November 20, 2012
THE REGULAR MEETINGof the Board of Education of the Annawan Unit District No. 226 was held in the Unit Office of the AnnawanHigh School on Tuesday, November 20, 2012at 6:40PM. President Mark Vandersnickdeclared the meeting open and on roll call the following members were present:Brian Childs,Nancy Goodman,Jerad Heitzler,Courtney Rico, Dwaine Shaw Jrand Mark Vandersnick.Kim Goodleywas absent.Others present were Supt. Buresh,Wayne Brau, Lana Wolf, Chris Kidd, Sheila Cromien, AEA representative and Vern and Deb Carlson.
AUDIENCE TO VISITORS- Vern and Deb Carlson addressed the board as to why the pictures of Tanner Carlson and Kelly Buresh were removed from the gym. They requested that possibly they both could be honored in some other way for their accomplishments. The board directed Superintendent Buresh to come up with a recommendation for possible recognition.
CONSENT AGENDA - Motion made by Heitzlerand seconded Goodmanto approve the following items under the Consent Agenda. Call vote. Motion carried.
- October 17, 2012Regular Board Meeting Minutes
- October, 2012 Treasurer’s Report
- October, 2012Investment Report, Activity Fund & Imprest Fund Reports
- November, 2012 Bills and Payroll Resolution
SUPERINTENDENT COMMUNICATIONS – 1)Reported that the Chicago Sun Times had ranked Annawan High School and Grade School as one of the best high schools and grade schools in the state; 2) Thank you from the Morey family; 3) Fall co-op meeting with Wethersfield is scheduled for December 6th at The Dunes; 4) Reported on the recent visit to Paris, Il regarding their cooperative high school. The board will be invited to the Spring co-operative meeting with Wethersfield and will hear a presentation from Paris about the cooperative; 5) Reviewed the upcoming school board election filing dates.
ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL- WAYNE BRAU- 1)Reported on Grandparent’s Day; 2) Mid Term; 3) Law Enforcement Drill; 4) Winter Chorus and Band programs; 5) Changes to the ISAT testing with Common Core Standards.
HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL-JOE BURESH/LANA WOLF- 1) Presented honor roll; 2) Students of the Month; 3) Veterans Day assemble; 4) AD report included football season records;3) Krossover program had been purchased by the Booster Club for the basketball programs.
- Special Ed Committee – None
- Building Committee- Heating unit needs repaired at a cost of approximately $23,000.00
- Transportation Committee- Reported entering a price contract for diesel and gas with Gold Star FS
- Finance Committee- Met and are recommending the 4.94% increase over last year’s tax levy.
APPROVAL OF 2012 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY – 4.94% increase – Moved by Shaw and seconded by Heitzler to approve the levy in the amount of $1,892,246 and an estimated budget for 2014 with revenues of $3,492,396 and expenses of $4,079,461. On roll call voting YES were Childs, Goodman, Heitzler, Rico, Shaw and Vandersnick. Motion carried.
APPROVAL OF 1STREADING OF ISBE BOARD POLICIES- Moved by Rico and seconded Childs to approve. Call vote. Motion carried.
CLOSED SESSION – 5:15PM-Moved by Heitzler and seconded by Goodman to go into closed session to discuss personnel. Call vote.
MEETING RECONVENED- 5:50PM- On roll call Goodley and Shaw were absent.
APPROVAL OF SUPERINTENDENT’S EVALUATION FOR 2012-2013- Moved by Heitzler and seconded by Rico to approve as presented. Call vote. Motion carried.
APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR SUPERINTENDENT/HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL –JOE BURESH – Five Year Contract for 2012-2017 and Intent to Retire letter with retirement date at the end of the 2016-2017 school year. Moved by Heitzler and seconded by Childs to accept as presented. Those voting YES were Childs, Goodman, Heitzler, Rico, and Vandersnick. Motion carried.
HIRING OF KATIA URBAN AS PART-TIME AIDE- Moved by Heitzler and seconded by Childs to approve. Those voting YES were Childs, Goodman, Heitzler, Rico and Vandersnick.
HIRING OF FULL TIME BAND AND VOCAL TEACHER- ALEX BINEK- Moved by Goodman and seconded by Heitzler to approve as presented. Those voting YES were Childs, Goodman, Heiztler, Rico, and Vandersnick. Motion carried.
ADJOURMENT- 6:00pm- Moved by Heitzler and seconded by Goodmanto adjourn.
Call vote. Motion carried.
APPROVED: December 19, 2012
Mark Vandersnick, President Courtney Rico, Secretary