A. Novis
[ / Our ref: / GCSSFOI068
Your Ref:
Please ask for: / David Wood
Phone direct:
(internal) / 0141 276 7643
(37643 )
Fax direct:
(internal) / 0141 276 7798
(37798 )
Email: / David.Wood
@ glasgow.gov.uk
Date: / 23rd September 2010

Dear Mr Novis,

Request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

I refer to your email dated 31st August 2010, requesting the following information. The information you have requested is contained in the Freedom of Information Response Sheet attached.

I can confirm that Glasgow Community & Safety Services (GCSS) holds some of the information that you are requesting.

The information provided in response to your request is supplied to you in terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Any further use by you of this information, in particular any commercial use or re-use of the information provided, requires the prior written consent of GCSS.

GCSS accordingly feels that it has complied in full with your request. However, if you are dissatisfied with the way GCSS has dealt with your request you are entitled to require GCSS to review its decision. Please note that for a review to take place you must:

·  Lodge a written requirement for a review within 40 working days of the date of this letter

·  Include a correspondence address and a description of the original request and the reason why you are dissatisfied

·  Address your request to:

Carol Connolly

Head of Corporate Services

Glasgow Community & Safety Services


11 Hope Street

Glasgow G2 6AB

You will receive notice of the results of the review within 20 working days of receipt of your request. The notice will state the decision reached by the reviewing officer as well as details of how to appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner if you are still dissatisfied with GCSS’ response. You must request an internal review by GCSS before a complaint can be directed to the Scottish Information Commissioner.

If you have any further queries regarding this process, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

On behalf of GCSS

David Wood

Assistant Operations Manager



1. What work Glasgow Community & Safety Services are doing, or planning to do, to respond to 3 murders and 15 attacks against disabled people under their legal duties under the DDA and Human Rights legislation to eliminate harassment against disabled people and the human right to live free from such attacks and have such attacks addressed by public bodies.

Response: Glasgow Community & Safety Services (GCSS) remit is to deliver community safety services within Glasgow.

GCSS works in partnership with key public agencies and the voluntary sector to raise awareness of the nature and impact of hate crime and increase reporting through third party reporting centres across Glasgow.

This is co-ordinated by a Hate Crime Officer, employed by GCSS, and funded by Glasgow City Council and Strathclyde Police since 2007 who has supported training of staff and establishment of over 40 third party reporting centres across the city. One of the priorities for the coming years is to increase the reporting of crimes against disabled people and those from LGBT community.

GCSS is committed to ensuring equality in service to all citizens across the city regardless of gender, ethnicity, race, disability, religion and sexual orientation. This duty is compliant to DDA and Human Rights legislation and is monitored through Glasgow City Council as part of the governance and scrutiny procedures.

2. Any statistics about murders and attacks of disabled people in your area for the last three years

Response: Statistics on murders and attacks of disabled people in Glasgow are held by Strathclyde Police. This information can be requested from the Freedom of Information Officer at the following address:

Force Disclosure Unit

Freedom of Information Section

Strathclyde Police, 173 Pitt Street, Glasgow, G2 4JS

Or email: