Municipality of Anchorage
GIS Standards
Table of contents
-Software Standard:
-Geographic Coordinate Standard:
-Metadata Standard:
-National Standards:
GIS Database
-Criteria for Inclusion:
-Process for Inclusion:
-Development Cycle:
-Change Control:
Data Distribution
Map Product Distribution
Appendix A
Oracle Geodatabase Object Naming Conventions:
Attachment A
Acceptable Abbreviations
Appendix B
Anchorage Municipal Charter, Code and Regulation Part III Anchorage Municipal Code of Regulations
Regulation 3.90 Standardized charges for retrieving and copying records
3.90.001 Definitions
3.90.002 Copying charges
3.90.003 Copies for no charge
3.90.004 Published records
3.90.005 Record retrieval charges
event log
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The Municipality of Anchorage IT/GIS department supports the Information Technology Plan of 2007, specifically the 3 core initiatives of upgrading and expanding the Municipality’s computer infrastructure, system integration and data sharing, and improving online citizen services.
Recognizing that Geographic Information System (GIS) technology facilitates the accomplishment of our mission and allows for better decision making, and that the reliability of GIS data is critical, the following standards and guidelines have been developed.
-Software Standard: The Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) uses Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ArcGIS products. These include; ArcGIS desktop products, ARCSDE (Spatial Data Engine) database software, and ARCIMS (Internet Map Server) for web mapping. The standard data format is geodatabase.
-Geographic Coordinate Standard: MOA uses Alaska State Plane Coordinate system of the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83). The entire Municipality lies in State Plane Zone 4 (FIPS 5004). Coordinates are stored in feet.
-Metadata Standard: MOA follows the FGDC standard for metadata.
-National Standards: MOA strives to conform to the following national standards;
◦Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) The FGDC establishes geospatial standards for the US government. FGDC standards facilitate the development, sharing, and use of geospatial data.
◦Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC™)The OGC is a nonprofit, international, voluntary consensus standards organizationleading the development of standards for geospatial and location-based services. Many OGC specifications, documents, and guidancehave been adopted as industry standards.
GIS Database
-Criteria for Inclusion: Layers being reviewed for inclusion into SDE need to have the following properties:
1. A responsible party in an originating department must be named to describe and maintain the layer. If the layer is a static or historical layer, it must have a timestamp.
2. The layer must follow the naming conventions defined by the database group. (see Appendix A)
3. The layer must carry the 4 standard attributes described below:
a. Editor (text 8 characters)
b. Edit_date (date)
c. Source (text 35 characters)
d. Source_date (date)
[Acceptable substitutes for the above attributes will be reviewed by the SDE database administrator. The intent is to provide reliable information tracking.]
4. The layer must have metadata completed.
5. Spatial layers need to be defined in the following manner: GCS North American Datum 1983, Alaska State Plane Zone 4.
-Process for Inclusion: A GIS employee of MOA wishing to have a layer included in the SDE library should bring the matter to one of our SDE database administrators for review. There will be a review of formats, names, and security requirements for the data. Departmental data may not be appropriate for inclusion in the municipal database. The SDE database administrator will evaluate departmental data for inclusion in SDE on the basis of several criteria. These are: sensitivity of the data, if the data is required by a web application, if the data is insignificant or needed one time for a specific issue, and if we have no plans to maintain the data.
-Development Cycle: The data development cycle begins with development and testing on a development environment. This environment allows for experimentation. The data format should be well thought out before the data proceeds to the next environment: production on Geoprod. Data editing is done on Geoprod, and access to individual layers is limited by user. When layers are updated and approved, they are replicated on Georep. Georep is a read-only environment that is accessed by applications and projects. Any schema changes in this environment require user notification and a waiting period.
-Change Control: When a layer is edited for content, the user should use the versioning capabilities in SDE.When a layer changes schema, the change needs to be reviewed and implemented carefully so that users currently using the data are not severely impacted. A notice will be sent to all GIS users describing the changes and providing a date when the change will occur. This allows users currently accessing the data to accommodate the change. Unless new information directs otherwise, there will be a waiting period of 2 weeks, then the new layer shall replace the old layer. The old version of the layer will be moved to an archive area for some period of time.
-Metadata: There will be metadata in SDE for Feature Classes, Feature Datasets, Annotation andViews. Layers in SDE with names including _temp or _old or _new are temporary layersand may disappear at any time. They will not have metadata. See the layer with the similar name, but without the extension, for metadata.
Data Distribution
IT/GIS adheres to the regulations described in the Anchorage Municipal Charter, Code and Regulation, Part 3, Regulation 3.9.(see Appendix B). Fees are set to cover the cost of transferring the data to the medium. MOA GIS data is available on a CD for $75.00. The MOA LIDAR 10ft Contour DVD fee is $225.00. The available GIS corporate database is provided in ESRI shapefile (.shp) format.
Map Product Distribution
The IT/GIS policy regarding the sale of map products is as follows:
-If the map is a standard product created and maintained by the IT/GIS department, then it can be plotted and sold to any person or group for the price described in Appendix B.
