Contract No. GS00T99NRD2001

Modification Number: PS35

Effective Date: 04/12/02

4.0Dedicated Transmission Service (C.2.4)

DTS provides dedicated, reliable bandwidth for agency-specific data networks and mission critical applications. The range of line speeds and reliability options provided within this service category allow Government users to satisfy their diverse needs. The following sections provide the requirements for DTS.

The interface and performance requirements in Sections C. and C. shall also apply to contractor-provided dedicated access facilities used to provide access service integration and to the connection of Government-provided access service integration equipment to contractor-provided access circuits. The interface requirements in SectionC. shall also apply to the termination of Government-provided dedicated access at the contractor’s POP.

Sprint’s Dedicated Transmission Service (DTS) will provide high-quality, dedicated bandwidth for agency-specific data networks and mission critical applications over the world’s only 100 percent digital, fiber optic network. Sprint’s fiber optic network will support the Government’s need for a variety of line speeds and reliability guarantees. The following sections describe the Sprint network and the requirements for DTS.

Sprint understands that the interface and performance requirements in Sections C. and C. shall also apply to Sprint-provided dedicated access facilities used to provide access service integration and to the connection of Government-provided access service integration equipment to Sprint-provided access circuits. The interface requirements in SectionC. shall also apply to the termination of Government-provided dedicated access at Sprint’s POPs.

4.1Dedicated Transmission Service Access Requirements (C.2.4.1)

Service Delivery (L.38.1.1(a))

(L.38.1.1(a)) The overall network architecture, including the types and capacity of the transmission and switching media, the transmission facility(ies) configuration, and the type of equipment used in its network.

Sprint’s Dedicated Transmission Service Network is based primarily on the Digital Cross-Connect System hardware. From the customer premises, a DTS circuit is routed through the serving wire center located in the LEC end office. The LEC end office will pass this circuit through the wire center to the nearest Sprint POP. Inside the Sprint POP, the DTS circuit enters a DCS (Digital Cross-Connect) where the circuit is hardwired along a predetermined route within the Sprint Backbone to the terminating Sprint POP DCS. From the DCS on the terminating end, the circuit is sent to terminating LEC end office to pass through to the terminating Customer premise. In event of failure in some network component along the route, the DCS network control center can reroute the circuit via software commands. The private line network employs flat network architecture, similar to the switched services network.Dedicated Transmission Service circuits pass through only two Digital Cross-Connect Systems. XXXSprint’s network offers significant advantages over other IXC’s network. Sprint has a fiber optic backbone with a loop topology for greater redundancy and survivability. With redundant fiber pairs kept in hot-standby, Sprint has the ability to provide instantaneous backup. As SONET deployment continues, Dedicated Transmission Service will benefit from millisecond ring restoral rates in the event of a fiber outage.

Network Architecture (L.38.1.1(b))

(L.38.1.1(b)) The rationale for the network architecture design.

The design of Sprint’s DTS network reflects the goals of high automation, central provisioning and control, reduced manpower requirements, standards support, and cost-effectiveness. To achieve these goals, several key concepts were embedded in the product. These concepts are described below.

Digital Cross-Connect Systems

Sprint utilizes Digital Cross-Connect Systems (DCS) on both the domestic and international networks. The domestic DCS network consists of DCS 1/0 (T1/DSO), DCS 3/1 (T1/T3), and DCS 3/3 (T3). The international DCS network consists of DCS 1/0 and DCS 4/1 (E1).

A DCS is a specialized high speed switching device that merely routes traffic along a predetermined path from one customer premise to another (or more).

