Board of Directors

July 28, 2015

ATTENDEES: Matt Sullivan, Nate Kirkeby, Jeremy Tandeski, Jay Stibbe, Vicki Dawson, Mike Hartel, Dean Bachmeier, Scott Erickson, Nate Metcalf, Joe Antonopolis, Jen Mastrud, Stephanie Astrup, Dusty Jensen. FYHA Staff: Jeff Lockhart

Called to order @ 8:30pm

Consent Agenda- Approve June Minutes: Motion (Jen M) Second (Dusty J) motion carries, Approve June Finances: Motion by (Nate K) Second (Dean B), Motion Carries


·  FYHA’ bid of $3,502 for NDAHA’s cross ice boards was accepted.

·  Discussion of PSE lawsuit

·  Registration will go live next week

·  Martin Mechanical’s air quality audit was completed. Cost estimate of work was $91,800 with Robert Gibb and Son’s, along with an engineering fee of $10,000.

·  Motion was made to authorize the Executive Committee to spend up to $150,000 for the work on Teamsters air handling system. Motion( Mike H) Second by(?) motion carries

·  Dan Ness was introduced to the board. Dan would like to fill the vacant Director of Recruiting. Motion to approve Dan Ness as Director of Recruiting. Motion (Dean B) Second (Nate K) motion carries

Treasurers Report-

·  Cash flow is looking good thanks to $80,000 in tournament registration deposited in July.

·  Teamsters income is up, however expenses were down due to a payroll aberration.

Secretary- Nothing to Report


·  Paint and routine summer maintance is ongoing.

·  Rental hours up form 2014

·  Boarder States provided bid to pave South Lot

·  Through logging of CO levels all day


·  Jr. Gold will be run by FYHA

·  Teams were submitted to NDAHA on time

·  Tournaments are currently being booked for all levels. Program will run similar to last season, with some minor tweaks.

·  Sanford Power’s off ice training proposal was discussed

·  Donor has offered to cover $5,000 of program equipment. Committee is putting together a “wish list”.

·  Carey Eades has been invited to a programming meeting.

·  Aaron Walski has been hired to run the goaltending program

·  Pete Sonnesyn, a long time Fargo and NDAHA advocate/supporter passed away. FYHA will send a memorial.


·  We are waiting on teams

·  Governance committee has yet to be formed


·  Close to 50% full for all tournaments

·  $80,700 in registration fees collected.

·  Scheels has agreed to a tournament package. Negotiating with Sanford and Buffalo Wild Wings

·  Sommer has applied for two grants; Mid-Content ($4,000), and $15,000 to Alex Stern Foundation

Fundraising- Nothing to report

Safe Sport/Team Managers-

·  Is contacting TMs

·  Working on TM manual


·  Joe is getting ready to order mite, 8U and Termite jerseys

Marketing/PR report- Nothing to report


·  72 registered for intro to hockey camp.

·  Volunteers will be needed to equipment handout. Will have a board meeting on September 29th to help.

·  Back to school night is coming up. Volunteers are being contacted.

Previously Discussed Items- Nothing to report

Meeting Adjourned- Motion by: Darren P Second: Jeremy T

Next meeting scheduled for August 25th 8:00pm @ Teamsters