October 17, 2016 at The Birche’s
President Kelly Leach welcomed everyone to the meeting.
This year’s annual meeting will be like previous years in which we have already held our Policy Development portion of the meeting and we will vote on the recommendations as a package later in the program. . If anyone is interested in attending the State Annual Meeting as a delegate November 29th through December 1st at the Amway Grand/DeVos Place in Grand Rapids. Kelly also thanked everyone for bringing in a non-perishable food item and announced that it will all go to the Loaves and Fishes food bank here in Kalamazoo County.
Kelly introduced Norm French to give the invocation for tonight’s dinner.
Norm French gave the invocation.
Kelly Leach introduced Steve Gazdag to lead the membership in the pledge of allegiance.
Kelly Leach introduced Gary Barton to introduce our guests for the evening.
Todd Weinberg introduced the following guests:
Margaret O’Brien – State Senator
Brandt Iden – State Representative
David Maturen – State Representative
Lynn Turner – Representative for Congressman Fred Upton
“Wild” Bill Lewis – WIN 98.5 Radio Station
Cindy Ireland – WIN 98.5 Radio Station
John Gisler – Kalamazoo County Commissioner
Larry Provancher – Kalamazoo County Commissioner
Scott McGraw – Kalamazoo County Commissioner
Dale Shugars – Kalamazoo County Commissioner
Jeff Heppler – Kalamazoo County Commissioner
Patricia Crowley – Kalamazoo County Drain Commissioner
Amanda Hurley – New Regular Member
Bridgett Bill – Kalamazoo Conservation District
Norm & Carol Braksick – Foods Resource Bank
Carl Bratton – Farm Bureau Insurance Managing Partner for the Western Region
Brigette Leach – Michigan Farm Bureau District 1 Director
Sarah Pion – Michigan Farm Bureau Regional Representative
Emily Reinart – MFB Ag Ecology Department
Jill Corrin – MFB Information & Public Relations Division
Amelia Miller – MFB Promotion & Education Dept.
Larry Walton – MFB Board of Directors
Kelly Leach introduced the 2054/2016 Kalamazoo County Farm Bureau Board of Directors.
Carl Bratton introduced the Kalamazoo County Farm Bureau Insurance agents.
Kelly Leach introduced the MF President Carl Bednarski.
Kelly Leach officially called the business meeting to order.
The minutes of the 2015 Annual Meeting were reviewed. Karl Guenther motioned to approve the 2015 Annual Meeting minutes as presented. Larry Leach supported the motion.
The motion passed.
The 2015/2016 Financial Statements were reviewed. Anders Swenson motioned to approve the 2015/2016 Financial Statements as presented and place them on file. Newell Dean supported the motion.
The motion passed.
Old Business
No old business.
New Business
Todd Weinberg presented the nominations for the open Board of Directors positions. Gary Barton, Cliff Lipscomb, Karl Guenther and Mitch Kline.
Nominations were opened to the floor.
A motion was made by Harlow Bailey and supported by Newell Dean to close the nominations and a unanimous vote be cast.
The motion passed.
Todd Weinberg presented the nominations for the non-board members to attend the State Annual Meeting November 29th through December 1st. This year Kalamazoo County qualifies for nine delegates therefore the membership will still choose four and the board will choose the other five. Steve Gazdag, June Bailey, Rob Richardson and David Rutten were all interested in being a delegate this year.
Nominations were opened to the floor.
A motion was made by Larry Leach and supported by Anders Swenson to close the nominations and a unanimous vote be cast.
The motion passed.
The membership reviewed the policies presented in the booklet. Newell Dean moved to adopt the resolutions as presented. A motion was made by Anders Swenson and supported by Larry Leach.
The motion passed.
Kathy Buckham presented the Farm Women’s Hall of Fame Award to Jennifer Gottschalk.
Kelly Leach presented the Agricultural Communicator of the Year Award to “Wild” Bill Lewis and Cindy Ireland from WIN 98.5.
Karl Guenther presented the Ecology Champion Award to Jager Johansen.
Kelly Leach presented the Volunteer of the Year Award to George and Kathy Buckham and Cliff Lipscomb.
Kelly Leach presented the “Proud Member” signs to the following MAEAP farms:
Jim and Samantha Kreitner
Matt and Julie Skrzypek
Mel and Todd Weinberg
Kurt and Caroline Wiley
Steve and Toni Schiedel
Brigette Leach presented the Key Club award to the following:
Dan Gregart. – 11 Regular Members
Jeffrey Buckham, Jr. – 8 Regular Members
Jerrid Hisler – 6 Regular Members
Rob Richardson and Anders Swenson both wrote 1 new Regular member.
Brigette Leach addressed the membership and gave a report.
Sarah Pion addressed the membership and gave her report.
Kelly Leach thanked the following County Annual Committee members for their time and hard work that was put into putting this meeting together:
June Bailey
Caroline Wiley
Ruth Dean
Nellie Lou Vosburg
Lisa Robb
Kelly Leach thanked Cheryl Champine and Kristi Wallace for managing our registration table for the evening.
Kelly Leach asked Anders Swenson to come forward and do the drawing.
Norma Pence won a $20 gift certificate to Oswalt Farms.
Diane Lipscomb won a $25 gift certificate to Baily Farms.
Cliff Lipscomb won a Farm Bureau Insurance lawn chair.
Kelly Leach thanked everyone for coming and reminded everyone for attending.
A motion was made by Larry Leach and supported by Newell Dean to adjourn the meeting.
The Motion passed.
Submitted by,
Lisa Robb
Lisa L. Robb,
County Administrative Manager