The DCS technology used in the Sprint DTS network provides several significant advantages over the traditional patch panel. Circuits are pre-equipped before orders are received. Once a circuit is installed on a DCS, there is no need for human intervention at the DCS. This removes one of the largest causes of circuit outages: human error caused by patching or testing the wrong circuit. Circuits can be remotely connected in the DCS by the DCMS (Digital Cross-Connect Management System). Unlike the patch panel, the DCS provides continual monitoring of all circuits without additional equipment.XFlat vs. Hierarchical Network

Sprint’s DTS network is a “flat” network, and typically a circuit will be engineered to run through no more than two DCSs. In a hierarchical network, each DCS would not have routes directly to all the other DCSs, therefore a circuit could run through many DCSs. A flat network has significant advantages over a hierarchical network. The possibility of equipment failures is greatly reduced and a flat network has a shorter end-to-end delay. Each digital cross-connect in a circuit that is traversed adds a delay.

Digital Systems

All of the technology used in the Sprint DTS service is digital technology. Digital technology has the advantage over analog technology of:

• Easier implementation costs,

• Easier to operate,

• Better quality, and

• Compatibility with future systems.

Congestion and Flow Control (L.38.1.1(c))

(L.38.1.1(c)) Congestion and flow control strategy including redundant switch and transmission facilities, control mechanisms, and the degree of flexibility inherent in the architectural design to handle predicted and unpredicted increased traffic loads and/or switch and transmission failures.

The DTS service offering is not subject to congestion since it is a reserved bandwidth solution. The Government agency has reserved bandwidth on a Dedicated Transmission Service circuit. Because it is dedicated only to that user, no congestion or flow control strategy is necessary. If a DCS switch site experiences unforeseen problems, Sprint has the ability to reroute traffic through an alternate route to avoid switch and transmission failures.

Sprint Equipment at the Government Location (L.38.1.1(d))

(L.38.1.1(d)) The amount of the offeror’s equipment that would be required at Government locations to deliver the services, including the amount of power, floor space, along with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning loads.

Channel Service Units (CSUs)

A channel service unit is installed between the T1 network and the customer's terminal equipment. It performs network interface compliance as defined by the FCC, format conversion and network monitoring functions, while providing local and remote control for the diagnostic functions. Through a control port connected to a terminal and/or Network Management System, an operator can monitor, configure and test the CSUs along with the network.

A primary function of a CSU is to ensure that a high quality digital signal is maintained into and out of the network. Standard functions include electrical interface between local equipment and the carrier lines, electrical protection for the carrier lines, standardized connections and signal regeneration, format selectivity (e.g., ESF- a framing format which allows all circuit monitoring to be done in a non-disruptive mode in real-time while the circuit is still active), and code selectivity (AMI or B8ZS).

Line monitoring for event errors, framing errors, loss of signal and other performance criteria is also a key function of the CSU.

Channel Bank

The channel bank performs the conversion between 24 separate analog voiceband channels and the DS-1 digital line. This device is a type of multiplexer for voice and low speed analog data applications. In addition to encoding and decoding the voiceband signals, the channel bank has built in signaling circuits for conversion between DC signaling states and the T1 circuit.

Each channel bank contains channel units to provide the interface between each voiceband circuit and the common units within the bank. The channel units come in different configurations so a variety of signaling arrangements can be accommodated for both 2-wire and 4-wire circuits.

A non-intelligent mux must have all options set with craft selectable switch settings. All diagnostics must be done on-site. An intelligent mux has an RS-232 port and an internal dial-up modem. Options and features of each plug-in is set through software either locally or remotely, while remote diagnostics are available with more operational and test features.

Data Service Units (DSUs)

The DSU is an interface device that FCC Part 68 requires for the direct connection of customer premise equipment to a data provisioned LEC metallic facilities. This device permits an electrically balanced circuit when the four-wire metallic path between the terminations exceeds 14,000 cable feet.

Inverse Multiplexers (Imuxes)

The inverse mux can dynamically allocate network resources to voice or data calls when required. The Imux monitors signaling from each attached voice or data device and, when requested, allocates the bandwidth required for the call. The Imux supports signaling to the attached devices to inform them of network availability: for example, through a complex set of busy-back options, the Imux can signal a PBX to reroute traffic when bandwidth is required for critical calls. The Imux can also be controlled by a remote terminal device to allocate bandwidth, perform testing, and generally increase system flexibility.

