Website Address: http://www.treehousesd.com

Treehouse, a preschool, is a non-profit organization which provides an enrichment program for children ages three through five years. Tuition fees which are collected pay only the expense of educational supplies and equipment, rent, insurance and the salaries of teachers and teacher aides.

Treehouse Preschool reflects the concern for the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of the children in the community. Children learn by being involved in the learning process, by exploring the world about them, and by being directed by sensitive teachers who help them verbalize their discoveries and stimulate their thinking.

Treehouse is open to any child between the ages of 3 and 5 years of age. Children must be 3 years old as of September 1st. No eligible child shall be discriminated against because of sex, race, religion, creed or national origin.


The curriculum includes training in the areas of:

1.  Gross and fine motor skills

2.  Visual skills

3.  Auditory skills

4.  Field trips

5.  Social behavior

6.  Self-image

7.  Language development

8.  Evaluation

Hours are as follows:

Age 3 and 4 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon Tuesday and Thursday

1:00 p.m. – 3:25 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday

Age 4 and 5 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon Monday, Wednesday & Friday

1:00 p.m. – 3:25 p.m. Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Starting dates and Schedule:

We will start school September 3, 2014 and will not be following the same schedule as the Chamberlain Elementary School. Please note the Treehouse calendar and monthly calendar for dates of school. If the ROCS bus is not in service, but the elementary school is, we will have school but it will be the parent’s obligation to get their children back and forth from school. We will follow Chamberlain public in weather delays or cancelations. School cancellations are usually announced on KWYR Magic 93 radio. If there is a late start due to weather, Treehouse will start at 10:30 am. For emergency closings, such as funerals at the church, you will be contacted by the parent representative of the Board of Directors.

Tuition and Payment:

Registration Fee: $25.00 non-refundable or non-transferable

Tuition: Tuesday and Thursday $65.00 per month (Sept-April)

$32.50 (May)

Monday, Wednesday & Friday $75.00 per month (Sept-April)

$37.50 (May)

Tuition payment is due the fifth (5th) of each month. It may be given to the teachers or mailed to Treehouse, PO Box 312, Chamberlain, SD 57325. Please make all checks payable to Treehouse. Tuition is pro-rated for a 9 month period, and is not based on the number of days a child attends. There are no tuition refunds. For any non-payment of tuition, there will be a 30-day grace period allowed and then the child will be dropped from classes unless other arrangements are made with the Treasurer and the Board of Directors. Payment is considered tax deductible if used as a child care expense and if both parents work or attend school full-time. Our tax number is available upon request. If tuition is late, a reminder note will be sent in your child’s backpack. The next reminder will be a call from the President of the Board within 2 weeks of tuition being due.


Public busing is available for enrolled students through the ROCS bus. The fares are $2.00 each way in town, from Oacoma and the outskirts of town, when feasible. Tracey Baumgartner (bus phone 730-1436) is the bus driver. All arrangements are to be made with her. If you wish to make any changes or corrections with the bus, please contact her.

Board of Directors:

We are grateful for the people who are currently serving on the Board. Feel free to contact any of the Board members with any concerns you have. Parents are welcome at the first half hour of our Board meetings as noted on the monthly calendar. 2013-14 Board Members are as follows:

Sharmel Olson – President 234-0938 Becky Rose – Vice President

Sara Hieb – Secretary Chantelle Kriel – Treasure

Lori McQuick Lexi Rhodes

Teena Mosel Heidi Nogy


All children should bring a backpack and wear comfortable clothing and soft-soled tennis shoes. Please make sure your child wears a hat, gloves or mittens and boots in the winter. The parents will be asked to bring a treat along with a drink about once a month or so. Some examples are at the end of this booklet. The purpose of the snacks is to teach the children good eating habits and good manners. The school supply list for this year contains the following: Back pack, labeled and large enough to hold papers; extra set of clothes. Please look at your letter from the teacher for other items to bring.

Arrival and Departure:

Children should arrive no sooner than 5 minutes before Treehouse begins and depart no later than 5 minutes after dismissal time. Your help in this area is truly appreciated. Children must be accompanied by an adult to and from Treehouse.

Notice of Termination:

Please notify the teachers that your child will be leaving preschool three to four weeks in advance.

First Day at Treehouse:

Children are sometimes anxious the first few times they are left at school. This is normal and even expected. Usually, it is easier on all involved if the “good-bye” is short, affectionate, but firm. Delaying departures is hard on the child and parent as both become more upset and reinforce each other’s fears. Most children quiet down quickly as they are reassured by the teacher and become interested in the day’s activities.

During the first few weeks of school, we will be conducting vision and hearing screening along with a lice check. We will try to work around our normal school day. If any problems are noticed, the parents will be contacted.

Health Policy:

Treehouse requires that your child’s immunizations are up to date.

Treehouse is equipped to render only simple first aid. Parents will be notified and requested to assume the responsibility for any health care that goes beyond simple first aid. If your child is running a fever, you will be called and your child will be sent home. Please do not send your child to school if he or she is not feeling well.

Please also keep the teacher informed of any changes in day care providers or person to contact in case of an emergency. This is especially important if the parent will be out of town or unavailable during a particular day.


If your child is sick, please keep him/her at home. Small children catch germs very easily and illness can spread rapidly around the classroom.

