B.Ed. ASSIGNMENT(2017-19)- Last date of submission-10 March 2018
B.ed I semester
Psychology of learner Paper-III,Code-103
Ikz’u-1-f’k{kkeuksfoKkulsvkiD;k le>rsgSa \ bldhizd`frLi"Vdhft, rFkk ,d v/;kid dsfy, bldhD;kmi;ksfxrkgS\foLrkjiwoZdfyf[k, A
Q1-What do you understand by Educational Psychology? Clarify its nature.What is the utility of Educational Psychology for a teacher? Describe in detail.
Ikz’u-2-vf/kxedksifjHkkf"krdhft, AFkkWuZMkbdds }kjkizfrikfnrfu;eksadkmYys[k dhft,A ‘’kkL=h; vuqca/ku fl}kUrrFkkfdz;kizlwrvuqca/ku fl}kUr dh foLr`rfoospukdhft, A
Q2-Define Learning. Enumerate the laws of learning propounded by Thorndike. Ellaborate the classical conditioning theory of Pavlov and operant conditioning theory of skinner in detail.
Ikz’u-1-vfHkizsj.kk lsvkiD;k le>rsgS \ vfHkizsj.kkdsmÙkjnk;hdkjdksadsfo"k; esafyf[k,A d{kkesaNk=ksadksvfHkizsfjrdjus dh izeq[k izfof/k;ksa dh O;k[k;kdhft,A
Q1-What do you mean by motivation? What are the various factors which account for motivation ? Explain the various technique for motivating students in classroom.
Ikz’u-2-Le~`fr D;kgS \ f’k{kkFkhZds /kkj.kdksizHkkfordjusokysdkjdksdko.kZudhft,A
Q2-What is memory. Describe the factors that influence the relations of a learner.
Ikz’u-1-Ckqf) D;kgS \ cqf) ifj{k.klsvkiD;k le>rsgSa \ O;fDrxr,oalkewfgdijh{k.kksa dh rqyukRedfoospukdhft,A
Q1-What is intelligence? What do you understand byIntellegence test? Give a comparative account of individual and group test.
Ikz’u-2-O;fDRkRo dksifjHkkf"krdhft,AO;fDRkRodsizdkj ,oa ’khy fl)karksa dh foospukdhft,ANk=ksadsO;fDRkRoekiulsf’k{kddksD;kykHkizkIrgksrkgS \
Q2-Define the motivation .Discuss the type theory and trait theory of personality .What benefit a teacher gets by the assessment of personality of student ?
Submitted to-
Mrs. HomeshRani
B.ed I semester
Principles and Methods Of Teaching Paper-IV,Code-104
Izk’u-1-f’k{k.k dh fdruhvoLFkk,¡ gksrhgSa\ foLrkjiwoZd le>kb;s A
Q1-How many Phases of teaching are there ?Explain in detail.
Izk’u-2-f’k{k.kdsLrjD;kgS \ foLrkjiwoZd le>kb;sA
Q2-What are the level of teaching? Explain in detail.
Ikz’u-1-izLrkouk dkS’kydkvFkZ o mi;ksxcrkb,AizLrkoukdkS’kyijikB ;kstukdk
Q1-Write the meaning and uses of Introductory skill and make a lesson
plan on Introductory skill?
iz’u-2-f’k{k.kesaiz’udkS’kydkegRo o vPNsiz’uksa dh fo’ks"krkcrkb,\
Q2-Write the importance of questioning skill and characterstics of good
questioning in teaching?
(UNIT-III) Models of teaching
Izk’u-1-f’k{k.kizfrekudkvFkZ]ifjHkku-1-f’{k.kizfrekudkvFkZ]ifjHkk"kk o izdkjcrkb,A
Q1-Describe the meaning,definations and type of teaching model?
Izk’u-2-¶yS.Mj dh vUr% fdz;kiz.kkyhlsvkiD;k le>rsgS\
Q2-What do you understand by Flender’s interaction process?
Submitted to
Mrs. MamtaKandpal
B.ed I semester
Philosophy & Sociology of Education Paper-I,Code-101
Izk’u-1-n’kZu dkvFkZ o ifjHkk"kknhft, ,oan’kZu o f’k{kkdklaca/k Li"Vdhft,A
Q1-Give the meaning and definition of Philosophy and explain the relation between philosophy and education.
Izk’u-2-vkn’kZokn]izd`frokn]iz;kstuoknrFkk ;FkkFkZokndkrqyukRed v/;;u nhft,A
Q2-Give comparative study of Idealism,Naturalism,Pragmatism and Realism.
