cv for Satin, Jonathan

Curriculum Vitae

Jonathan Satin, Ph.D.

01Dec 2013


2172 Island Drive

Lexington, KY40502


Department of Physiology, MS-508

University of Kentucky

Lexington, KY40536-0298

phone: 859.323.5356

FAX: 859.323.1070



1983A.B. The University of Chicago


1989-92Postdoctoral FellowThe University of Chicago

Faculty Appointments

1992-1994Research Associate (Instructor), Department of Medicine, Section of Cardiology, The University of Chicago

1995-2001 Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Kentucky

2001-2010 Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Kentucky

2010Professor, Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Kentucky

Educational Interests (1)Teaching methods, flipped classroom; hybrid instruction

(2)Cardiovascular physiology

Research Interests(1)Electrophysiological function of the heart with emphasis on

voltage-gated ion channel contributions to hypertrophic state, and to embryonic development of cardiac excitability.

(2)Voltage-gated ion channel structure-function relationships and

molecular biophysics of ion channel function.

(3)Cardiac development/maturation and the relationship between excitable function and developmental signaling

Current Research Grant Support

(Annual Direct costs)

NIH-NHLBIMechanisms of Long-term Regulation of Cardiac Ion Channel

P.I. (RO1-HL74091-06)($250,000)

7/01/03 – 5/30/15

NIH-NHLBIRegulation of Calcium Function by the Rem GTPase

PI of multi-PI (RO1-HL72936-06)($257,500)

4/15/03 – 3/31/2015


NIH - HLRO1HL124384-01Novel Inotropic Support By Targeting Rad GTPase


07.01.2014 – 06.30.2019

The goal of this grant is to test the hypothesis that modulation of Rad GTPase offers inotropic support to the heart.

NIH F32 award


04.01.2014 – 3.31.2017To be reviewed Fall 2013

Previous Research Grant Support

AHA –National Embryonic Cardiomyocyte Plasma Membrane Calcium Handling

P.I. (Established Investigator Award - #0340127)

1/01/2003 – 12/31/2007($500,000)

NIH-NHLBI Modulation of T-type Calcium Channels

P.I. (RO1-HL63416-05)

4/01/2000 – 3/31/2005$725,000

NIH-NHLBI “Adaptive Heterogeneity of Embryonic Chick Myocardium”

co-investigator (1RO1-HL64626)

4/01/2001 – 8/31/2002$250,000

National Science Foundation, “Molecular Basis of Modulation of Neuronal Sodium Channels

P.I. (IBN-9977920)

3/1/1999 – 6/1/2000$42,515

NIH-NHLBIPulmonary C-Neuron Hypersensitivity: Cellular Mechanisms

Collaborating investigator (RO1 – HL67379)

4/01/02 - 3/31/2006

American Heart Association - National, "Structural Determinants of the Cardiac Sodium Channel Voltage Sensor"

P.I. (96009560)

7/01/1996 – 4/30/2000$120,000

American Heart Association - Kentucky Affiliate, "Structural Determinants of the Cardiac Sodium Channel Voltage Sensor,"


7/01/1996 – 6/30/1998 $40,000; declined due to overlap

UKMCRF, AActivity Dependence of Muscle Function In a Novel Neuromuscular Disease Model System,"


7/01/1997 – 6/30/1998 $15,000

UKMCRF, "Mechanism for Isoform Specific Parameters of Sodium Channel Gating,"


7/1/1995 – 6/30/1996$15,000

American Heart Assoc. of Metro. Chicago Grant-in-Aid, "Structure/Function Study of the Cloned Cardiac Sodium Channel"


7/1/1993 – 6/30/1995$40,000

Teaching Responsibilities

University of Chicago

Lecturer, 1st year Medical Physiology Course, 1993, 1994.