-If the requestor is a municipal agency or a contractor working on a municipal project, there is typicallyno cost. In some cases we may ask for supplies if the project is sizeable.
-If a map is a special request and not a standard item maintained by IT/GIS, and if the requestor is a municipal agency or a contractor needing the map for an MOA project, then the map will be produced at no cost. Completion will be subject to availability of resources. Supervisor approval is required.
-Any request for a special research/mapping project from a non-municipal entity should be forwarded to the supervisor of IT/GIS.
ArcGIS: Geodatabase stored in a RDBMS (eg: ORACLE)
ArcSDE: ESRI ArcGIS Spatial Database Engine
DBA: Database Administrator
ESRI: Environmental Systems Research Institute. A major developer and marketer of GIS software and training.
GIS: Geographic Information System
Metadata: Metadata is data about the data, in other words, information about the accuracy, source, age and maintenance of the data. Metadata is searchable by outside entities and available to accompany exported data. MOA follows the FGDC standards of developing and storing metadata.
Schema: Schema may be thought of as a way to define the structure, content and, to some extent, the semantics of a system. In a relational database, the schema defines the tables, the fields in each table, and the relationships between fields and tables.
View: Views are stored queries or virtual tables that present a filtered rendition of the data. This approach enables alternative views of the same dataset while ensuring that they are kept up-todate whenever the parent dataset is updated.
Appendix A
Oracle Geodatabase Object Naming Conventions:
1. Object names should avoid the use of abbreviations. A list of acceptable abbreviations is provided in Attachment A.
2. Object names should, as clearly as possible, describe the data contained in the object, keeping in mind the 35 character limitation for Oracle database object names.
3. Words and abbreviations in object names will be separated by a single underscore character.
4. Do not attach a feature type descriptor (‘POLY’, ‘POLYGON’, ‘LINES’, ‘ARCS’ or ‘POINTS’, etc.) to object names.
5. Only use words like ‘BOUNDARIES, ‘ZONES’, ‘LINES’, ‘POINTS’ when they are necessary to clarify the data contained by the object. Logical, non-technical descriptors are preferred over technical jargon that may make sense to technical staff only.
6. Tables, feature classes, and feature datasets should be plural.
7. Column names should be singular.
8. Do not use dates or years as part of the object name. This information should be stored in the metadata.
9. In general, the first word in the object’s name should reflect the data content while additional words will refine the description. This makes it easier for users to find data that is most often listed alphabetically or when using search engines.
10. View or materialized view names will be distinguished from layers or tables by suffixing the name with “_VW” (view) and/or “_MVW” (materialized view). The first part of a view name should reference the parent data and subsequent part of the name should distinguish the view from the parent data.
11. Indexes and Function Indexes: <index_type_indicator> (FXI or IDX) + <table_name> + <field_name> if a single field, or other descriptor if multiple fields.
FXI_ADDRESS_STREET_NAME (a function index on the street_name field in the address layer)
IDX_ADDRESS_MAT_TAXID (an index on the taxid field of the address_mat tablematerialized view)
IDX_CONTACTS_NAMETYPE (an index on both the contactname and contacttype fieldsof the contact table)
12. Triggers: TRIG + <table_name> + <triggering_actions> (I, U, D, or combo - I = insert, U = update, D = delete)
13. Primary Keys: PK + <table_name>
14. Foreign Keys: FK + <1sttable_name> + <2ndtable_name> [ + other indicator if there is more than one foreign key constraint between these two tables ]
15. Other Constraints: CK (if a check constraint) + <field_name>
CK_OBJECT_TYPE (a check constraint on the OBJECT_TYPE field)
16. Sequences: SEQ + <table_name> (if the sequence is used for one table only) orSEQ + <usage_name> (if sequence has a single purpose but is used by multiple processes)
SEQ_CHANGEORDERS (sequence for one table)
SEQ_MINIGUID (unique sequence used across several tables)
17. Procedures: should be named so that technical staff can tell what they do. If procedures from multiple applications are kept in the same schema, it may be wise to prefix the procedure name with an acronym related to the application.
MNW_FUZZY_STREET – street search using fuzzy logic in the MyNeighborhood website (AXL, MNA, and MNW share a schema)
MNA_CATEGORY_I – inserts (I) new category information into the MyNeighborhood admin application, and MNW share a schema)
AXL_METHOD_BODY_U – updates method body data (AXL, MNA, and MNW share aschema)
DEACTIVATE_ADDRESS – deactivates an address in the Hansen Code Enforcementapplication
18. Functions: Should be named so that developers can tell what they do in general. Custom function code should be reviewed before use.
SAFE_TO_NUMBER – enhances the oracle to_number function so that it won’t error out if a non- number is used as input
STRIP_XML_TAGS – removes XML tags from input clob data
19. Database Links: Some links are relative to the system being used (development or production) and are named such that the same link name can be used in both systems. Other links exist on a development system but provide a read-only look into a production system – these links are named so that there can be no mistake about the source of the linked data.
