On Monday 6 October 2014 at 7.30 pm
PRESENT:Cllr J Smith (JS)Chairman
Cllr K Savage (KS)
Cllr M Sainsbury (MS)
Cllr P Maybury (PM)
Cllr S Jackson (SJ)
Cllr S J Routledge (SJR)
Cllr P Philips (PP)
Cllr A McManus (AMM)
Cllr G Monce (GM)
County Cllr A Miller (AM)
- Apologies
There were no apologiesreceived.
2. To receive any declarations of interest.
There were no declarations of interest received.
3To confirm the minutes of the meeting of The Parish Council held on Monday 1September2014.
The minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record.
4To consider any matter arising from the minutes
The new flower bed on Agatha Gardens is ongoing.
Cllr AM noted that he had paid for the installation and acquisition of a white gate at the entry to Fernhill Heath on the A38. .
The meeting of the Council was closed to allow members of the public to comment on any items on the agenda and bring up any matters that they wished to bring to the attention of the Council. The Council meeting was re- opened at the end of the public question time.
5The Brum
5.1Councillors matters that were raised with regard to the Brum recreation ground.
- County Councillor AMnoted that the key to access the electrical supply at the Brum was the same key that was used for the noticeboards.
5.2Report on the progress of the improvements to the Brum recreation ground.
5.2.1SJR noted that the consultation for the new play area on the recreation ground was virtually completed and that funding for the project was due to be applied for.
The finance committee that met prior to the parish council meeting suggested that the parish council would be able to provide funds of £45,000 towards this project. (£15,000 would come from the New Homes Bonus)
It was noted by SJR that match funding could be obtained to bring the budget to £90,000. This was approved in principle by the parish council, although exact details and agreements would be made when more details were provided.
SJR agreed that 3 plans would be produced for review by the whole parish council and they would all include items for a wide range of ages and abilities, including several pieces of equipment that were suitable for children with disabilities. There would also be seating provided.
When the Council has agreed the plan for the recreation ground, then quotes/tenders for contract will be performed as per the financial regulations of NCPC.
5.2.2Mike Lovatt of Top Cut has informed the Council that the swing chains are showing signs of repair and the rubber matting around various items needs replacing. The Council agreed that due to the imminent total refurbishment of the recreation ground that these repairs would not be actioned.
5.3Fun for all day on the Brum 2014
Meg Farmer noted that the day had been successful and plans were already in place for 2015.
The parish council thanked Meg for her hard work and presented her with a gift as a token of their gratitude.
5.4Football goals on the Recreation Ground
SJR was pleased to report that she has obtained some football posts free of charge, complete with fixings and they would be installed in two positions on the recreation ground to avoid wear and tear in one particular area.
The Councillors PP and SJR are also to check that the fencing is suitable to protect the properties around the Brum and will liaise with “Top cut” with regard to installation of the goalposts.
6Highways, Footpaths and Lighting.
6.1Progress reports on highways actions.
- The bus stop destroyed by the accident on the A38 is due for replacement on Thursday 2nd October 2014.
- The response from Simon Rees who is the planning officer dealing with the Dilmore application with regard to the parish councils request for a zebra
crossing on the A38 was deemed to be unsatisfactory and AM agreed to take this request further.
- The ongoing issue of the gap in the yellow lines opposite Claines School. AM noted that the consultation documents would be distributed soon and it was unfortunate that the process was taking so long.
- AM noted that the re installation of the Fernhill Heath sign was also ongoing, and a safety review was underway due to the sign being knocked over twice.
- AM noted that the “No Parking” sign on Sling Lane would be going up on 9th of October.
- PM noted that there were no street markings outside the Swan pub. He had contacted Highways at WCC and had been informed that no street markings were required.
6.3No Councillor had any additional comments with regard to highways, footpaths or lighting.
7. Correspondence
A letter has been received by the Clerk from Mrs. E M Davis asking for help with regard to a tree on her neighbour’s property.
AM agreed to visit the lady in question and discuss the problem.
Correspondence for information only.
Worcestershire CALC
- Autumn training programme
- Updates September 2014
Wychavon District Council
- Email from J Hiden re the drainage issue on Hurst Lane.
- Potential funding sources identified.
Worcestershire County council
- Identifying, recording and advocating the heritage and environment of your local area – a neighbourhood planning workshop for interested parties
- South Worcestershire playing pitch strategy – consultation.
From North Claines Parish Council
- Copy of letter sent to various local schools re the potential bus changes re application 14/01648/PN
St John Baptist Church Claines
- Magazine September 2014
Clerks and Councils Direct
- Magazine
South Worcestershire Development Plan
- Copy of reply to parishioners letter
8.1Planning applications for decision
(Councillors should have viewed the applications online or looked at the applications before the meeting) as Wychavon planning no longer supplies paper copies for viewing at the meetings.
White Lodge
Bevere Lane
Proposed new domestic access with creation of boundary wall and timber gates.
NCPC recorded no objection to this application
Halfway House public house
96 Droitwich Road
Fernhill Heath
Conversion and extension of public house to a shop.
NCPC recorded an objection to this application
169 Droitwich Road
Fernhill Heath
Proposed detached double garage and conversion of existing garage.
NCPC recorded no objection to this application
Morton House
Grange Lane
Fernhill Heath
Implementation of planning approval W/13/01827/PN without compliance with condition 11 to enable development to be carried out in one single phase.
NCPC recorded no objection to this application
183 Droitwich Road
Fernhill Heath
First floor extension to front of house over existing dining room
NCPC recorded no objection to this application.