University of Kentucky

PGY 604, April 1995 Pathophysiology, Lecturer

PGY 590, Spring 1996 (Cell Physiology), Lecturer

PGY 502, Fall 1996-2003, 2007-2013 (Cell, Molecular & Integrative Physiology), Lecturer

PGY 602, Fall 1996-99, 07-13 (ReadingsCell, Molecular & Integrative Phys), Lecturer

PGY 640, Spring 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003 (Advanced Cardiovascular Physiology),Lecturer

PGY 690, Spring 1997 (Readings in Cell Physiology), Lecturer

PGY 560, Pathophysiology, Fall 1997, Spring 1999, Lecturer

PGY 774 Fall & Spring 1998-99, Graduate Pro-seminar, Course Director

PGY 630 (Advanced PGY Topic- Ion Channels) Spring 1999, Course Director

IBS 604 Cell Signaling, Spring 2003-08, Lecturer

PGY 412G Physiology, Fall 2004, Spring 2005, Fall 2005, Spring 2006

PGY 604, Spring 2005-2013, Advanced Cardiovascular Physiology,Course Director

OBI 814 Spring 2008-2013, Dental School Physiology

IBSSummer 2009-2010, Mechanism of Human Disease

Students Directed

The University of Chicago

Steven Y. Chang, MD, PhD, June 1995 (currently attending physician, Dept. of

Pulm. & Critical Care, U. Chicago

Thomas Hauser, summer medical student

University of Kentucky

Graduate, Ph.D. Dissertation director:

Yi Zhang, Ph.D. awarded August 1999, (currently research associate, Baylor)

Brian Delisle, Ph.D. awarded 2001 (currently Asst. Prof, U. Ky. Dept Physiol.)

Miranda Byse (2005 – 2010)

William C. Lester (2006- 2012)

Shawn Crump (2006 – 2012)

Carmen Kiper (2007 – 2011)

Graduate, Ph.D. committee

Runze Wu (Biomedical Engineering), 2002- 2005

Rebecca Scotland (Pharmacology), 2003-2007

Robert N. Correll (Biochemistry), 2004 - 2008

Dan Ni (Phsyiology) 2005- 2008

Chunyan Pang (Chemistry/Biochemistry) 2005 – 2008

Randall Hulshizer (Pharmacology)

Letitia Richardson (Bioengineering, outside examiner, 2006)

Kalyani Bharadwaj (Pharmaceutical Science, outside examiner, 2006)

Himachandra Chebrolu (Bioengineering, outside examiner, 2007)

Dusan Jeftinija (Pharmacology, 2007- 2008)

Manisha Gupta (Nutritional Science, 2010)

Dan Bartos (Physiology, 2011-13 )

Katherine Kaminski (Biochemistry 2012 - )

Ahmed Abdel-Latif (Micro – 2012)

Chontida Yarana (Toxicology 2013 - )

Graduate, Medical School – Summer Research Fellow

John Penn, 2012

Graduate, Masters Thesis Director

John Penn, 2011

Ayman Haroun, 2012-2013

Faisal A. Hassan, 2012-

Graduate, IBS – rotations

Xinyu Qu, Fall II 2012

Graduate, Masters Program mentor

John Penn (Graduate School Masters of Medical Science, 2011)

Ellyn Velasco (Graduate Masters of Science, 2012)

Wil Lester (2012)

Ayman Haroun 2012-2013

Faisal Hassan2013

Post-graduate – Don Burgess, Ph.D., Res. Assoc/P-doc on RO1-HL63416

Mentor for Yidong Wei, M.D., post-doctoral scholar

Co-sponsor for Elizabeth Schroder, Ph.D., NHLBI -NRSA fellowship

Sponsor for Ju Lun Hong, MD, AHA fellowship entitled, "Cardiopulmonary Effects

of Adenosine: Role of Pulmonary C-Fibers"

Sponsor for Qihai Gu, MD, Frances Parker Foundation Fellowship

Undergraduate: Brian Delisle (recipient: HHMI Fellowship), Heather Gregory (Outreach

Center Scholar; Bio395 honors student), Shardon (Dean) Ramash, Karl Strand, Thomas Bell, Joe Broudy, Curtis, Swanson, Jennifer Osterhage (Bio395 Honors student), Kedar Oak, Carmen Kiper, Adam Baylor (UKURP); Yang Sheng (Bio395); Zahra

Rashmitha Edem (Bio 395)