GEOREP_STREET – links to the STREET schema on GeoREP (the production repository)
MNADMIN.ANC.MUNIVERSE.NET – links to the MNADMIN schema on the geodatabase repository associated with the given instance. If the link is on a dev instance, then the link will be pointing to the dev geodatabase repository (GeoSTAGE). If the link is on a prod instance, then it’s pointing at the production geodatabase repository (GeoREP).
20. Public or private Synonyms usually inherit the name of the object to which they point. For long tables/object names a meaningful short name should be used.
21. Roles: <schema_name> + action (EDIT, READ, etc)
22. User/Schema Names: Windows logon account for system end-users or short meaningful abbreviation for project names. System Administrator accounts will be suffixed with “SA”
ITJXD – John X. Doe, IT user
LUDD – Land Use Development Database, schema name
LUDDSA – LUDD system administrator
Attachment A
Acceptable Abbreviations
AFD / Anchorage Fire DepartmentAMATS / Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions
ANCH / Anchorage
APD / Anchorage Police Department
D / Delete
DHHS / Department of Health and Human Services
HLB / Heritage Land Bank
I / Insert
ITD / Information Technology Department
MOA / Municipality of Anchorage
NUM / Number
PLSS / PublicLand Survey System
SA / System Administrator
U / Update
Appendix B
Anchorage Municipal Charter, Code and RegulationPart III Anchorage Municipal Code of Regulations
Regulation 3.90 Standardized charges for retrieving and copying records
3.90.001 Definitions
3.90.002 Copying charges
3.90.003 Copies for no charge
3.90.004 Published records
3.90.005 Record retrieval charges
3.90.001 Definitions
A. Municipal agency means any department, division, board or commission having custody of records.
B. Public includes any person or entity that is not a municipal agency and is not acting as an agent or employee of a municipal agency.
C. Published record means any booklet, brochure, map, plan or other record whose preparation at least in part was for the purpose of distribution to the public.
D. Record means any record as defined in Anchorage Municipal Code 3.90.020.C [3.90.020].
E. Standardized size or format means:
1. Paper of approximate dimensions 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches or 8 1/2 inches by 14 inches;
2. Micrographic reproductions of records;
and excludes records whose size or form is so different from those described above as to make their reproduction costs materially different.
(AR No. 82-335)
Authority--Anchorage Municipal Code 3.40, 3.90.050.
3.90.002 Copying charges
Municipal agencies shall charge the public for copies of municipal records in accordance with the following schedule:
A. Xerographic copies of paper records in standardized size or format...... $0.25/ pg.
B. Paper copies of records on microfiche...... $1.00/ pg.
C. Microfiche copies of records on microfiche...... $0.30/ fiche
D. Maps/plats, black and white roll stock, per square foot...... $0.75/ sq. ft.
E. Maps/plats, color roll stock, per square foot, rounded to nearest dollar each...$5.00
F. Maps/plats, custom or special processing (five working day turnaround, per hour, half-hour minimum) $80.00
G. Maps/plats, custom or special processing, rush, per hour, half-hour minimum..$160.00
H. Maps/plats, mylar roll stock, per sq. ft., rounded to the nearest dollar each....$2.00
I. Maps/plats, sequential grid maps, 50 or more each...... $3.00
J. Maps/plats/data, CD, DVD each...... $50.00
K. Records not in standardized size or format...... A fee not exceeding the actual cost of copying the record
L. Background check...... $25.00
M. Incident reports...... $5.00
N. Audio tape...... $10.00
O. Video tape...... $15.00
P. Audio tape, duplicate copy...... $2.00
Q. Video tape, duplicate copy...... $5.00
(AR No. 82-335; AR No. 87-198; AO NO. 2001-145(S-1), § 21, 12-11-01)
Authority--Anchorage Municipal Code 3.40, 3.90.050.
3.90.003 Copies for no charge
A. Notwithstanding Section 3.90.002 of these regulations, municipal agencies may establish copy quantities below which a copying charge will not be made. The decision not to charge may be based on type of record and the administrative cost of imposing a copying charge.
B. Indigent defendants entitled to appointed counsel for violating municipal criminal law shall not be charged the costs of copies unless convicted.
(AR No. 82-335; AO NO. 2001-145(S-1), § 21, 12-11-01)
Authority--AS 18.85.120; AS 18.85.155; AMC 3.90.050.
3.90.004 Published records
Municipal agencies may establish a charge for published records not exceeding the cost of preparing the records.
(AR No. 82-335)
Authority--Anchorage Municipal Code 3.40, 3.90.050.
3.90.005 Record retrieval charges
In addition to the fee for copying a record, a municipal agency may charge a fee for employee time to search for and retrieve the record at a rate not exceeding $35.00 per hour.
(AR No. 82-335)
Authority--Anchorage Municipal Code 3.40, 3.90.050.
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Please update Table of Contents, and notify GIS Services (907)343-8220after each edit or revision so Intranet link can be updated [
-Document created and on April 16, 2008.
-Re-formatted on February 25, 2009.
-Event log and update instructions added, February 26, 2009.
-Document updated on July 2, 2012.
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