When Haggeye Junior Went on Tour
In August I cycled on the back of a tandem, a bicycle built for two, from Edinburgh to London, passing through Belfast, Dublin and Cardiff. I was really pleased that Haggeye Junior decided to join me. He wasn't much good on the bike, his legs were too short to reach the pedals, but he had a load of fun following me round in my luggage.
We were really lucky. Lots of nice people came along to help in so many different ways. They would save Haggeye Junior from the more boring parts of the ride by taking him to the beach or a swing park instead. He was spotted with chips and ice cream at some points. He also got to visit quite a few interesting landmarks around the country, like castles and historic bridges.
We had to take a ferry to get over to Ireland and back. I think Haggeye Junior must have been worn out by all the excitement, as he had to rest in my cycle helmet when we were on the boat.
After I got to London, lots of people wanted to make a fuss of Haggeye Junior. He had his photograph taken many times again. Then we came back to Edinburgh on the train together. Haggeye Junior is now having a well-deserved rest, in an armchair in my house!
I think Haggeye Junior enjoyed the trip. I know people enjoyed meeting him. They enjoyed it so much that they generously donated to RNIB Talking Books on his behalf. I have raised enough money through the ride to pay for at least four new talking books in the library. I will make sure that at least one of them is a book for children in thanks for Haggeye Junior’s company!
Thanks Haggeye Junior, I enjoyed our time travelling the country. I hope you have lots more adventures.
Ken Reid
The First Minister's Reading Challenge was launched in Scotland on 1st September 2016. The main focus of the Challenge is to encourage reading for pleasure and support schools, libraries and communities to encourage children to read a wide variety of books.
Headed by the Scottish Book Trust, the challenge is aimed at children in primary 4-7 and encourages children and schools to sign up for a reading challenge between now and May 2017.
Each week recommended books will be released online at www.readingchallenge.scot RNIB Scotland has been working with the Scottish Book Trust to advise which of the books released are available in giant print, Braille, or a Talking Book. There will now be a note beside each book to advise if it is available in the RNIB library.
Just under 1/3 of the recommended 300 books are available through the RNIB library.
Don't forget that RNIB has set itself a challenge this year to add more Talking Books to the library.
We are delighted that Haggeye and Haggeye Junior have signed up to raise funds for a Talking Book www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Haggeye Thanks to Cameron Playfair who has already pledged to raise £150 toward the target. If you would like to join him there are lots of ways to raise funds and help Haggeye and Jnr to reach their target.