*Class Code TH307
*Basic Bible Doctrines
*Syllabus Fall 2013
Instructor: Pastor David Cuff
Generation Bible College
1 N. Calle Cesar Chavez Suite #21 Santa Barbara CA 93103
T 805-730-1400 -F 805-730-1403
Generation Bible College
TH307 – Basic Christian Doctrine
Syllabus Fall 2013
Instructor Basic Christian Doctrine
Pastor David Cuff
(818) 667-3512 -
Time and Location Required Texts
Basic Theology: by Charles Ryrie
Recommended Texts:
Lectures in Systemactic Theology By Henry C. Thiessen ISBN:0-8028-3529-5
Course Description:
The purpose of this class is to give the student an introduction to and appreciation for the basic doctrines of the Bible. In sixteen weeks we will not be able to give all the details nor various views of each doctrine that will be discussed. What we will do however, is give a general introduction to those beliefs contained in Biblical Christianity and provide the student the methodology to determine sound biblical interpretation. It is hoped that you will understand more of the Bible and Christian teaching by the end of the quarter and that your studies will enrich your walk with Jesus Christ.
The first quarter of Christian Doctrine will deal with the following topics: The Bible, God, Man, and Sin. The second quarter will deal with Christ, Salvation, the Church, and the End Times.
Course Goal:
Some students are taking this class for credit toward an Associate Degree of Biblical Studies. Others are here for a Certificate of Ministry or personal enrichment. The lectures will be geared for all students. The difference will be in the amount of work required of the three groups of students.
Personal Enrichment students are not required to do any outside assignments, although it is recommended.
Those students desiring a Grade will be required to (1) have regular attendance, (2) do the required outside readings, and (3) answer the study questions prepared from the text. There will be exams. They are designed to test your knowledge of basic ideas presented in the lecture and lecture notes.
Course Requirements:
Each topic covered in the class has a set of study questions, which follow the text. Those seeking a Grade are required to answer the questions and turn them in. Personal Enrichment students are not required to do the study questions but are encouraged to do so. The questions in the text are simply a tool to review the material discussed in class. They can be answered easily with little problem.
Readings and assignments are expected to be done the week that they are due. If you will be unable to meet the due date let me know the week before it is due.
The text for this course is Basic Theology: A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth by Charles Ryrie. All required reading will be from this book which is very readable and will stimulate you to further studies.
There are a number of good theological works that can be used for further study. A bibliography is supplied at the end of the syllabus. Feel free to consult them as they can only enrich your overall comprehension of the material covered in class.
Basis for the Grade
Students will be graded on attendance, exams, written assignments (including essays and evaluations of required reading), and participation in class discussions.
Attendance & Grading Policy
CCBC requires 100 percent attendance for all classes taken by students. All absences will be handled by the Registrar’s Office and NOT the teacher. Whenever an absence occurs (for whatever reason) the student must make up the class. For all absences, students need to fill out the absence authorization form available in the Front Office. This form completed, along with the one-page summary, is to be turned in to the absence authorization box in the Front Office. In addition, any homework that was due the day of absence should be included as well. This must be completed and submitted within two weeks of the absence.
All Absences will incur a penalty.
1. If the class is made-up by MP3 available in the library, the absence penalty is a one increment grade deduction. (i.e. A to A-, A- to B+, etc.)
2. If the class is not made up, the penalty is a two increment deduction. (i.e. A to B+, B to C+, etc.)
In the event of excessive absences due to illness and/or family emergencies, the student may need to withdraw from school and return the following semester when his or her health improves.
For every two tardies there will be a one increment grade deduction.
