General Assembly Minutes 9/29/16


Executive Board Reports:

Secretary- Hannah Woody (here)

Treasurer- Cody Jesswein (here)

NCC/ICC- Hannah Maack (here)

Programming Coordinator-Mike Vasko (absent)

Diversity Coalition coordinator- vacant

Sustainability coordinator- vacant

Resident assistant liaison- Dan Hudson (here)

Marketing coordinator- vacant

Vice president- Magalie Baker (here)

President- Ryley Krausen (here)

Advisor Reports

Ce-Ce Brookins (here)

Government/diversity/ex office reports:

Cardinal court council- (here)

Tri-towers area government- (absent)

Tri-towers Diversity Coalition- (absent)

Hewett-Manchester student assocation- (here)

Hewett-Manchester Diversity coalition- (here)

Watterson Area Government- (here)

Watterson Diversity Coalition- (here)

SGA- (here)


Kickoff: St. Jude’s Stay up ‘til Dawn

-event that raises money and awareness for St. Jude Hospital

-November 5th

-student based/led

-$208,530 raised last year

*takes $2 million per day to keep St. Jude open


-Cardinal Court open house- October 18 (7-9 p.m.)

-Exemption process open up online

-Requirement: must have been out of highschool for at least 2 years

* those who have not been out of highschool for at least 2 years must apply for an


*Exemptions are available online in the housing/dining portal

-takes about 10-20 business days

-full student record is reviewed

Jamie Nevill:

-assistant director for facilities

-in charge of repair and maintenance

-installing a mural in the Rosa Parks Conference Room

-working with manager of front desk of Hewett/Manchester to remove parts to allow for

more space

*ideas: adding ice machines

-seeking to talk to student organizations about helping improve campus

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-Magalie’s suggestion: vending machines on T-Level

-other suggestions: ice makers in buildings (such as lobby-vending area)

*include timeline for Black Lives Matter Program

*include water fountains within the Suites

-Cardinal Court Representative suggestion: repairs to handicapped room

CeCe’s Report:

-spread the word about the exemption process

*want to avoid paying a lease and for housing if living off campus does not work


-network in order to avoid being under informed

-RA/CA process is underway

*attend sessions

*last session: October 3rd

*talk with Hall Coordinators if you were not able to make a meeting

-application process will soon be reviewed

*three references

-one from an RA

-background check

-GPA check

-individual interview

-group interview

-applications online


-meeting to be held for improving policies and living conditions

*date yet to be set

*spread the word, talk to groups, gather ideas

-Glacurh conference (November 18-20 in Milwaukee)

*3 conferences a year

-IRA- state conference

-Glacurh conference- regional

-Nacurh conference- usually early summer

*purdue university

-Led by Hannah Maack

*start contracting now in order to gather information for the


-recommends homecoming lobby decorating

-Friday October 7 (6:45 p.m.)


*redbird arena

-for those sick- utilize the sick tray from the dining center

*CeCe looking into that

Cardinal Court:

-working on Community Center (tues.-thurs.)

-working on events for Halloween week


-first meeting at 8:00 tonight

-working on social media promotions

-meetings every Thursday at 8:00 p.m.

*Dan’s Suggestion: send those who did not get WAG positions to ARH for

Potential positions

-applications online


-meeting on Tuesday

-decorating for homecoming

-October 20th: bullying awareness day

*hand out purple ribbons with facts attached

*have an event at the end of the week

*suicide awareness

*cultural awareness- (cultural halloween costumes being offensive)

Ryley’s Report:

-decorating quad by ARH

*October 2nd (1-4 p.m.)

-meeting on the quad

-5k October 8th (8 a.m.)

-Reggie tailgating october 8th

-October 7th

*50th Anniversary of Hewett/Manchester (5:30- 8:30 p.m.)