Outstanding Contribution to the Fight Against Slavery Awards 2017
Supported by the Marsh Christian Trust
To be presented at the Human Trafficking Foundation’s Anti-Slavery Day Awards event, Speaker’s House, 18thOctober 2017
Nomination Form
The Human Trafficking Foundation holds an annual Awards Ceremony to mark Anti-Slavery Day during which werecognise the work of groups or individuals who fight Modern Slavery in the UK and Internationally. There are three awards and we hope to award work which goes beyond that normally expected.This year we hope to present awards in three categories;
- Award to an individual from the voluntary or private sector for their personal contribution,
- Award to an individual from the public sector for their personal contribution,
- Award to an organisation for the collective contribution of its staff,
Nominations will be judged by a panel of experts in the Anti-Slavery field.
Who can be nominated? – any individual or group as per the categories who has made a significant contribution to preventing or addressing Modern Slavery.
To nominate a winner:
- Complete the information requested on the second page of this form and send it, together with endorsements from two separate individuals, by e-mail to he total nomination form should not exceed 6 pages.
Deadline for submissions:Friday, 25th August 2017 by 6pm
Nominee details(person or organisation nominated for an award):
Name of nominee:Name of nominee’s organisation/company (if applicable) and contact address:
Email address of nominee (if known):
Telephone number of nominee (if known):
Nominator’s details(the person making the nomination):
Name:Organisation (if applicable):
Nominator’s address:
Phone number:
What contribution has the Nominee made to fighting Modern Slavery?Please give overall scope of their work, explain why this goes beyond what would normally be expected and evidence this with examples where possible
Nominator’s experience/ knowledge of the Nominee’s work:How long have you known of the work, in what capacity, any other relevant information?
First endorsement
Name of person endorsing this nomination:
Reason for endorsement and any additional comments:
Second endorsement
Name of person endorsing this nomination:
Reason for endorsement and any additional comments:
Please note that nominations cannot be accepted without two completed endorsements.
Please note that the panel will score based on the information provided within a nomination form, rather than prior knowledge of a nominee. We do not encourage, and no additional points will be awarded, for multiple nominations of the same nominee.
Please return this nomination form, before 6pm on Friday 25th August, to