This device will support a wide range of applications by providing transparency to application-specific protocols and offering interfaces to all major types of voice, data, and image equipment.

Power and Environmental Specifications of the above equipment:

Channel Banks (CB)

When the customer orders T1 access with DS0 UNIs or Sprint aggregates SDP traffic, the Government’s DS0 and subrate circuits will be multiplexed on a channel bank located on the Government sites. The floor space and power requirements are given in Table1.B.4-1:

Table1.B.4-1Channel Banks Power and Environmental Specifications
Mount: / Rack-mounted
Equipment Size: / (H) 10.425” x(W) 19” x (D) 12.375” nominal
Power: / -48 Volts dc nominal
Power dissipation: / 166 watts typical
Temperature: / 0 to 50 degrees Celsius
Humidity: / Up to 95 percent (non-condensing)

CSU/DSU Equipment

The CSUs and DSUs will be required for service monitoring, troubleshooting and signal conversion to provide the proper interface. The CSU/DSU provided will be resident on Government sites. The CSUs and DSUs are required for 56/64, 19.2, 9.6, and 4.8 data service. They are also required for 4.8, 2.4 and 1.2 multi-point digital data service. The floor space and power requirements are given in Table1.B.4-2:

Table 1.B.4-2 CSU/DSU Equipment and Power and Environmental Specifications
Mount: / Rack-mounted or standalone
Equipment size: / Standalone (H) 1.625”x (W) 6.75” x (D) 10.5” nominal
Power: / 20 to 56 VDC, 3.5W
Temperature: / 0 to 50 degrees Celsius
Humidity: / 95 percent (non-condensing)

Inverse Multiplexer

Power and environmental guidelines of the inverse multiplexer equipment are detailed in Table1.B.4-3:

Table 1.B.4-3Inverse Multiplexer Power and Environmental Specifications
Power: / 48 Vdc @ 0.5 ampere and/or 110 Vac @20A
Temperature: / 0 to 50 degrees Celsius
Humidity: / 95 percent (non-condensing)
Size: / 3”x17”x12”

Traffic Performance Calculations and Impact Assessment (L.38.1.1(e))

(L.38.1.1(e)) Traffic calculations that indicate network and service performance during estimated normal, 10 percent, 25 percent, and 50 percent above the estimated normal FTS2001 traffic loads and the means to ensure achieving the required performance as specified in this solicitation.

Dedicated Transmission Service is calculated in gigabytes. Since DTS is a reserved bandwidth solution, the Government has specified volumes in circuits. X

Impact of Various Levels of Feature Usage on Service Performance (L.38.1.1(f))

(L.38.1.1(f)) An assessment of the impact of various levels of feature usage on service performance.

There will be no impact on the various levels of feature usage on the performance of a DTS circuit.

Network Control and Diagnostics (L.38.1.1(g))

(L.38.1.1(g)) A description of network control and diagnostic capabilities and systems, including equipment and procedures for monitoring and testing each of the services and associated features.

The network control and diagnostic capabilities and systems for Sprint’s Dedicated Transmission Service will be provided by the Private Line Service Center and the International Dedicated Service Center. A description of their capabilities and functions follows below.

Private Line Service Center (PLSC)

The Sprint Private Line Service Center (PLSC) centrally installs and maintains the entire private line network. In the event of service interruption, the PLSC is responsible for service restoration. Located in Atlanta, the center is operational 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. XXXXXXXXX

XXXXXXTrained Personnel

The PLSC will provide 24 hour around the clock support of the FTS2001 DTS network. The staff members are specially trained DTS personnel who are able to handle any DTS problems which may occur.


XXInternational Dedicated Service Center

The International Dedicated Service Center (IDSC) is responsible for the installation, maintenance, and continuing quality of service for: International Private Lines (IPL), International Dedicated Transit (IDT), Indefeasible Right of Use (IRU) for PTAT and International Digital Switch Bearers. These responsibilities will include FTS2001 DTS.

