New Patient Packet

Thank you for choosing NervePro for your neurology care. We look forward to working with you.

Please review and fill out the accompanying forms. This allows us to be more complete in understanding your condition, as well as making sure that various billing, legal, and government regulatory requirements are complied with.

Prior to your appointment

  1. Please complete the attached New Patient paperwork. Be sure to read the Financial Policy, Notice of Privacy Practices, and Patient Policies and initial the acknowledgement that you have done so.
  2. If you have had any lab or diagnostic tests from other providers, please have a copy with you. Referring physician’s offices are often overworked and fail to forward lab that they promise to send.
  3. You will receive a phone call the day prior to your visit. If for any reason you are unable to keep your appointment, please call the office to reschedule your visit and allow someone else to take the open spot.
  4. Our telephone hours at 8:30 to 6:00 M-Thurs, we are closed Fri-Sun. After hours and during lunch (12:30-1:30) Mon-Thurs you may leave a voice message which is checked throughout the day.
  5. Visit our web-site, to make yourself familiar with our office services. Educational links for common neurological conditions are also present as well as a link to our medical records portal.

The day of your appointment

  1. New patients, please arrive 20 minutes early with your completed paper work to finish the registration process. If you did not have a chance to fill out forms before the visit or forgot to bring them, plan to arrive 30 minutes ahead.
  2. Bring your insurance card and photo ID. If for any reason you do not have a copy of your insurance card, please contact your carrier prior to your arrival and bring proof of eligibility to your appointment to avoid having to pay for your entire visit.
  3. Bring means to satisfy any copayment required by your insurance company or unmet deductible. We accept cash, check, and major credit cards as well as Apple-Pay.

Followup Visit

Part of most neurology evaluations include diagnostic testing (MRI, CT-scan, lab work, EEG or EMG testing)

It is the patient’s responsibility to return to the office to receive the results of these tests if they were not performed at our office. It is the patient’s responsibility to obtain test results (particularly lab if performed or ordered from another doctor’s office). We can directly access results from Hoag Facilities and imaging centers will send results for tests that we have ordered. For existing patient’s lab, we will call abnormal results and you can access all results on the portal for existing patients. Despite what referring physician’s offices tell you, we are not able to access their electronic medical records and they do not automatically forward them. If you have imaging studies performed by other physicians, please bring at least the report if not the disc for us to discuss them with you.

Thank you for choosing NervePro Medical Corp and Dr. Bruce Cleeremans. We promise to do our best to give you the best care and strive to help you understand your condition and be able to look to the future with a hopeful expectation that it has improved.