Activity description / A quiet room would be a place for employees to de-stress: a quiet place away from open work environments to think and reflect. Employees could meditate, do yoga, relax, do breathing exercises, or pray,as examples.
An employee survey may reveal interest in this amenity.
Consider designating a room at a main worksite or at each worksite associated with your organization, depending on interest.
Time period / This will depend on the activity’s assessment period.
Considerations for Implementing Quiet Room
Approval / You may need approval from management or your employer to designate a room at each of your worksites or at a main worksite.
Space / A room away from high traffic areas, preferably.
Equipment and print materials / Equipment examples:
- Disinfectant
- Yoga mats and poster
- Zafus– cushions for yoga/meditation
- Chairs for meditation / relaxation
- Art supplies (such asadult coloring books / pencil crayons / Buddha board) for relaxation / distressing
- Lamp(s) (for soft lighting / reading)
- Ipod/CD player for meditation tapes, music, etc.
- CDs
- Suggestion box for feedback
Print materials:
- Sign on door – “In use” and “Free for all”
- Sign-in sheet on door to indicate how room was used, e.g. privacy, guided meditations, relaxation, yoga, art, reading, etc. (Appendix 1)
- Ground rules for room posted on door (Appendix 2)
Budget / Cost for above items is approximately $400
Instructions for use / Post:
- Signs for door – offer both “Please do not disturb” and “Join me”
- Sign-in sheet
- Ground rules
Put a suggestion box in the room for employee feedback on the room or on general wellness.
Promotion / Host group meditation sessions for a period of time to introduce interested employees to the space.
Considerations for Evaluating Quiet Room
Objective(s) / What are your objectives for providing a quiet room?
Consider creating SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed) objectives. These objectives will depend on the size of your organization, the number of departments and sites the organization has, and level of current employee engagement.
- Within 6 months, X% of employees will use the quiet room.
- Within 1 year, X% employees will use the quiet room.
- X% of employees that used the quiet room found that it helped them maintain their mental health i.e. reduced stress and/or anxiety, helped with relaxation, provided an opportunity to refocus, practise meditation, mindfulness, yoga, breathing exercises or pray.
- X% of employees were introduced to methods of coping with stress.
Outcome(s) /
- Employees feel supported to manage their stress.
- Skill development of employees in learning stress management techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, use of quiet time to relax.
Tools for measurement / Success of the room can be assessed through:
- A sign-in sheet – to assess when room was used, what equipment was used, how it was used,e.g. privacy, meditation etc., and used alone or in a group.
- An employee survey, a suggestion box, a focus group or feedback from wellness committee members - to understand how well the amenity supported employees and feedback for improvement.
When will the activity be assessed to determine if it should continue or be modified? / Based on your objectives and tools for measurement, set a time for assessment.
Appendix 1
Date / What did you use the room for?E.g. yoga, meditation, time out, other? / What equipment did you use?
E.g. pillows (zafus), yoga mats, chairs, music, books, posters, art supplies? / Alone (A)
Group (G)
Please specify
Appendix 2
Quiet Room
- sign in
- remove your shoes
- return equipment to storage
- keep room tidy
- disinfect surfaces/equipment before and after every use
- post sign for privacy or group session
Updated February 2016