Q1-Discuss the naturalism propounded by Rousseau?
Izk’u-2-cqfu;kfnf’k{kkdsfo"k; esafoLrkjiwoZd le>kb,A
Q2-Explain in detail about the basic education.
Izk’u-1-’kSf{kdlekt’kkL= lsvkiD;k le>rsgS\ bldsdk;ZrFkkmi;ksfxrkdks le>kb,A
Q1-What do you mean by educational sociology.What are its function and utility.
Izk’u-2-laLd`fr dkf’k{kklsD;klaca/k gSAf’k{kk }kjklaLd`frdfojklrdklaj{k.kdSlsfd;ktkldrkgS\
Q2-What is the relation between culture and education.How can the cultural heritage be conserved through education?
Submitted to -
Mrs. Anjana Mehta
B.ed I semester
Childhood and Growing up Paper-II,Code-102
Izk’u-1-fodkl dsizR;; dh O;k[;kdhft, ,oavfHko`f) o fodkldseq[; fl)karD;kgS\
Q1-Explain the concept of development.What are the main principles of Growth and Development?
Izk’u-2-ckyd dsfodkldksizHkkfordjusokysIk;kZoj.kh; dkjdksdko.kZudjsA
Q2-Describe the environmental factor affecting the development of child?
Izk’u-1-fi;ktsdslaKkRedfodkl fl)kardko.kZudjksA
Q1-Describe the cognitive development theory of Piaget.
Izk’u-2-‘’kS’kokoLFkk dsfdz;kRedfodkldko.kZudjksA
Q2-Describe the motor development of infancy stage.
Izk’u-1-ckyd esafn[kkbZnsusokyhO;ogkfjdleL;kvksadsckjsesacrkb,A
Q1-Write about the behavioural problems seen in child.
Izk’u-2-ckykoLFkk dh izeq[k fo’ks"krk,WD;kgSA
Q2-What are the main charaterstics of childhood age?
Submitted to-
Ms. Bhawana Pandey
III Semseter(assignment)
Gender, School and society
Izk’u-1-efgyk v/;;ulstsUMj v/;;u esaizfrekufoLFkkiudkmYYs[k dhft,A
Q1-Mention the paradigm shift in studying gender under women studies?
Izk’u-2-lektlq/kkjvkanksyu dh vo/kkj.kkdksLIk"Vdhft,A L=h f’k{kklslEcaf/krfofHkUuvk;s.kksa dh vuq’kalkvksdkvkykspukRedfo’ys"k.kdhft,A
Q2-Clarify the concept of social reform movement.Critically analyse the recommendations of various commissions related to women education.
Submitted to-
Mrs. HomeshRani
III Semester (Assignment) B-302-A
Gender, School and society
Q1-What do you mean by Gender empowerment? Explain in detail.
iz’u&tsUMjl’kfDrdj.klsvkiD;k le>rsgSa\ foLrkjiwoZd le>kb;s A
Submitted to-
Mrs. Mamtakandpal
III Semester (Assignment)
Environmental Education
iz’u-1-iznw"k.k D;kgS\mlsifjHkkf"krfdft,] rFkkiznw"k.kdsfofHkUuizdkjksdksLiLVdhft,A
Q1-What is pollution.Give the definition and explain the type of pollution?
Izk’u-2-tSo fofo/krkD;kgSAbldhfo’ks"krk,Wcrkb, RkFkktSofofo/krk dh vko’;drk o egÙoLi"Vdhft,A
Q2-What is biodiversity.Give the characterstics of it and Explain its need and imporatance?
Submitted to -
Mrs. Anjana Mehta
B.ed III Semester (Assigment)
Environmental Education
iz’u&1-i;kZoj.klsvkiD;k le>rsgksmlsifjHkkf"krdhft, rFkkmlds {ks= crkb;sA
Q1-What do you understand by Environment? Write definition and and its area?
iz’u&2-i;kZoj.kf’k{kklsvkiD;k le>rsgksAi;kZoj.kf’k{kkrFkki;kZoj.ktkx:drkesavUrjLiLVdhft, A
Q2-What do you understand by Environment.Differentiate between Environment education and Environment awareness?
iz’u&3-i;kZoj.k f’k{kkrFkki;kZoj.ktx:drkdks c<koknsusdsfy, fo?kky; ,ao v/;kid dkegRocrkb, A
Q3-Tell the importance of school and teacher in promoting Environment education and Environment awareness?
Submitted to-
Ms. Bhawana Pandey