Please DO NOT send our child to school with any of the following symptoms: Fever-All students must be fever FREE for 24 hours before returning to school; Rash; Diarrhea; Vomiting, Lice, Nits, Pink Eye/Conjunctivitis; Chicken Pox; or any other symptoms that could affect the health of other children

If your child is sent to school sick or becomes ill during school hours, the teachers at Treehouse will be contacting you to come and pick up your child.

Please keep all phone numbers current so we may reach you.


The Treehouse teachers use time-out discipline if the child’s behavior is unacceptable. If the child requires additional help, the teachers will notify the child’s parents.

Children attending Treehouse should be toilet trained of both bowel and bladder. We understand accidents occur. If an accident does occur the parents will be called.

Grievance Procedure:

In the event of misunderstandings, personality conflicts or specific complaints against the Treehouse staff or about policies, parents are encouraged to make an appointment with the teacher or contact any of the Board members. Complaints may also be aired at Board meetings in order to work on positive solutions. Good communications and interpersonal relationships make solving problems much easier.


Any volunteer work you can do gives you a first hand opportunity to participate in your child’s activities at Treehouse and to become better acquainted with your child’s friends and teachers. Treehouse greatly appreciates your concern and use of talents in the benefit of the children.

Your parent representative will notify you when we need your help for activities or driving on field trips. We plan to do some fundraising such as bake sales and raffles and will ask all parents to help with those projects.

Treehouse ROCS Busing Policy:

We are pleased to be able to offer Community Transportation Service for Treehouse students again this year. Busing policy is as follows:

1.  Any pickup or delivery changes should be called in after 7:30 a.m. that day. Call Tracey Baumgartner at the bus phone: 730-1436.

2.  Adults only may authorize changes. Please do not leave it up to another child at your sitter’s to tell the bus driver that your child is not riding the bus.

3.  All treats carried on the bus must be carried in a covered container – NO GLASS CONTAINERS!!

4.  Tracey’s route is very busy, please let her know ALL of your child’s schedule changes as soon as you know them.

5.  Please have your child ready when the bus arrives so that everyone’s schedule may be met.

Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions regarding these policies, please contact either Tracey or the Treehouse teacher.


Each class has a student leader. The leader brings a healthy snack and drink for the entire class and teachers. We try to give our students good eating habits and would prefer no sweets (candy, cupcakes, pop, Kool Aid, etc.) All snacks need to be prepared and need to be resealable to send back on the bus. Please do not send glass containers. Please send a few extras as there are always little accidents. The following are suggestions only and there are exceptions to the rule:

apple wedges bananas

berries or grapes peach wedges

carrot sticks orange sections

English muffins bagels

hard boiled or deviled eggs finger jello made with juice

fruit cocktail cornbread

banana bread pumpkin bread

carrot bars cake doughnuts

raisins pudding/yogurt

meat slices cheese cubes or slices

celery w/ cheese sandwiches

pretzels Rice Krispie bars

Crackers such as graham, Club, Ritz, Wheat Thins, Triscuits or cheese

Certain cookies are acceptable such as oatmeal, peanut butter, raisin and Newton cookies (fig, strawberry & apple).

Please do not send peanuts, Gummi Bears or Gummi Worms, Fruit Roll-Ups or Fruit Wrinkles as they may cause choking.

You will also be asked to bring a drink. Here are a few suggestions:

Milk/Chocolate Milk Pure Juice (any flavor)

Amounts suggested for snacks (select 2 of these 4 items)

Mild (fluid) – ½ cup

Meat or alternate – ½ oz.

Juice, fruit or vegetable – ½ cup

Bread or cereal product – ½ slice or 1/3 cup



Treehouse, a preschool, is a non-profit organization which provides an enrichment program for children ages three through five years. Tuition fees, which are collected, pay only the expenses of educational supplies and equipment and the salaries of teachers, aides, rent, and insurance.

Treehouse preschool reflects the concern for the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of the children in the community. It is based upon the philosophy which recognizes the uniqueness of each child, and his or her right to be himself or herself. Treehouse recognizes the importance of the early years in developing a positive self image, satisfying social relationships, language development, creativity and concept formations. Children learn by being involved in the learning process, by exploring the world about them and by being directed by sensitive teachers, who help them verbalize their discoveries and stimulate their thinking.

No eligible child shall be discriminated against because of sex, age, race, religion, creed or national origin.


Objectives of Treehouse are social development and a readiness for school. The program outline includes what preschool children should be learning in social behavior, social acceptance, basic concepts and motor skills.


The Curriculum includes training in the areas of:

I. Motor Skills

A.  Gross Motor Skills

can recognize body parts

is able to balance

is able to walk

is able to run

is able to jump

is able to hop

is able to skip

is able to throw

is able to ride a tricycle

can move rhythmically to music

B.  Fine Eye-Hand Motor skills

is able to paste

is able to cut

can trace a drawn pattern

can copy a pegboard pattern

can copy shapes

can reproduce simple designs

can work puzzles

movements when performing writing skills

II.  Visual Receptive and Comprehension Skills

understands the use of objects (categorization)

knows colors

knows shapes

knows the letters in their name

demonstrates understanding of size differences

can identify the concepts of top, middle, front & back

can recognize his or her written name

is able to reproduce visual sequential patterns

can recognize objects by matching

can recognize common labels and symbols

can recognize visual similarities