Located in New York City, the IDSC operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.



XSurveillance and Control

Responsibility for safeguarding the overall quality of the Sprint International Private Line network is divided into three layers. The IDSC with cooperation of the PLSC has circuit responsibility. The Regional Control Centers comprise the second layer, being responsible for the Domestic transmission and switch systems within their region. They receive all

alarms and have remote linkage to all network elements. The uppermost layer is the Network Operations Control Center (NOCC). They have overall responsibility for network management of the switch network and the integrity of the fiber optic transmission network, including any FTS2001 service.

Surveillance and control of the international DCS network is done remotely from the IDSCXXNetwork Transmission and Synchronization Plans (L.38.1.1(h))

(L.38.1.1(h)) Network transmission and synchronization plans for the various services.

Network synchronization, the communication timing within and between networks, plays a critical role as high-speed communication networks span the globe. Sprint is particularly well-suited to handle the Government’s demand for worldwide data transmission because of our 100 percent digital, fiber optic network in the U.S.-the ideal transmission medium for high-speed data transmission.

Digital network synchronization, as implemented on the Sprint network can transport data end-to-end and interconnect with other networks with minimal degradation. The benefits of Sprint synchronization include transmission clarity, virtually error-free operations, and survivability using Digital Cross-Connect System (DCS) devices.

Sprint uses either a Loran (long range navigation) or a GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) Primary Reference Source at all of our nodes and switch sites to provide the Government with state of the art plesiochronous synchronization. XAs the first U.S. carrier to provide 100 percent fiber-transport with plesiochronous synchronization, Sprint delivers advanced, reliable telecommunications services. The Sprint network uses a plesiochronous method of providing Stratum1 timing sources at different network nodes rather than one centralized source. The plesiochronous technique does not

experience timing degradation of long timing distribution links. This synchronization method is uniquely suitable to a total fiber optic network because of the automatic reconfiguration capability provided by diverse fiber links from a node to different Stratum 1 clocks, which are provided via LORAN-C systems.

The LORAN-C system, maintained by the U.S. Coast Guard, is a low frequency terrestrial radio navigation system. It operates from 90 to 100 kHz, with a carrier frequency of 100 kHz. Because these low frequency radio waves follow the earth’s curvature, they are both stable and unaffected by the ionosphere. LORAN-C transmissions are referenced to Cesium Beam frequency standards (Stratum 1) and are Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). The benefits of the LORAN-C synchronization method are assured through multiple redundant Stratum 1 primary reference sources.

The GPS system uses atomic clocks mounted inside satellites for distributing UCT (Universal Coordinated Time) timing. These satellites then transmit timing beacons that cover broad areas of the earth. Originally developed for military use, GPS has recently been made available for commercial applications. XXSprint will also provide timing to Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) for digital UNIs when the access is provided by Sprint. The Government should derive timing from these digital UNIs by setting the GFE to derive timing from the network. The GFE will synchronize the transmit path to the receive path, thus insuring integrity of synchronization across digital networks.

For analog UNIs, Sprint can not provide timing to the GFE. Analog UNIs do not require digital timing. Examples of analog UNI applications are telephones served by a 4 kHz UNI and analog modems of speeds to 33.6 kbps.
If the Government orders dedicated access Class 1 from a provider other than Sprint, the Government must derive timing from that access provider. LECs and CLECs do not synchronize their networks from Sprint. Generally, they provide their own synchronization within their network similar to Sprint’s synchronization plan. The Government should assess the synchronization plan for these access providers to ensure they are properly synchronized and capable of supplying digital timing. In addition, the Government will be responsible for resolving timing errors at Sprint’s POPs where Class 1 access terminates. The Government should understand Sprint is not responsible for timing problems on end-to-end service where the access facilities are not ordered through Sprint. Sprint, through its account teams, will assist the Government in devising a synchronization plan for Agency networks. In complex networks, a logical plan to ensure digital integrity takes planning and dialog between Sprint and the Government.