Collection of Experts Terms of Agreement

Please return this Letter of Agreement by email as indication of acceptance of the terms for inclusion in your group’sCollection of Experts tips booklet.

1. You warrant that you own the rights to your own individual tips, to use them without limitation of any kind. Your involvement in this project perpetuates your own unlimited use of your content.

2. Involvement in this booklet is independent of involvement in future projects of your group, with or without Tips Products International’s participation.

3. You agree to meet the very few due dates (which will be clearly communicated by Tips Products International) for production of your group's booklet.

4. You are solely responsible for final written approval of accuracy of your tips, your business bio, and your contact information. You may receive suggestions from Tips Products International for changes to strengthen the presentation of your tips.

5. Tips Products International determines the booklet's organization, flow, and sequence.

6. The final draft of your Collection of Experts booklet is sent to graphic designer no later than 30 days from project start.

7.Tips Products International agrees to refund any fees participants have paid if the project does not go to completion because we do not have a sufficient number of registrants. If you remove yourself from the project after a final decision has been reached to go ahead with the Tips Booklet, you will receive credit toward other products or services. No refunds or credits will be given once the Booklet goes to the graphic designer.

8. You and everyother author in your booklet may sell or license your group's booklet in any way you like, limited only by rules established by your group, and without making any changes to anyone’s tips or other information within the booklet.

9. You and your colleagues have no financial responsibility to each other for sales of your booklet or sales resulting from your booklet unless agreed upon separately in writing within your group. Tips Products International has no involvement in that decision.

10. Tips Products International holds rights only to the design, organization, and flow of the Booklet, but no rights whatsoever to the material in your Tips pages. TPI may make your Collection of Experts booklet available as a sample, or on the ebooklet catalog at, further promoting your own content and your business at no additional cost to you.

Name ______Date ______

Which Collection of Experts? ______

Email ______Phone ______

We look forward to working with you and maintaining a mutually profitable relationship.

Warm regards,

Paulette Ensign and the Team at Tips Products International