This course is graded on a letter grade basis, with the Instructor responsible for assigning a grade. The grade will be based on the four assignments: Textbook reading summaries, Mid-Term Exam, Research paper, and the Final Exam. Out of 100 possible points, the final grade will be based on the number of accumulated points. The following grading scale will be used:
F59 and below
Homework Schedule
Reading AssignmentTopic Reading Assignment Study Guide Questions
Bible Pgs. 9-23; 71-134 (76 pgs.) Pgs. 119-121
God Pgs. 27-68 (41 pgs.) Pgs. 121-123
Angels Pgs. 137-153; 157-192 (51 pgs.)Pgs. 123-125
Man Pgs. 195-236 (41 pgs.) Pgs. 125-126
Sin Pgs. 239-269 (30 pgs.) Pgs. 126-128
Christology Pgs. 273-313 (40 pgs.) Pgs. 128-130
Soteriology Pgs. 319-387 (68 pgs.) Pgs. 130-133
Pneumatology Pgs. 395-444 (49 pgs.) Pgs. Handout TBD
Ecclesiology Pgs. 455-502 (47 pgs.) Pgs. 133
Eschatology Pgs. 509-603 (94 pgs.) Pgs. 133
Introduction to the study of Christian Doctrine
I. What is Christian Doctrine?
“Theology is the discovery, systematizing, and presentation of the truths about God.” --Charles Ryrie, Basic Theology, page 15
“A conclusive summary statement inductively drawn from all biblical evidence about a given subject of divine revelation.”
II. Why Study Christian Doctrine?
Belief of basic Bible doctrine is Essential for salvation
Scriptural Evidence:
2 Timothy 3:16-17, Acts 17:11, 2 Timothy 2:15, John 5:39, Matthew 22:37
Romans 6:17 (cf. v. 19,22; Titus 2:1,10), Matthew 28:20; 2 Timothy 4:2; 1 Timothy 5:17, 1 Timothy 1:18-20; 1 Timothy 4:1; 6:3, Acts 17:22-31, 1 Timothy 4:12-16
III. Who Should Study Christian Doctrine?
1.Those interested in Salvation -- 1 John 5:13
2.Those who desire to grow in the Lord -- 1 Peter 2:2
3.Those who want to teach -- 2 Tim. 2:15
- Everybody -- Acts 17:11
IV. How do we study Christian Doctrine?
1.Primary Source- The Bible
2.Secondary Sources- Commentaries, Church Fathers, Classes, Historical Theology
3.Interpretive Principles- The Literal, Grammatical, Historical Method
V. What are the Types of Doctrinal Studies?
1.Biblical Theology- Old & New Testament
2.Historical Theology- How doctrine developed through church history
3.Dogmatic Theology- Articles of Faith of certain churches
4.Systematic Theology- Organized Theology
VI. Major Divisions of Systematic Theology
Bibliology The study of The BibleTheology Proper The study of The Nature of God
Angelology The study of Angels
Satanology / Demonology The study of Satan / Demons
Anthropology The study of Man
Hamartiology The study of Sin
Christology The study of Christ
Soteriology The study of Salvation
Ecclesiology The study of The Church
Eschatology The study of Last Things
“The Doctrine of the Bible”
"The Bible has been read by more people and published in more languages than any other book. There have been more copies produced of its entirety and more portions and selections than any other book in history. Some will argue that in a designated month or year more of a certain book was sold. However, overall there is absolutely no book that reaches or even begins to compare to the circulation of the Scriptures."
-- Evidence That Demands a Verdict
by Josh McDowell, Here's Life publishers
I. Authority
The Problem:
How do we decide what is the correct Christian teaching?
What do we appeal to when we have a conflict in teachings?
Definition of Authority:
"The Power or right to require Obedience.”
Sources of Authority:
1. The Bible
2. The Church
3. Tradition
4. Personal Experience
2 Peter 1:16-21 refers to the Scriptures, as compared to human experience, as “which is more sure than what we heard.” Here Peter raises the Word of God above any human experience.
The Problem with Scripture and Theories
- The Mormons:
“The Bible is accurate as long as it has been translated correctly.”
2. The Jehovah Witnesses:
". . . Furthermore, not only do we find that people cannot see the divine plan in studying the Bible by itself, but we see, also, that if anyone lays the "Scripture Studies" aside, even after he has used them, after he has become familiar with them, after he has read them for ten years -- if he then lays them aside and ignores them and goes to the Bible alone, though he has understood his Bible for ten years, our experience is that within two years he goes into darkness. On the other hand, if he had merely read the "Scripture Studies" with their references and had not read a page of the Bible as such, he would be in the light at the end of two years, because he would have the light of the Scriptures."
Charles Taze Russell, The Watchtower, p. 298, Sept. 15, 1910.