Technicians trained & now attending medical school or physicians:

Heather Gregory, Scott Fraser, Eva Sum, Alison Nemes, Lindsay Fox-Burns (Chief Resident, Pediatrics, UKy Healthcare), Joe Hill

IBS Graduate Student Rotations:

Josh Arnold, Jeff Yates, Miranda Byse, Paul Mueller


cv for Satin, Jonathan

Cosultant for HHMI sponsored Outreach Program in Grant Writing

Mentor for Dr. H. L. Martinez, UC – Santa Barbara

Past and Current Trainees

NameTenureCurrent Position

Steven Y. Chang, M.D., Ph.D.1992-1995Associate Professor, Pulmonary/Crit Care


Yi Zhang, M.D., Ph.D.1995-1999Post-doctoral fellow Baylor

Univ., Dept of Neurology

Brian Delisle, Ph.D.1997-2001Assistant Professor, Univ. of

Kentucky, Department of Physiology

Don Burgess, Ph.D.1999-2008Professor, Asbury College,

Wilmore, KY

Elizabeth Schroder, Ph.D.1999-2010Research Assistant Professor

Univ. Kentucky, Dept. Physiol.

Yidong Wei, M.D.2002-2004Associate Professor

TongjiUniversity, Shanghai, China

Miranda Byse2005 – 2010Course Coordinator, APS,

Bethesda, MD

Wil Lester, MS2006 – 2012Student, UKy Pharmacy

Shawn Crump, Ph.D.2006 – 2012Post-doc, UC-Irvine

Carmen Kiper, Ph.D.(2011)2007 – 2013U. Louisville, Ped. internship

Janet Manning, Ph.D.2012 – presentpost-doc, Satin lab

Guo Yin, MS2012 – presentpost-MS fellow

Ayman Haroun2013- presentpost-MS fellow; Dental student

Faisal Hassan2013- presentpost-MS fellow

Undergraduate Students

Jennifer Osterhage2001Physician

Heather Gregory 1995-1998Physician

Alison Nemes1998-1999?

Eva Sum1997-1998?

Mentored Trainee Fellowships


Miranda ByseNIH NHLBI T32 Cardiovascular Sciences Training Grant

Miranda ByseAmerican Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship

Wil LesterNIH-NHLBI T32 Cardiovascular Sciences Training Grant

Wil LesterNIH – NHLBI F31 Individual Predoctoral Fellowship

Carmen KiperNIH NHLBI T32 Muscle Biology Training Grant

Shawn CrumpNIH – NHLBI T32 Cardiovascular Sciences Training Grant

Janet ManningNIH- NHLBI F32 - pending


1986Grass Foundation Fellowship, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University

1989-1992 Postdoctoral Traineeship, Multidisciplinary Cardiac Sciences Training

Grant, NIH/NHLBI HL07381-12-14

2001- 2012Wethington Research Award, University of Kentucky

2010Holsinger Award – Excellence in Teaching, U. of Ky

2003 AHA – Established Investigator Award Recipient

2004 Lady Davis Fellow

2006 AHA Volunteer Recognition Award – Research Administration

2012Mentor to Janet Manning recipient of Stew Whitman Memorial 1st Place Award

2013Mentor to Janet Manning recipient of Post-doctoral fellow 1st Place Award, UKy

2013Mentor to Janet Manning recipient of AHA travel award, BCVS 2013

Activities and Professional Societies

1993 Ad-Hoc Grant Reviewer for the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF)

1994Joint Peer Review Committee, American Heart Assoc. of Metro. Chicago

1994Platform Session Chair, Na Channels: Structure & Function, Biophys. Soc.


