Gavilan Peak PTO Meeting 12-2-2015 | 3:30 p.m. Wednesday
In attendance: Michelle Vall, Karen Quina, Carmen Giorgia, Kelly Wilcox, April Traylor, Cori Faulk,
Crystal Ferguson, Robin Bashaar, Robin Keagle, Anna Ragan, Angie McFarland, Kim Donat.
Steve Ragan, president; Robyn Bryce, vice president; Jessica Espinoza, treasurer; Roxanna Horine, secretary.
PTO President brought meeting to order.
Harkins Fundraiser – due date 12-1-15, but will be extended.
· Next year do earlier for better response (not following other orgs who have done same thing), before the week off in November. When’s earliest? Nov. 10 opens order.
ACTION: Steve Ragan to check with Harkins to extend date.
Kimberlee D. will send another communication to teachers.
Holiday Shop:
· Sign-up Genius – set up entry for assisting. (Cori Faulk volunteered to set-up)
· Need help Tues., Wed., Thurs.
· All items will be rounded to 25 cents.
PTO President met with GPS Principal – things discussed:
· Barbecue (Feb. or March), Thursday before spring break before student testing, hold in courtyard, cooking burgers, hot dogs for the kids.
· Creating signature event, adult oriented, toward the end of the school year. Mandarin Booster Club holds a golf tournament, not everyone golfs.
Suggestions from meeting attendees:
Casino Night. We can have an adult night; liquor permit and regulations, sell tickets for beer/wine.
Q: Could we have a child care arrangements? … whether or not there’s a charge. Supply movie popcorn.
Could possibly do it at the Civic Center (holds 200 ppl).
Volunteers: Robyn will put together girls for the babysitting.
Exploratory / planning Team: Julie Reeder, Angie McFarland, Kim Donat, Robyn Bryce, Cori Faulk.
Potential date: April – Friday or Saturday night.
Potential Location: Anthem Civic Center Building
Bingo Night. Hold at the school, separate bingo-like activities for kids that are within the law. IBEW may have Bingo equipment available to use, possible volunteers.
Volunteers: Angie M., Crystal F., Michelle, Robyn Bryce, Robin Bashaar, Roxanna H.
Timeframe: February
Location: GPS
Family Movie Night. Sell popcorn.
Timeframe: January
Location: GPS
· GPS shirts – sell them all year long
Each class create a signature shirt Front Gavilan Peak / back Kids artwork.
This year T-shirt selling was NOT a PTO event. Chad is asking that PTO pick this up.
Other potential merchandise: Visors, Water bottles, etc.
ACTION: Steve will put ideas on the Fb page for people to LIKE.
· Baseball Field: Chad is making suggestion to redo field; working with Valley Crest.
Possible request for parents to participate in the labor to get it done, will reduce costs.
Cultural Night – quarters for caring. – this is a GPS event. FYI for PTO in planning activities.
Restaurant Nights
January – Rookies Will leave open 30-days rather than one evening, good for a month if the business will track.
Others discussed:
- McTeacher Night – teachers serve. Last one $ went to school, not PTO.
- Q 2 U
- Roberto’s wants to be Restaurant Nights – Tuesday-Wednesday.
ACTION: Decisions needed, coordinate and schedule with businesses, promote schedule.
Establishing Nonprofit status:
Carroll Law Firm is going to help get the paperwork together to apply/register for nonprofit status.
Submitted by Roxanna Horine, PTO Secretary