Curriculum Vitae

Antwain Kenton Hunter

Department of History

The Pennsylvania State University
108 Weaver Building
University Park, PA 16802


Education: / · Currently, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Doctor of Philosophy, History
· May 2009, The University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Master of Arts, History
· May 2007, Westfield State College, Westfield, MA
Bachelor of Arts, History (magna cum laude)
Presentations: / · "The Best Offense is Someone Else’s Defense: American Expansionism, the British Empire, and the United States’ Arms Trade with Japan" at the University of Connecticut’s Second Annual Graduate Student Research Conference, 2008.
Language Skills: / · French: Moderate skill in comprehension, reading, writing, and speaking. Taken four years in secondary school, one semester as an undergraduate student, and audited two semesters as a graduate student (FALL 2008 and SPRING 2009 [both with lab].)
Professional Organizations / · American Historical Association
· Massachusetts Historical Society
· Organization of American Historians, Inc.
Positions held: / · Vice President, Pennsylvania State University Black Graduate Student Association, 2010-2011
· Liaison to the Paul Robeson Cultural Center, Pennsylvania State University Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA), 2009-2010
· Vice President, University of Connecticut History Graduate Student Association (HiGSA), 2008-2009
· President, University of Connecticut Graduate Resident Association (GRA), Spring 2008
· Social Chair, University of Connecticut Graduate Resident Association (GRA), Fall 2007
Awards and Honors Received: / · Massachusetts Hall of Black Achievement at Bridgewater State College
-Student Honoree, 2007
· Academic Excellence Award, Westfield State College, 2007
· Wisdom & Merit Award, Westfield State College, 2007
· Who’s Who Among American Colleges and Universities, 2005-2006
· Induction into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
· Induction into Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society, Inc
Works in Progress: / · “‘Patriots,’ ‘Cowards,’ and ‘Men Disloyal at Heart:’ the Workers of the Springfield Armory and the Civil War”
· “Manufactured Panic: White Delaware’s Response to the Nat Turner Rebellion”