1999Ad-hoc reviewer for American Cancer Society small grant program

2001Platform Session Chair, Ion Channel Permeation, Biophys. Soc. Ann. Meeting

2001- 02, Children’s Miracle Network Grant Review Panelist

2001Session Moderator, Calcium Regulation in Disease, AHA-Scientific Session 2001

2001- 06 Wethington Research Award, University of Kentucky

2002Faculty, ISHR 2002, Translational Approaches to Cardiovascular Diseases

2002ad hoc reviewer for NSF

2002-05, 2007-09American Heart Association (AHA) -National Peer Review Committee, Basic Cell and Molecular Biology

2010AHA – National Peer Review - Electrophysiology

2003-2013AHA- Scientific sessions abstract review committee

2006 ad hoc reviewer for Israel National Science Foundation

2006/08ad hoc reviewer for U.S. – Israel Binational Science Foundation

2006 - 2008 NIH grant review group, CCHF (Cardiovascular Sciences IRG)

2006 Platform Moderator, American Heart Association – Scientific Sessions

2008 -09grant review NIH, NHLBI, Program Project (PO1) review

2009NIH - NHLBI grant review, Special Emphasis Panel

2009NIH – ZRG1 CVRS-B Challenge Grants Panel 19

2010NIH - HLBP1 – Workgroup 013

2010Israel Science Foundation

2011-14NIH – grant review – F10A Panel

2010-11NIH – grant review CVS IRG, ESTA

2011NIH – grant review CVS IRG, CCHF

2012MarchNIH – grant review - Physiology and Pathobiology of Cardiovascular and

Respiratory Systems

2012JuneNIH – grant review - Physiology and Pathobiology of Cardiovascular and

Respiratory Systems

2012NovNIH – grant review - Physiology and Pathobiology of Cardiovascular and

Respiratory Systems

2012 OctAHA, National – grant review – Established Investigator Award Review

2013Agence Nationale de la Recherche (French Natl Sci) ad hoc grant review

2012-13AHA, National – grant review – Innovative Research Grant Review

2013-14AHA, National member Committee on Scientific Sessions Planning

Memberships: Biophysical Society, Society of General Physiology, American Heart Association, Basic Science Council

Reviewer for: Biophysical Journal; American Journal of Physiology : Cell Physiology

American Journal of Physiology : Heart Physiology; Gerontology, Life Sciences; Journal of Biological Chemistry; Circulation Research

Journal of Neuroscience; Journal of Pharmacological & Experimental Therapeutics; Journal of Clinical Investigation; Journal of Physiology (London); Journal of General Physiology, Cardiovascular Research, Stem Cells

Editorial Board


University Service

2012- presentCollege of Medicine, International Affairs Committee

2012- present University of Kentucky International Affairs, Mideast & North Africa Region

2009- 2012Physiology Department, Research Committee

2012Physiology Department, Flipped Classroom

2007 6-year review committee for Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

2006 Animal Transport Sub-committee

2002-2004 Member, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

2002-2003 Member, Post-doctoral scholar Committee

2003 Member, Physiology Department faculty search committee

Invited Talks toNational / International Conferences

199819th Annual Meeting of The Southeast Pharmacological Society, Voltage-Gated Ion Channel Session, Modulation of Cloned Voltage-Gated Sodium and T-type Calcium Channels: Structure-Function Implications

2000ASPET/ASBMB Annual meeting, Symposium Speaker, “EETs and Cardiac T-type Calcium Channels”

July 2002, International Society for Heart Research – North American Section Annual Meeting, Faculty, Ion Channel Symposium, T-type Ca channels in the heart.

November 2004, Great Wall International Cardiology Conference, Beijing, China

April 2006, 4th Annual Fairberg International Workshop on Interactive and Integrative Cardiology, Charleston, SC, USA

May 2010Heart Rhythm 2010, the 31st Annual Scientific Sessions of the Heart Rhythm Society

June 2010Cardiac Regulatory Mechanisms, Gordon Research Conference

Nov 2010American Heart Assoc – Sci Sessions – Moderator

May 2011Heart Rhythm 2011, the 32ndAnnual Scientific Sessions of the Heart Rhythm Society

Feb 2013Cardiac Arrhythmias, Gordon Research Conference

June 2014Cardiac Regulatory Gordon Research Conference

Invited Seminars

1994Dept. of Physiology; LoyolaUniv.StrictchSchool of Medicine

1994Dept. of Physiology, ChicagoMedicalSchool, North Chicago, IL

1995Dept. of Physiology and Section of Cardiology, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT

1996Center for Biomedical Engineering, Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

1996Dept. of Physiology, University of CincinnatiMedicalSchool, Cincinnati, OH

1999Dept. of Pharmacology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

1999Gill Heart Institute, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

2000 Cardiovascular Research Institute, LoyolaUniversity, Maywood, IL

2000MedicalUniversity of South Carolina, Gazes Heart Institute, Charleston, SC

2000NE OhioUnivCollege of Medicine, Dept of Physiology, Rootstown, Oh

2000University of Tennessee, Dept of Physiology, Memphis, TN

2000Masonic Medical Research Laboratories, Utica, NY

2001Dept. of Medicine, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

2002Gill Heart Institute, Lexington, Ky

2003Technion – IsraelInstitute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

2004Dept. of Physiology, EmoryUniversity, Atlanta, GA

2005Dept. of Physiology & Pharmacology, Columbia University, New York, NY

2005Cardiology/Dept of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL

2007Dept. of Pharmacology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

2008Dept. of Physiology, LoyolaUniversity, Maywood, IL

2008Dept. of Physiology/Biophysics & Stem Cell Institute, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA

2009Cardiovascular Research Center & Dept Physiology, Temple Univ., Philadelphia, PA

2012Dept of Pharmacology, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

Book Reviews, Chapters

1. Oxygen Regulation of Ion Channels and Gene Expression, The Physiologist 42: 221-2 (1999)

2. DeHaan, R.L. and Satin, J. (1990) The local cues in physiological differentiation of the

embryonic heart: Ion channel development. In Molecular Biology of the Cardiovascular System. UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. Vol 132 (eds., R.Roberts and J. Sambrook) Alan R. Liss Inc, New York, pp.73-98.

3. Schroder, E.A., Satin, J., Tsyvian, P.B., Routkevitch, S., and B.B. Keller (2002) T-type and L-type Calcium Currents Modulate Force in Embryonic Chick Myocardium. In Cardiac Development, eds. B. Ostadal, M. Nagano, and N.S. Dhalla, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

4. J. Satin and E.A. Schroder (2009) Auto-regulation of Cardiac L-type Calcium Channels. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine, 19(8):268-71. PMID: 20447569

5. J. Satin (2013) Cardiac L-type Calcium Channel Gating, in Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Bench to Bedside. Editors: J. Jalife & D. Zipes, 6th edition. Publ. Saunders (Elsevier)

Articles in Refereed Journals

1. Satin, J, Fujii, S., and DeHaan, R.L. (1988) Development of cardiac beat rate in early chick embryos is regulated by extracellular cues. Develop. Biol.129: 103-113.


cv for Satin, Jonathan

2. DeHaan, R.L., Fujii, S., and Satin, J. (1990) Cell Interactions in Cardiac Development. Develop. Growth & Diff.32: 233-241.

3. Cribbs, L.L., Satin, J., Fozzard, H.A., and Rogart, R.B. (1990) Functional expression of the rat heart I Na channel isoform. Febs. ltt.275: 195-200.

4. Satin, J., Kyle, J.W., Chen, M., Bell, P., Cribbs, L.L., Fozzard, H.A., and Rogart, R.B. (1992) A mutant of TTX-Resistant cardiac Na channels with STX-Sensitive properties. Science.256: 1202-1205.

5. Satin, J., Kyle, J.W., Chen, M., Rogart, R.B., and Fozzard, H.A. (1992) The cloned cardiac Na channel -subunits expressed in Xenopus oocytes show gating and blocking properties of native channels. J. Membr. Biol., 130: 11-22.

6. Doyle, D.D., Guo, Y., Lustig, S.L., Satin, J., Rogart, R., and Fozzard, H.A. (1993) Divalent cation competition with 3H-Saxitoxin binding to tetrodotoxin-resistant and sensitive sodium channnels. A Two-site structural model of ion/toxin interaction. J. Gen. Physiol.101: 153-182.

