American Society of Aerospace Medicine Specialists Meeting

Thursday May 18 2006

The current president, Dr. David Rhodes, was deployed to Iraq. Therefore the vice president, Dr. Romie Richardson, conducted this meeting in his stead and assumes the duties of President at the end of the meeting.

Call to Order 07:35 Thursday May 18 2006 by President- elect Dr. Romie Richardson

Members in attendance: approximately 57 plus visitors


  1. Board of Governor’s Meeting Review: See Attachment #1
  2. Secretary’s Report: Dr. Paul Young; Minutes read and approved
  3. Election of new Officers: CAPT Rick Bean, USN is the new President Elect
  4. Treasurer’s Report: Dr Stephen Veronneau: The domain name has been renewed for 3 more years – exp 2009 – See attachment #2
  5. Committee Reports:
  6. Standing Committees
  7. Constitution and Bylaws (Dr. Jim Laub): Dr Laub discussed the Life Membership status issue and administrative decisions relevant to it. It will be brought up under New Business for a vote.
  8. Membership (Dr Paul Young/Dr Richard Bachmann): See attachment #3 (Secretary and Membership Summary)
  9. Aerospace Medicine Practice Standards and Competencies (Drs Silberman and Van Syoc): NTR
  10. Nominating (Dr David Geyer); NTR
  11. Special Committees
  12. Publications (Dr Andy Marciando): We now have an opportunity to place information about ASAMS into the “Blue Journal”. Col Marciando will look into this issue.
  13. Certification Maintenance (Dr Susan Northrup): Dr Northrup discussed MOC issues regarding oversight of AsMA for Board Certification with functional MOC control still under ASAMS. It was noted through AsMA that in order to submit an abstract, one will have to submit a MOC question – eventually all AsMA sessions will be MOC approved. The “Blue Journal” will have CME and other MOC questions in it starting in June 06. Report was submitted to the ASAMS BOG for review.
  14. Space Medicine (Dr Chuck Berry): NTR; We will be looking for a new Chair
  15. Website (Dr. G.J. Salazar and Dr. Robert Carroll): Dr Carroll will be working on the overhauling of the site and try to merge it with the AsMA site. Ideas and suggestions are now being sought.
  16. Selection of new committee chairs: Alist was passed around and individuals signed up for committees. These folks will be contacted by the respective Committee Chairperson.


  1. ASAMS website updates. (OPEN)
  2. During the panelon Clinical Practice Guidelines and Care and Feeding of Aerospace Medicine Specialists, Col Michaud will discuss ASAMS issues (CLOSED)
  3. Definition of an Aerospace Medicine Specialist: (Aerospace Medicine Practice Standards and Certification Committee is working on this) (OPEN)
  4. Obtaining CME for journal articleswill start this June (Aerospace Medicine Practice Standards and Certification Committee) (CLOSED)
  5. Membership on Education and Training Committee is still being sought (Dr. Romie Richardson) (OPEN)
  6. The possibility of having the ASAMS meeting as an AsMA Luncheon was discussed during the BOG meeting and was brought up during the ASAMS meeting. It will be looked into by the BOG. The AsMA Scientific Committee will be contacted by the ASAMS BOG (Dr Paul Young) (OPEN)
  7. ASAMS authority to certify sessions for MOC approval: letter to be validated by membership. (Dr Northrup and Dr. Richardson for Dr. Rhodes) (OPEN)
  8. A Newsletter as an electronic publication is to be looked into (Dr. Robert Carroll) (OPEN)
  9. Membership clarification (Membership committee- Dr. Rick Bachmann) A motion was made at last years meeting to contact the certified Diplomats from the past 5 years and work out membership issues for ASAMS; follow-up.The ABPM home office will send Dr Sue Northrup a list of its diplomats for help with ASAMS membership accountability. (OPEN)


  1. Formation of a Publicity and Merchandising Committee to provide more advertisement and publicity about our organizationwas suggested by Dr Richardson.
  2. A lifetime membership for ASAMS. (POC Dr Laub – Committee Chair, Constitution and By Laws)The following issue was proposed, voted on an approved for addition to the By Laws – “The Secretary of the Society shall have the authority to grant life membership in the Society to members who are also life members of the Aerospace Medical Association with additional conditions and appropriate free for life membership as determined by the Board of Governors.”
  3. It was suggested that we have the ASAMS Meeting as a breakfast session during AsMA. The BOG is to take the lead on looking into this.
  4. Options for the use of dues for food and student sponsorship were discussed.
  5. Purchase of Merchandising stuff
  6. Food for functions and meetings
  7. A Banner for the organization
  8. A guest speaker for the organization
  9. Sponsorship of literature or publication of aeromedial issues
  10. Electronic setup of the newsletter is to be looked into by the Publicity and Membership Committee. Col Marchiando is working this.
  11. Dr Al Parmet discussed the procedures for AsMA Fellowship. It is a general selection process based on the current organizational size. The AsMA Constitution limits the selection and that process needs to be changed. It is suggested that we recommit to removing the ½% limit.

It was moved and voted on that our ASAMS Constitution and By Laws Committee take to the AsMA council a motion to remove the ½% limit of the Fellow’s Membership for AsMA. This will be first addressed as a petition list from our members to the AsMA council.

  1. The issue on foreign affiliates needs to be taken up by the Membership Committee for a By Laws Amendment.
  2. Dr Northrup mentioned that the AsMA Awards Committee needs more nominations for awards.
  3. We are looking into who has the ownership of themedical standards for flight attendants and aeromedical procedures to follow for emerging infectious diseases
  4. The interval between flight physicals is being addressed by AsMA
  5. The issue on Foreign Affiliates is being taken up by the ASAMS Constitution and Membership Committees
  6. The mailbox key and ownership still needs to be addressed so that we can have a means for folks to join ASAMS.

Meeting adjourned 0845, Next meeting May 2007, New Orleans

BOG to have a “virtual meeting” sometime this year.

//signed// 10-3-06

Paul A. Young, MD, MPH

ASAMS Secretary