8.3Planning decisions received from Wychavon District Council - WDC (decision in bold) NCPC decision in italics.
W/14/01584/PP. Topacre, Claines, WR3 7SB – Proposed extension to relocate garage to living accommodation and diversion of footpath.
W/14/00335/PN. The Kings School, Worcester – erection of a multi-use new build sports and drama hall. Approved/approved.
W/14/01352/PN White Lodge, Bevere, WR3 7RQ – Erection of detached garage and workshop. Approved/approved.
W/14/01259/PN River School, Oakfield House, 270 Droitwich Road, Fernhill Heath.
W/14/00983/PP 42 Dilmore Avenue, Fernhill Heath Approved/approved
W/01451/PPDilmore Stores, 14 Dilmore Avenue, Fernhill Heath Refused/Refused
8.4Neighbourhood Plan Committee (NPC)
8.4.1Update on progress.
The neighbourhood plan committee has met and discussed the plans for the next stage.
It was hoped that a draft plan would be available within the next few weeks and once this has been amended and approved by the council, it is hoped that consultation will be started before Christmas.
8.5Applications to be considered at the planning committee meeting in October 2014
W/14/00401/PN, Land at Gwillams Farm, Ombersley Road, Bevere.
128 homes.128 homes. Cala
W/14/00430/RM Reserved matters application for 102 dwellings GwillamsFarm. (Bellway)
9Report from District and County Councillor.
9.1AM noted that some trees needed replacing in Rosebank and that he would replace them. He very kindly offered to donate £350 towards the new trees and the maintenance thereof.
10.1Update on the newsletter.
The autumn newsletter has been printed and is todelivered around the parish by Wendy Filby.
11 Finance.
11.1Cheques for payment at the Council meeting.
Clare Shinner – Clerks salary for September 2014£701.23
HMRC – Tax and NI for September 2014£11.35
Top Cut mowing services for September 2014£4,212
Ventutec Newsletter production and printing.£1236
NPower Parish lighting charges£646.36
Droitwich Spa and RCVS postage for July and August 2014£37.42
Miller Engineering Supply and installation of socket£150
Top Cut mowing services To supply and plant 2 trees£174
Wendy FilbyFor delivery of the parish focus newsletter£100
11.2Cheques paid before the Council meeting
AON insurance Additional insurance for the fun for all day£53
Alex Kean PA and presenter at the Fun for all day£150
11.3Monies received by the Parish Council
Wychavon District Council – 2nd part of the precept 2014-15£40,850
Wiltshire Farm foods – for advertising in Parish Focus£40
12Parish Maintenance- Items for consideration/notification.
There were still potholes in the lower part of Egg Lane
13Do any Councillors have any items for consideration?
There were no further items for consideration.
14Dates of the next Parish Council meetings.
3 November 2014 and 1 December 2014
The meeting of the Council was closed to allow members of the public to comment on any items on the agenda and bring up any matters that they wished to bring to the attention of the Council. The Council meeting was re-opened at the end of the public question time.
- Meg farmer has been in contact with the working men’s club and noted that they would not consider NCPC working in conjunction with their management.
- A parishioner would like a footpath on his property diverted and A Miller agreed to visit the parishioner with the application forms.
- Re the application of the Half way house pub.
There were over 30 residents at the meeting who were concerned with regard to the planning application at the half way house. There were concerns with regard to the loss of this traditional pub and also the proposed new shop.
Concerns were also raised with regard to highways safety, flooding, and the loss of the village feel of the centre of Fernhill heath.
Over 1000 people had signed the petition.
Appendix A
Actions from October 2014
The new flower bed on Agatha Gardens is ongoing. JS
Cllr AM noted that he had paid for the installation and acquisition of a white gate at the entry to Fernhill Heath on the A38.Ongoing
5.2.1SJR agreed that 3 plans would be produced for review by the whole parish council and they would all include items for a wide range of ages and abilities, including several pieces of equipment that were suitable for children with disabilities
5.4Football goals on the Recreation Ground
SJR was pleased to report that she has obtained some football posts free of charge, complete with fixings and they would be installed in two positions on the recreation ground to avoid wear and tear in one particular area. SJR to liaise with Topcut
The Councillors PP and SJR are also to check that the fencing is suitable to protect the properties around the Brum and will liaise with “Top cut” with regard to installation of the goalposts.
6.1The response from Simon Rees who is the planning officer dealing with the Dilmore application with regard to the parish councils request for a zebra crossing on the A38 was deemed to be unsatisfactory and AM agreed to take this request further. Clerk to write to J Fraser at Highways
- The ongoing issue of the gap in the yellow lines opposite Claines School. AM noted that the consultation documents would be distributed soon and it was unfortunate that the process was taking so long.
- AM noted that the re installation of the Fernhill Heath sign was also ongoing, and a safety review was underway due to the sign being knocked over twice.
- AMnoted that the “No Parking” sign on Sling Lane would be going up on 9th of October.
7. Correspondence
A letter has been received by the Clerk from Mrs. E M Davis asking for help with regard to a tree on her neighbour’s property.
AM agreed to visit the lady in question and discuss the problem.
8.4Neighbourhood Plan Committee (NPC)
8.4.1Update on progress.
The neighbourhood plan committee has met and discussed the plans for the next stage.
It was hoped that a draft plan would be available within the next few weeks AMM
12There were still potholes in the lower part of Egg Lane Clerk