BAHA Meeting Agenda
July 17, 2017
Erling, Tim, Melissa, Renae,Brent, Heather, Bob, Jason
- Agenda review and approval of June minutes
Notes: reviewed and approved.
- Old Business:
- Concession Legal Opinion
Notes: Erling and Josh to meet and follow up with Melissa. Set meeting in the near future to determine what costs would be to insure risk of ongoing concession operations . View costs of insurance vs. turning over to the city or other options.
- Book keeper Update
Notes: We are getting two quotes for bookkeeping services. Goal to have both quotes by next meeting.
- BIG Improvement Update
- July 24 5:30 City Council MeetingHaeg Conf Room – BAHA Attendance
Notes: Erling obtained plaque for Jody – also has been given a $100 gift card. Hoping to host a celebration for Kraft Hockeyville in fall. Maybe in conjunction with hockey day. Working with City to create an invite for the MN to join the celebration and perhaps host a Wild practice/scrimmage at BIG. Letter going to city council and Mayor about the proposal for improvements. Meeting one week from today at City Council to introduce the improvement proposal. Erling invited the board to attend the council meeting. (note meeting has been subsequently moved to 08/14/17)
- Advertising Representative Update
Notes: Finalist has been identified. The finalist is currently the Braemar advertising rep. Basically same contractual agreement – there will be some incentives built into contract to increase revenue.
- Rink Divider Carts in place
Notes: Carts have been delivered and work well.
- Sports Star Rebate - ~$1000
Notes: Sports start is our photographer – the ~$1,000 is a rebate. Plan is keep this vendor as they do a timeline panorama at Bantam level of historical pictures.
- Heritage Days Participation
Notes:Renae reached out to HD. Would love to have BAHA back with booth. New location within the festival. Need to check with the associations with make sure associations want to participate. Renae to email mite directors to get their okay to participate.
- Lenny Klevan Schmitz & City Council Candidacy
Notes: Informally spread the word to get some support. Would be a good advocate for hockey and for kids programs/facilities.
- New Business
- BAHA Ice Budget for upcoming season
Notes: Working with Brent to get a budget. Assess past usage to determine appropriate amount of hours.
- BAHA Domain Names
Notes: Issue arose with domain name and it was temporarily cancelled. Will get plan in place in place to have better consistency going forward. Plan would be to have emails go BAHA President and Treasurer.
- Dryland/ETrain Update
Notes: Erling working the ETrain and BIG to create an unsupervised dry land space. Updates to follow.
- Reports
- Concessions – Melissa
Notes: Most of July is off. August there is a tourney every weekend. Upcoming meeting to assess staffing needs. Assess managers need.
- Treasurer – Bob
Notes: Taxes in progress. Bookkeeping estimates in progress. Goal is to create a budget for this year and to be used as a bench mark for coming years. Also will discuss creaeting some checks/balances for the treasurer position.
- Tournaments – Heather/Renae
Notes: Registration in full swing. Already 84% full – ahead of last year which was at 52% this time last year. Accepted credit cards this year. Should be able to cut down on advertising cost due to early registration this year.
Associations have all registered – JHBC to check on PW and Squirt. Making sure that the websites are up to date. Getting ice set for ice draw. 5 of 6 vendors have been set.
Gobbler – morphed from PW to Bantam. Appears not to be impacting our registration and Gobbler is almost full. Heather and Renae to own process going forward. We will need to determine if BAHA will continue this arrangement next year – due date for notice if 01/01/17.
- Ice Coordinator – Brent
Notes: Looking for city to be a little more lenient on ice returns. Trying to build in more time for ice return. Possibly assign ice two weeks out this year – vs. one week next year. Discuss whether or not have the teams upload practice and game schedule. Brent to work with teams individually on what they prefer.
- Associations – Jefferson
Notes: Finalizing clinic and tryout ice. Finalizing coaching decisions. Kickoff day to be held at Willy’s.
- Associations – Kennedy
Notes: N/a
- Associations – Girls
Notes: Kurt attend MN Hockey association meeting. Received MN Girls Hockey Development award. First annual golf event held. Great event – partnered with HS. Great turnout. Will grow this going forward.
- AOB – Any Other Business - NONE
Motion to Adjourn, second -passed