Guidance for Applicants

Thank you for your interest in Castles & Coasts Housing Association. This pack provides you with information about us and the job you are interested in.

We look forward to receiving your completed application form Friday 20th October 2017.

Please return by email to .

Shortlisted candidates will be contacted by Tuesday 31st October 2017.

Interviews will be carried out on Tuesday 7th November 2017 in Carlisle.

The Job

You have expressed interest in the position of IT Officer at 3 Paternoster Row, Carlisle

(Fixed Term Contract for 24 months).

If you need more information about the position prior to applying, please contact Chris Sowiak on

You should have received the following documents:

·  Application form

·  Guidance for applicants

·  Castles & Coasts Housing Association – An overview

·  Benefits of working for Castles & Coasts

·  Job Description

·  Person Specification

Application Form

The Application Form has been provided as a Microsoft Word document, which can be completed on a PC and should be emailed back to us if possible.

Equal Opportunities

Castles & Coasts seeks to ensure its workforce reflects the communities it serves and we take steps to eliminate discrimination against any minority groups in all areas of the organisation.

We aim to ensure no individual or group receives less favourable treatment from the organisation on the grounds of their race, gender, sexual orientation, age, political views, class, disability, marital status, religion, nationality, ethnicity or health status.

We recruit, develop and promote our staff on their merit and our procedures are designed to ensure this. If you have any concerns about the handling of your application for employment, please contact the Chief Executive without delay.

In order to monitor the effectiveness of our recruitment practices, we ask applicants to provide details anonymously about themselves. This information is collated separately from the application form and is not part of the selection process.

Please assist us by completing the Equal Opportunities monitoring form.

Criminal Record Check

Our policy on Employing People with a Criminal Record requires that a satisfactory disclosure from the Disclosure & Barring Service will be required before an offer of employment is confirmed for this post.

Castles & Coasts takes its responsibilities to protect vulnerable adults and children seriously. As an Equal Opportunities employer, we are clear that a criminal record is not necessarily a bar to securing a position with us. The relevance of any criminal record will be assessed in relation to the post and we may seek legal advice to guide us on this assessment.

Castles & Coasts will meet the cost of the Disclosure and will provide the relevant documentation to the selected candidate following the interview process.

All Disclosure information is treated sensitively and in the strictest confidence.