3. The Roman Catholic Church – Scripture and Tradition
While not in the same category as the Jehovah Witnesses or the LDS, the RCC had historically placed tradition on the same level as scripture, leading to various doctrinal inconsistencies. They use Scriptures such as 2 Thessalonians 2:15 and 1 Corinthians 11:2 to support this doctrine. However:
By definition, you cannot have two ultimate authorities, lest one will always be subject to the other! Mark 7:1-23
II. Revelation
A. What is meant by: “Revelation?”
"The act of God whereby He reveals to man that which would otherwise be unknown ."
B. The Significance of Revelation:
Christianity is a religion of revelation, a faith based on the claim that God has come to us and made Himself known to us. We need revelation because:
1.Since we are God's creation , in order to know Him, He must reveal Himself to us.
2.We are dead to God, morally and spiritually separated from God going our own way (Rom. 3:11).
3. The natural man is not able to understand the things of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:14).
C. Revelation from God is Mandatory:
- God is unknowable apart from revelation. The following Scriptures show that God is impossible to know apart from Christ:
John 1:14-18, John 12:45, John 14:7, Colossians 1:15, 1 Timothy 1:17, 1Timothy 6:16, Hebrews 1:3, Revelation 1:1
2. Man is not able to understand God apart from a supernatural revelation. Only God can reveal God!
Types of Revelation:
1. General Revelation.
1. Definition:
God's revelation of Himself observable apart from the Bible and through creation."
2. Means of General Revelation:
- Ps. 19:1-4 The Heavens
2. Romans 1:18-21 Creation
3. Romans 2:14-15 Conscience
4. Matthew 5:45, Acts 14:15-17 Through His Provision
3. The Purpose:
As seen in Acts 17:27, the purpose is so that “man might seek after and grope after the Lord.”
Romans 1:18
A. Suppress the Truth:
1. In Greek the word is a present active participle which indicates effort is being exerted to accomplish their task.
2. Expanded translation: “men who are constantly attempting to suppress the truth.”
3. John 3:19-20 also gives us the answer.
How is God revealing Himself? The next two verses describe how this is done:
Verses 19-20
A. General Revelation
- God has made Himself known in creation (1:19) (See also Ps 8, Ps 19:1-6).
- Divine Nature: God has revealed Himself as wise, eternal and powerful (Rom 1:20).
3. God has revealed Himself as a moral God in giving man a conscience (Rom 2:14-15).
4. God has revealed Himself as benevolent through His provisions (Acts 14:17).
5. Acts 17:22-34 (esp. 24-28a): His control over the nations thus causing them to seek Him.
6. Man is made in the image and likeness of God.
7. The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment (John 16:5-11).
Limitations of General Revelation:
Unable to give man a personal, saving knowledge of Himself .
Man suppresses and perverts the Truth , worshiping the creation.
2. Special Revelation
Special revelation is the act whereby God makes more precise truths known about Himself to specific individuals. This has taken place in Visions, Dreams, Theophanies, The Lot, His Angels and through the Urim and the Thummim. But the main two ways God has revealed Himself is through The Bible , and through Jesus Christ . John 1:18 says that Jesus declared the Father. The word used here is exegesato means “to draw out or explain.” It is where we get our English word exegesis. Jesus Christ explained the Father (John 14:9).
While all of mankind is subject to general revelation, not all receive special revelation.
Special revelation is necessary due to the sinful condition of man. Since we are dead in our sins, we need God to intervene and reveal Himself to us in a specific way. He does this by the Person of Jesus Christ and His Word, which He imparted to His apostles. When we read God’s Word, we are not reading man’s opinions, but are reading exactly what God revealed to us through His Son Jesus (Hebrews 1:1-3, John 17:6-8).
III. The Bible
The Bible is the absolute and Final Authority for Christian faith and Practice
. . . How Many Books Are In The Bible?
OldTestament39 Books
New Testament27 Books
= 66 Books!
Inspiration of the Bible
The Bible is inspired in a supernatural and divine sense.
Definition of Inspiration:
God's superintendence of the human authors so that, using their own individual personalities, they composed and recorded without error His revelation to man in the words of the original autographs.