7. Kyle, J.W., Chang, S.Y., Satin, J., Fang, J.M., Fozzard, H.A., and R.B. Rogart (1993) Rat brain ß1 Na channel subunit interacts with rat brain IIa, skeletal muscle (I), and rat heart (RH1) -subunits. Biophysical J.,64: a88.

8. Makielski, J.C., Satin, J., and Z. Fan (1993) Post-repolarization block of cardiac sodium channels by saxitoxin. Biophysical J. 65: 790-798.

9. Satin, J., Kyle, J.W., Fan, Z., Rogart, R.B., Fozzard, H.A., and J.C. Makielski (1994) Post-repolarization block of cloned Na channels by saxitoxin: The contribution of pore-region amino acids. Biophysical J.66: 1353-1363.

10. Satin, J., Limberis, J., Kyle, J.W., Rogart, R.B., and H.A. Fozzard (1994) Saxitoxin block of the Rat Brain IIa Sodium Channel is in the Electrical Field. Biophysical J., 67: 1007-1014.

11. Chang, S., Satin, J., and H.A. Fozzard (1996) Modal Behavior of the 1 Na Channel and Effects of Coexpression of the ß1 Subunit.Biophys. J.70: 2581-2592.

12. Cribbs, L.L., Lee, J.-H., Satin, J., Zhang, Y., Daud, A., Barclay, J., Williamson, M.P., Fox, M., Rees, M., and E. Perez-Reyes (1998) Cloning and Characterization of a1H from Human Heart, A Member of the T-type Calcium Channel Gene Family. Circ. Res. 83:103-109.

13. Zhang, Y., Hartmann, H.A., and J. Satin (1999) Glycosylation Influences Voltage-dependent Gating of Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle Sodium Channels. J. Membr. Biol. 171: 195-207.

14. Zhang, Y., Cribbs, L.L., and J. Satin (2000) Arachidonic Acid Modulation of 1H, A Cloned Human T-type Calcium Channel. Am. J. Physiol: Heart & Circ. 278: H184-H193.

15. Satin, J. and L.L. Cribbs (2000) Molecular Identification and Functional Characterization of A Splice Variant of T-type Calcium Channel in Atrial Myocytes. Circ. Res., 86: 636-642.

16. Delisle, B.P., and J. Satin (2000) pH Modification of Human T-type Calcium Gating. Biophys. J. 78: 1895-1905.

17. Cribbs, L.L., Martin, B.L., Schroder, E.A., Keller, B.B. and J. Satin (2001) Identification of the CaV3.1d Gene Product and T-type Ca Current in Developing Mouse Heart. Circ Res. 88: 403-407.

18. Delisle, B.P. andJ. Satin (2003) Calcium Channel Permeation is Regulated by Internal Monovalent Cations. J. Membr. Biol. 103: 185-192

19. Burgess, D., Crawford, O., Delisle, B.P., Cribbs, L.L. and J. Satin (2002) Mechanism of Inactivation Gating of Human Low-Voltage Activated (T-type) Calcium Channels. Biophys. J. 82: 1894-1906.

20. Finlin, B.S., Crump, S., Satin, J., and D.A. Andres (2003) Regulation of Voltage-gated Calcium Channel Activity by the Rem GTPase. P.N.A.S. 100: 14469-14474.

21. Satin, J., Kehat, I., Caspi, O., Huber, I., Arbel, G., Itzhaki, I., Magyar, J., Schroder, E.A., Perlman, I., and L. Gepstein (2004) Mechanism of spontaneous excitability in human embryonic stem cell derived cardiomyocytes
J Physiol (Lond)559: 479-496

22. Magyar, J., Kiper, C.E., Dumaine, R., Burgess, D.E., Banyasz, T., J. Satin (2004) Divergent Action Potential Morphologies Reveal Nonequilibrium Properties of Human Cardiac Sodium Channels. Cardiovasc. Res 64: 477-487.

23. Kehat, I., Khimovich, L., Caspi, O., Gepstein, A., Shofti, R., Arbel, G., Huber, I., Satin, J., Itskovitz-Eldor, J., and L. Gepstein (2004) Electromechanical Integration of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes. Nature Biotechnology. 22: 1282-1289.

