September 11, 1998


Revisions to the 1998 Statistical Edit Package

Enclosed please find revised statistical edit pages to be inserted in the 1998 Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers Statistical Edit package:

EditPage Revision

S49 85 The Vehicle Identification Number Statistical edit has been modified to exclude physical damage loss records with Type of Loss 08 from the edit. This is being updated because the Vehicle Identification Number is not required for Towing and Labor (Type of Loss of 08).

V53 96 The Vehicle Identification Number Verification edit has been modified to exclude physical damage loss records with Type of Loss 08 from the edit. This is being updated because the Vehicle Identification Number is not required for Towing and Labor (Type of Loss of 08).

This notification is being forwarded to an individual in each company’s Statistical Department. Please bring these changes to the attention of all affected parties.

If you have any questions concerning these revisions or request additional copies, please contact the Business Analysis Department at (617) 338-4000.


Business Analyst


Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers



Error Code: S49

This edit is performed for the following records:

(X)Private Passenger Full Plan

( )Commercial Full Plan

(X)Premiums: Policy effective years 1996, 1997, 1998

(X)Losses: Policy effective years 1995-1998

(X)Liability (X) No Fault (X) Physical Damage

Classes (class type):Coverages: All except

*Private Passenger (11)05X,08X,096,097

Private Passenger SDIP Points (13)

Private Passenger SDIP Credits (14)

*For policy year 1995, only physical damage loss records are edited.


1) Do not perform this edit for physical damage loss records with Type of Loss 08.

2) For policy effective years 1996 and subsequent:

All loss records containing a VIN code of 97000000000000000 (15 zeros) will be considered a loss where the insured vehicle is not involved and the record will not be passed through this edit.

3) Companies are now required to add State Assigned VINs to the C.A.R. NON-POLK file asthese VINs are now being edited. (Reference Accounting and Statistical Notice # 277.)


Vehicle identification number must be a minimum of five and a maximum of seventeen alpha or numeric characters. It must be left justified with no imbedded spaces. Unused positions must be coded as blanks.

If model year is 81 or greater:

1.All vehicle identification numbers will be edited against C.A.R.'s POLK file. Any vehicle identification numbers not found on C.A.R.’s POLK file will be next edited against C.A.R.’s NON-POLK file to ensure their validity.

2.If the VIN is found on C.A.R.’s POLK file, the statistically reported model year code will be verified against the model year field in the VIN.

  1. If the VIN is found on C.A.R.’s NON-POLK file, the statistically reported model year code will be verified against the model year field on C.A.R.’s NON-POLK file.

Last revision date: 1/1/98Page: 1 Print date: 8/19/98

Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers



Error Code: V50

This edit is performed for the following records:

(X)Private Passenger Full Plan

(X)Commercial Full Plan

( )Premiums: Policy effective years

(X)Losses: Policy effective years 1989-1998

( )Liability ( ) No Fault (X) Physical Damage

Classes: AllCoverages: All


In order to prevent the distortion of ratemaking data, records with unusually high loss amounts will be listed for verification. Although they are not included in the percentage of error for a shipment, companies are requested to research these records to determine if they have been reported correctly.

1.Transaction types 23, 25 and 26 (Regular Paid Loss, Salvage and Subrogation).

Class / Coverage / Type of Loss / Loss Amount Tolerance
All / All except: 083, 085 / 03 / $ 5,000
All / All except: 048, 083, 085, 087, 088, 089 / 05 / 20,000
All / 048 / All / 25,000
All / 083 / All / 500
All / 085 / All / 1,000
All / 081 / All / 25
All / 082* / All / 50
All / 087 / All / 2,500
All / 088 / All / 25,000
All / 098 / All / 25,000
All / All / 08 / 50

*For policy effective years 1994 and subsequent

Last revision date: 1/1/98Page: 1 Print date: 1/1/98

Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers



Error Code: V53

This edit is performed for the following records:

(X)Private Passenger Full Plan

(X)Commercial Full Plan

(X)Premiums: Policy effective year 1996, 1997,1998

(X)Losses: Policy effective year 1995-1998

(X)Liability (X) No-Fault (X) Physical Damage

Classes (class type): All except:Coverages: All except:

Commuter Discount (12)05X,08X (except 089),090,091,093,

*Private Passenger (11)094,096,097,2XX (except PP),31X,477

Private Passenger SDIP Points (13)

Private Passenger SDIP Credits (14)

Misc. Rated as Private Passenger (91) - classes 049500,042600,

048300, 040000, 045300, 045900

Misc. Rated as Private Passenger SDIP Points and Credits (93,94) -

classes 0483XX, 0400XX, 0453XX, 0459XX

Non-Owned (61,62)

Special Rating and Adjustment (71)

Garages Subject to Compulsory Law (41)

Garages - Premises (42)

Garages Not Subject to Compulsory Law (43)

Gross Receipts and Mileage (72)

Special Types – classes (51) 045200, 045600, 070600, 070700, 704000,

792400, 721300, 721600, 793400, 793900, 796500, 790600,

790700, 721900, 792500, 795300, 796400, 946000, 962000

Trailers (21,22,23,24) - classes '6XXXXX' only

*For policy year 1995, only physical damage loss records are excluded.


1)Do not perform this edit for physical damage loss records with Type of Loss 08.

2)For policy effective years 1996 and subsequent: All loss records containing a VIN code of

97000000000000000 (15 zeros) will be considered a loss where the insured vehicle is not involvedand the recordwill not be passed through this edit.

3)All private passenger records with reported model years 01 - 80 will not be processed through this edit (Please note; 00 and blanks will be processed).

4)For policy effective years 1997 and subsequent: All commercial records with age code (0) will not be processed through this edit.


1)Companies are now required to add State Assigned VINs to the C.A.R. NON-POLK file as these VINs are now being edited. (Reference Accounting and Statistical Notice # 277.)


In order to ensure the accuracy of rate-making data, records with VIN's that do not match either C.A.R.'s POLK or NON-POLK file will be listed for verification. Although they are not included in the percentage of error for a shipment, companies are requested to research these records to determine if they have been reported correctly.

1.Vehicle identification number must be a minimum of five and a maximum of seventeen, alpha or numeric characters. It must be left justified with no imbedded spaces. Unused positions must be coded as blanks.

2. The VIN will be edited against C.A.R.'s POLK file. Any vehicle identification numbers not found on C.A.R.’s POLK file will be next edited against C.A.R.’s NON-POLK file, to ensure their validity.

3.For Commercial policy effective years 1997 and subsequent:

The value in the age code must be equivalent to the model year imbedded in the VIN. Or the value in the age code must be equivalent to the model year field on C.A.R.’s NON-POLK file according to the following chart (note this is according to the October 1 date used in rating to determine the age value):

If the Model Year is: / The Age must be:
Subsequent to the Policy Effective Year / 1 only
Current Policy Effective Year / 1 or 2
Prior Policy Effective Year / 2 or 3
2nd Prior Policy Effective Year / 3 or 4
3rd Prior Policy Effective Year / 4 or 5
4th Prior Policy Effective Year / 5 or 6
5th Prior Policy Effective Year / 6 or 7
6th Prior Policy Effective Year / 7 or 8
7th Prior Policy Effective Year / 8 or 9
Policy Effective Year 1981 through
8th Prior Policy Effective Year / 9 only
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