A. Key Verses on Inspiration
2 Tim. 3:16 - The Greek word Theopneustos ( G2315 means God-Breathed and is also found in the LXX in Job 32:8.
2 Pet. 1:19-21- The Greek term moved is a nautical term and was used to describe how the wind would fill the sail of a boat and move it along.
John 10:34-36- Jesus’ view was that the Scriptures could not be broken.
B. Verbal/Plenary
- When the word verbal is used in the definition it means that the words are inspired by God and not just the thoughts, ideas or concepts.
- The word plenary means that every word is inspired.
- Scriptural Evidence: Matthew 5:17-18, Psalm 19:1-7, Matthew 4:4.
- Also, “it is written” is used 90 times in the New Testament (See Matthew 4:4,7,10).
- See also Exodus 24:4 for support from the Old Testament.
(Note: The jot was the smallest Hebrew letter (yod) and the tittle (iota) was the smallest extensions on the Hebrew letters. We would refer to this as the dotting of the “i” and the crossing of the “t”.
C. Inerrancy of the Bible
1. We declare that the Bible is inerrant in the Original manuscripts.
2. The Scriptural Evidences: a. Jesus said, “Thy Word is truth (John 17:7). A number of times the Scriptures are said to be from God or from the Holy Spirit (2 Samuel 23:2, Acts 1:16,4:24-25,28:5, Hebrews 9:8,10:15).
- It is a logical conclusion that if the Bible is inspired, then it is inerrant.
5. The same question is being asked as in the garden “Has God said?”
6. The Bible: Difficulties, YES! (See section on handling Bible Difficulties).
D. Opposing Viewpoints
1. Liberal Viewpoint or Dynamic Theory: The theory that only the thoughts are inspired by God and not the exact words.
- How are thoughts different than words?
- We use words to communicate our thoughts.
- If the words are not correct, neither will the thoughts be true.
2. Naturalistic Theory: The idea that the writers themselves were inspired like that of a Poet or Mozart.
- The Scriptures/Writings are said to be inspired, not the writers.
- Some writers did not understand what they wrote (1 Peter 1:10-13).
- The Scriptures did not originate with man, not even the best of men who had the deepest religious experiences. The point the Scriptures make is that they are not from men but from God (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21).
Note: The meaning of “no private interpretation” in 2 Peter 1:20 is explained in verse 21 as the Scriptures not having their origin in man but are from God.
3. The Partial Theory: The idea that only some parts of the Bible are inspired and without error. Often, they will say the parts that have to do with salvation are inspired.
a. If we cannot trust the Bible on such minor topics as history, science and geography, how can we trust it in relation to eternal truths of salvation.
b. We are left with the impossible questions to answer, “Which parts are inspired and which parts are not inspired?”
c. Who decides the question above? Which system of theology do we follow?
4. The Encounter Theory: This theory has the idea that the Bible becomes the Word of God when it is used to speak to us. Karl Barth, a German theologian of the mid-1900’s espoused this idea.
a. The Scriptures never declare this about themselves.
b. The Scriptures declare that the very words are inspired by God and not that they become the Word of God.
c. It leaves too much room for various interpretations being correct in relation to a specific passage, rather than the concept of “One correct interpretation, many possible applications.”
How to Approach Bible Difficulties
(From When Critics Ask: A Popular Handbook on Bible Difficulties
by Dr. Norman Geisler, Victor Press, 1992)
Some common mistakes when reading the Bible:
Mistake 1:Assuming that the unexplained is not explainable.
Mistake 2:Presuming the Bible guilty until proven innocent.
Mistake 3:Confusing our fallible interpretations with God’s infallible revelation.
Mistake 4:Failing to understand the context of the passage.
Mistake 5:Neglecting to interpret difficult passages in the light of clear ones.
Mistake 6:Basing a teaching on an obscure passage.
Mistake 7:Forgetting that the Bible is a human book with human characteristics.
Mistake 8:Assuming that a partial report is a false report.
Mistake 9:Demanding that NT citations of the OT always be exact quotations.
Mistake 10: Assuming that divergent accounts are false ones.
Mistake 11: Presuming that the Bible approves of all it records.