24. Finlin BS, Mosley AL, Crump SM, Correll RN, Ozcan S, Satin J, Andres DA. (2005)

Regulation of L-type Ca2+ channel activity and insulin secretion by the Rem2 GTPase.
J. Biol. Chem. 280:41864-71.

25. Crump, S.M., Correll, R.N., Lester, W., Finlin, B.S., Andres, D.A., and J. Satin. 2006. Phosphorylation Status of Calcium Channel -subunit Modulates RGK-Calcium Channel -Subunit Regulation of L-type Current. AJP: Heart & Circ., 291: H1959-71; PMID 16648185.

26. Andres DA, Crump SM, Correll RN, Satin J, Finlin BS. (2006) Analyses of Rem/RGK Signaling and Biological Activity. Methods Enzymol. 2005;407:484-98.

27. Finlin BS, Correll RN, Pang C, Crump SM, Satin J, Andres DA. (2006) Analysis of the complex between Ca2+ channel beta-subunit and the Rem GTPase.J Biol Chem. 281:23557-66.

28. Shroder EA, Wei Y, and J Satin (2006) The Developing Cardiac Myocyte: Maturation of Excitation and Excitation-Contraction Coupling. Ann. NYAS, 1080: 63-75.

29. Itzhaki I, Schiller J, Beyar R, Satin J and L Gepstein. (2006) Calcium Handling in embryonic stem cell derived cardiac myocytes. Ann. NYAS, 1080: 207-215.

30. Schroder, EA, Magyar, J, and J Satin. (2007) Calcium channel block remodels Calcium channel current (ICa,L). AJP: Heart, 292: H1906-1916

31. Correll, RN, Pang, C, Finlin BS, Dailey, AM, Satin J, and DA Andres (2007) Plasma Membrane Targeting Is Essential for Rem-mediated Calcium Channel Inhibition. J. Biol. Chem., 282(39):28431-40

32. Correll, RN, Botzet, GJ, Satin J, Andres, DA, and BS Finlin (2008) Analysis of the Rem2 – voltage dependent calcium channel b subunit interaction and Rem2 interaction with phosphorylated phosphatidylinositide lipids. Cell Signal., 20: 400-408.

33. Correll, RN, Pang, C, Niedowicz DM, Satin J, and DA Andres (2008) Calmodulin binding is dispensable for Rem-mediated calcium channel inhibition. Mol. Cell. Biochem., 310: 103-110.

34. Lester WC, Schroder EA, Burgess DE, Yozwiak D, Andres DA, and J Satin. (2008) Coupling of Plasma Membrane Calcium Entry to Extrusion Revealed by Novel L-type Calcium Channel Block. Cell Calcium. 44:353-2 PMID: 19230140.

35. Satin J, Izhaki I,Schiller J, Izu L, Balke CW, Beyar R, and L Gepstein. (2008) Calcium Handling in Human Embryonic Stem Derived Cardiac Myocytes. Stem Cells. 26: 1961-1972.

36. Caspi O, Itzhaki I, Arbel G, Kehat I, Gepstien A, Huber I, Satin J, Gepstein L.(2008)In Vitro Electrophysiological Drug Testing using Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes. Stem Cells Dev. 18: 161-172. PMID: 18510453

37.Schroder EA, Byse MB, and J Satin (2009) The L-Type Calcium Channel C-terminus Auto-regulates Transcription. Circ. Res. 104(12): 1373-1381. PMID: 19461046

***Paper selected for Faculty of 1000***

38. Satin, J, and EA Schroder. 2009. Autoregulation of cardiac l-type calcium channels. Trends Cardiovasc Med Nov;19(8):268-71. PMID: 20447569

39. Pang C, Correll RN, Finlin BS, Satin J, and DA Andres (2010) Rem GTPase Interacts with the Proximal Cav1.2 C-terminus and Modulates Calcium-dependent Channel Inactivation. Channels 4:192-202. PMID: 20458179

40. Satin J, Schroder EA, Crump SM. (2011) L-type calcium channel auto-regulation of transcription. Cell Calcium. 2011 Feb 2. 49:306-313. PMID:21295347