pray to see ourselves as God sees us and, if we are guilty of the sin of hypocrisy or self-righteousness, to ask God for the grace to place Jesus at the center of our lives.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you came for those who need healing: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you came for those who need forgiveness: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you came for those who are empty without you: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Sir 35:12-14, 16-18 All who serve God willingly are heard.

2 Tim 4:6-8, 16-18 I have kept the faith.

Luke 18:9-14 The humble will be exalted.

Prayersof the Faithful

PresiderLike the sinful tax collector in today’s Gospel, let us offer our prayers, humbly and with confidence that God hears us.

MinisterLet us pray for those who have no one to pray for them: for those forgotten in harm’s way; for children without parents; for the elderly without family; for those without a voice … we pray,

October is a month dedicated to Mary, the Mother of God. Let us continue to pray for those communities, works and projects dedicated to Mary: for all believers who are inspired by Mary’s “Yes” to God’s plan … we pray,

We pray for those who have been hurt by the self-righteous: for those who have been abused, scandalized, disappointed or forgotten … we pray,

Today is World Youth Day in the United States. Let us pray for all young people: for their energy, enthusiasm and idealism as they seek to create a better world … we pray,

As we enjoy the beauty of this season, let us pray for everyone who is concerned and struggling with what endangers the future of our planet Earth. For creativity and wisdom … we pray,

We remember those who have died … (names). For those who have died alone or in fear or without anyone to pray for them … we pray,

PresiderHoly God, hear our prayers for our world and for what we most need this day, confident that with a life centered on you, we will find the path to true holiness and happiness. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

October 31, 2010 — Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time


My friends, today is Halloween — also called All Hallows Eve or the day before All Saints Day. It is a day when children face the monsters, real and imagined, and enjoy being just a little bit frightened. Today we will hear about the small man, Zacchaeus, who was so childlike in his eagerness to see Jesus that he climbed a tree. Let us pray today for that same childlike eagerness and for the children of the world.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, may we know you in the Word: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, may we know you in the Community: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, may we know you in our hearts: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Wis 11:22-12:2 God loves all creatures and all creation.

2 Thess 1:11-2:2Do not be alarmedby those who say it is the end of the world.

Luke 19:1-10 The story of Zacchaeus

Prayers of the Faithful

PresiderLet us pray today with childlike faith and remember especially all the children of the world.

MinisterWe pray for children we will never meet, but whose suffering comes to us in the headlines and on television: for children whose lives are threatened today … we pray,

We pray for the children of this community: for all that they need to become the men and women God is calling them to be … we pray,

We pray for those responsible for the welfare of children: for teachers and coaches and counselors; for doctors and nurses and caregivers; for parents, grandparents and all who love a child … we pray,

We pray for children who are sick or suffering in some way … for courage and comfort in their affliction … we pray,

We pray for the children we love so much, those whose faces come to mind whenever we think of children. For them and for every mother’s child … we pray,

We pray for all children who will be out celebrating Halloween: for their safety and well-being … and that all monsters stay under the bed … we pray,

We remember those who have died … (names). For those who have died too soon and for all those who are grieving the loss of a child … we pray,

PresiderAlmighty God, we know you are with us. We know you are mightier than all that is evil. We know that while you live in our hearts, we can come to know harm. Be our strength, our protection and our shield. We pray always in Jesus’ name. Amen.