May 2012- Infection Control-Post Test
- List 3 signs and symptoms of an infection: ______, ______, ______
- Which of the following are ways to break the chain of infection? Circle all that apply.
- Cover mouth when sneezing/coughing
- Go to work sick but be sure to let the client know you are sick
- Clean gloves
- No artificial nails
- Proper waste and trash disposal
- All of the above
- The earlier an infection is found, the easier it may be to treat. (Circle the correct answer)
True False
4. Individuals all respond the same to infections. (Circle the correct answer)
True False
5. In general, some of the requirements of the OSHA standard for employers
(agencies) are? Circle all that apply.
- Establish an exposure control plan
- Update the plan annually
- Provide personal protective equipment such as gloves, gowns , etc. at no cost to the worker
- Provide information and training to workers
- All of the above
6. The links in the chain of an infection are ( circle all that apply):
A. infectious agent (germ)
B. reservoir ( place for the germ to hide out)
C. portal of exit ( way for the germ to leave it’s hide out)
D. mode of transmission ( way for the germ to move to its next victim)
E. portal of entry ( way for the germ to enter the body)
F. susceptible host ( unable to fight the germs from entering the body)
G. all of the above
7. Home Care agencies are required to follow OSHA guidelines to protect workers
who are occupationally exposed to blood or other potentially infectious
materials? True or False ( circle the correct answer)
8. As long as you have alcohol based hand gel to clean your hands, you don’t ever
need to worry about washing them with soap and water.
True or False (circle the correct answer)
9. If you can break any link in the chain of infection, you can prevent the occurrence of new infections. True or False (circle the correct answer)
10. List some of the infections that Home Care agencies track: ______. ( fill in the blank)
Think about your own personal infection control practices? Do you:
Ø Do you feel like you would be a good role model for new aides when it comes to infection control?
Ø Do you wash you hands after you complete your client’s care?
Ø Do you keep your fingernails short and wash your hands before touching your client’s?
Ø Do you change your gloves if they become dirty during care and put on new ones?
Think about it- Every year people die from infections that could have been prevented!