METHODS -3rd meeting in Celje, Slovenia
November 10th-13th2013
Meeting place:Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Celje (SŠGT Celje)
Kosovelova ulica 2
3000 Celje
Practical information:
The destination airport is Ljubljana, Slovenia (Airport Jože Pučnik) or as another option Graz (Austria)- both airports are about 1,5 hour from Celje. Darja can arrange for a taxi (special price) to pick you up at the airport, but you will need to let her know in advance – there is no direct connection between Airport Ljubljana and Celje. If you use the public transport you have to take a bus to Ljubljana and then a train to Celje. Please see the links below:
Shuttle from LJ Airport to Ljubljana (city):
Trains to Celje:
Accommodation: there is a nice hotel only 3 walking minutes away from the school- Hotel Celeia. Darja can book the rooms for all participants. Please let Darja know, the names of the people coming to Celje - we can fix the exact dates later when you have booked the flights. There are still some rooms available though they might not appearon the»« website. The prices for single rooms are all below 65 EUR per person/night (breakfast included).
Dinners will be organized by the Slovenian team (at different places) for all who want to taste the Slovenian cuisine and socialize with the team members in the evening.
Main issues for the meeting are:
- Evaluation of Pilot courses
- Translations of manuals and materials
- Interim results
- Peer reviews
- Adaptation of outcomes
- Quality control and monitoring
- Dissemination
Please if possible bring laptop computers
10th-13the November 2014
N.B. The schedules are only indicative as the agenda should be flexibleand other items may be included. Where needed / possible we may also break into groups.
November 10th - Evaluation
Arrival of teams and check in at hotels – pick up of the teams by a Slovenian team member (Romana, Ines or Darja) at the hotel reception
09:30ICT setup, network, beamer etc. (Cecilia Leboeuf) – most of the equipment will already be prepared by the Slovenian team (codes for internet access, beamer, cables etc.)
10:30Welcome by Mikel Balta and Cecilia Leboeuf
10:35Presentation of Pilot courses
- Each partner presents the planning and implementation of the pilot courses
- Adaptation of outcomes - Evaluation template will be used to make suggestions to adaptations of the courses
11:15* a short refreshment break
11:30Peer reviews
- Each team presents results from the peer reviews of the pilot courses
- Evaluation of pilot courses -Discussions about the courses and students’ reactions
12:00* Lunch
- Walkthrough of the changes
- Translation to do’s
- Support discussions
19:00* Dinner and networking.
November 11th- Pilot courses and dissemination
09:30Short introduction by the Slovenian team and demonstration of a METHOD in
a class – all participants of the meeting observe the lesson
- Discussion and evaluation of the lesson – suggestions for improvements of the materials used- suggestions for further topics with new materials
- Discussion with the representative of the Institute for Education of Republic Slovenia – dissemination possibilities in Slovenia, support in In-training courses, options for integrating Methods results into curricula in Slovenian schools
11:00* a short refreshment break
11:15Quality control of achievements
Presentation in plenum of achievements
- Discussions; hurdles in dissemination events and methods
12:30* Lunch
13:30Quality control and monitoring
- Summary of the Project plan, responsibilities, and schedule. We stick to the original work plan dates!
- Compilation of a list of possible dissemination events or methods that will be implemented to ensure a cross country and international dissemination and impact on target groups
- Discussion; How can we ensure the successful delivery of these?
19:00* Dinner and networking.
November 12th - Quality Management
10:00Presentation of the 2nd year tasks and WP
Focus on the teacher training courses (Cecilia Leboeuf)
11:15* a short refreshment break
11:30Discussions; what is the perfect workshop?
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Creation of course template
- In plenum the teams will create a course template based on discussions and experience
19:00* Dinner and networking
November 13th
10:00Interim results evaluatedand concerns or issues with financial report will be pointed out
11:00Interim report – forms to be filled out
11:30Ensure that all teams know their tasks and responsibilities
- Each team prepares a schedule and a list of milestones to be met by that teem until next project meeting. A first version should be prepared before the meeting to save time
12:00* extended Lunch and networking
15:00Departure and travel
* Please note that meals, drinks etc. due to the EU regulations set out in the financial handbook have to be paid by each participant / national team (the cost is of course covered by the per diem).
* Remember to keep your boarding passes / original travel documents, and receipts.
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